Russia is an immense country that can impress not only with its vast territories, but also with its diverse nature. Traveling along it, you might think that you have already traveled half the world. Fascinating landscapes, transparent lakes, unusual animals and atmospheric ethnic group. All this leaves a deep imprint in the heart of every traveler who has been fortunate enough to visit its territory at least once, to see what are the unofficial symbols of Russia. Some elements of wildlife and nature are so widespread there that they have rightfully become considered unofficial symbols of the Russian Federation.
Birch - a tree revered by the Slavs
One of these symbols is a birch. This is really a favorite tree of the original Russian people. Why is birch an unofficial symbol of Russia? For a long time, poems, songs and various proverbs were composed about her. Birch very often appears in Russian fairy tales,therefore, such an unofficial symbolism of the Russian land is understandable even to small children of preschool age. That is why, from infancy, the unofficial symbols of Russia for children have become close and dear.
And what a significant place this tree occupies in artistic culture, namely the fine arts! Artists, one by one, vying with each other painted pictures depicting this thin and delicate tree. In general, as you might have guessed, there is no tree dearer to the Russian soul than birch. What is only the famous song “Why do birch trees in Russia make such a noise”! In folklore, writers often compared the tree to a slender, beautiful girl and her romantic nature.

Symbol of eternal spring and life
From time immemorial, such unofficial symbols of Russia as birches have been considered the patroness and ancestor of all living things. This has had a significant impact on the daily life of the people. The letter was often written on birch bark, the house was illuminated by nothing more than a birch torch. The juice of this tree was not only very tasty, but also medicinal. It was loved to drink by both children and adults. The amount of vitamins contained in it significantly strengthened the immune system and he alth. Well, what about without a Russian bath? Russia cannot be imagined without it. And they went there with birch brooms, which were considered the best for all he alth purposes.

Why has the birch become an unofficial symbol of Russia?
If we talk about the ancientstraditions, it can be noted that the celebration of various holidays in Mother Russia was not complete without the participation of this elegant tree. For example, now the Russians celebrate the New Year in winter, and for this purpose the evergreen spruce is the most suitable for them, but earlier the calendar year among the Slavs did not start at all from winter, but from spring, so the tree was appropriate - birch. It was during this period that the day became much longer, and after the winter people began to work with renewed vigor and thanked the unofficial symbols of Russia in the form of trees.

Old Church Slavonic name migrated to harmonious Ukrainian language
About this spring time, when everything came to life, the birch also blossomed. It is noteworthy that the ancient Russian name of one of the spring months - berezosol - is also inextricably linked with the flowering of this symbolic plant. After the 15th century, the month was renamed March, and the old name migrated to the neighboring Ukrainian language (which also has Slavic roots), and the month began to be called "birch". Unofficial symbols of Russia - birches - are especially beautiful at this time of the year. They absorbed all the greenery and freshness of the spring months. The hot summer has not yet come, and they have not had time to cover with dust, and they are standing near the road - green and romantic unofficial national symbols of Russia.

Tree as the patron of all girls
One of the ancient legends says that the Slavs for a long timebelieved in the existence of various mythical creatures such as mermen, mermaids and spirits. To protect themselves from their influence, they worshiped the goddess Beregina, who, they believed, was the progenitor of all life in Russia (or Earth). And they worshiped her precisely in the form of a birch, which even then was considered a sacred tree. During the next such celebration, the tree was dressed in a traditional women's outfit and together they led noisy round dances around it until the very night.

The girls were especially kind to the tree as a symbol of female beauty and good fortune. They talked to her, sang songs, washed themselves with birch sap, so that they would have eternal beauty and he alth. In general, the tree symbolized happiness and prosperity. Probably, for these numerous reasons, birch has always been associated among Russians with the Motherland. Couples in love in Russian villages often made their dates under a birch tree.
However, its healing properties are really impressive. And this is not about praying to a birch tree and washing with birch sap, everything is much more practical and down to earth.
Widely used in everyday life and medical purposes
Healers and doctors throughout history have long used birch bark, its leaves and buds for medicinal purposes. It was the preparation of various healing ointments and tinctures. Probably, it was for this reason that birch was so valued by the Slavs. A beautiful healing tree has become an unofficial symbol of a vast and free country called Russia.

It can rightfully be called a symbol of Russia
In the cold icy winters, when a blizzard howled outside the windows, the owner of the house was slowly heading to the canopy to pick up a whole armful of dry birch logs. It is noteworthy that even today they are recognized and considered the best when it comes to kindling the furnace. They burn for a long time, give off a lot of heat and leave a little ash behind. It is hard to imagine what kind of wood can compete with birch in these unique properties. Indeed, she helped a lot and helps people to this day, so we can say with confidence that the birch deserved to be and be called the symbol of Russia.
It's nice to realize that the popularity of the tree was not only among the Slavs. Today, the modern world still uses it in a variety of ways. Although birch is found in many countries, only Russia was able to truly appreciate it and put its soul into it, which is so clearly visible in folk culture and creativity. It is safe to say that even decades later, this graceful tree will not lose its value in the eyes of the Russian people. Birches will still be loved. They will be sung in songs and poems, and great artists will once again take up the brush to convey to connoisseurs all the beauty that the unofficial symbols of Russia are fraught with.