Viktor Shenderovich is a well-known journalist, TV and radio host and… a mattress. Why is Shenderovich called a "mattress"? An inanimate object has been haunting the oppositionist since 2010, when there was a high-profile scandal known as “Mumugeit”. From time to time this story still pops up in the media.
For those who do not follow political events, we will tell you a little more about Viktor Anatolyevich and answer the question "What is Shenderovich's mattress?" later in the article.

Viktor Shenderovich was born in Moscow on August 15, 1958. As a child, he was fond of theater and performed on the school stage. Later he studied as a director and worked at the Palace of Pioneers. An internship at the Shchukin school allowed him to easily get a job as a stage movement teacher at GITIS.
The collapse of the USSR forced many to rethink the world around them and their place in life. He also influenced Shenderovich: Viktor Anatolyevich unexpectedly discovered his talent as a writer. In the early 1990s, the first books of his authorship were presented to the attention of readers. He was published in the print media and even became one of the speechwriters for the speeches of the famous humorist Gennady Khazanov.
Parallel writing talentShenderovich was attracted by television people: the ORT channel was interested in his scripts for biopic films about the aforementioned Gennady Khazanov and Zinovia Gerdt.
Partnership with ORT gradually grew into cooperation with the NTV channel. Viktor Anatolyevich is one of the authors of the Russian version of the notorious TV series "Dolls". The idea of the show was borrowed from French television, where they also ordered the rubber dolls themselves, representing popular politicians of that time. It is interesting that Sergei Bezrukov voiced the characters.
In the late 1990s, Shenderovich began to appear regularly on the screen as a TV presenter of political satire programs. The most popular is his project "Total". The name echoes the popular Sunday political program Itogi.
In the early 2000s, Shenderovich left for the TVS channel. His cooperation with the screen media ended with the termination of the channel, after which Viktor Anatolyevich switched to radio.

Political activity
After the election of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2000, Shenderovich's political satire began to take on an increasingly radical oppositional character.
According to them, the reason for the change in the political outlook of Viktor Anatolyevich was the personal hostility of the host to Vladimir Vladimirovich, caused by the temporary closure of the program "Dolls": in one of the episodes, Putin was presented as an ugly dwarf, after which the program disappeared from the screens. Later, "Dolls" returned to the air,but the show took place exclusively at night.
One way or another, Viktor Anatolyevich entrenched himself at the well-known opposition radio station Ekho Moskvy. In the mid-2000s, he put forward his candidacy in the elections to the State Duma, but in the end he did not pass, and in 2010 he signed the opposition appeal "Putin must go."

Conspiracy theory or attack on the opposition
In the same year, the so-called "Mumugate" occurred: videos appeared on the Web, mostly of a sexual nature, compromising well-known opposition figures. Some oppositionists claim that all videos with compromising information are a provocation of the special services, and the scandal was created specifically to discredit the Russian opposition.
Most videos have politicians having sex with a girl whose face is hidden. All oppositionists wear the same hat. Some of the videos were found to be montages, but others have been proven to be authentic. Most of all, the video where Shenderovich and the mattress were present stood out: Viktor Anatolyevich has sex with the bed in the absence of the girl, obviously getting frank pleasure from this. This is evidenced by the loud screams emitted, reminiscent of Maria Sharapova on the tennis court.
The scandal was covered not only by the Russian media, but also by the Western press. The well-known newspaper The Times published an article focusing on the words of Shenderovich, who blamed the Federal Security Service for the incident.

Katya "Moo-mu"
OnIn a video filming with the participation of oppositionists, the woman's face is specially blurred in a computer editor, but there are photographs in which the girl is depicted in skimpy outfits and uninhibited poses. "Putin's Mata Hari" - Ekaterina Gerasimova, nicknamed "Mumu". Almost nothing is known about the girl, except that she worked as a model in the Progress agency and “bred” opposition representatives for sex under the guise of a journalist.
According to another "victim", Ilya Yashin, Ekaterina Gerasimova and her partner Anastasia Chukova work for the special services. He dated Katya for a while. One fine day, Catherine invited him home and offered a threesome with her friend. A little later, the girls wanted to use sex toys, and after refusing, they offered him cocaine. The oppositionist immediately suspected something was wrong, got dressed and left. Compromising video against him never surfaced.
Vladimir Mirzoev made the film "Her name was Mumu", dedicated to Katya and the events of 2010. In it, she is presented as a naive girl, trying to arrange her fate the way she knows how - with the help of her young body.
Shenderovich and mattresses: what's the catch?
Viktor Shenderovich is a famous moralist. That is why the video with Shenderovich and the mattress excited Internet users much more than compromising evidence on other oppositionists. In fact, just think, men have sex with a woman, eka unseen! But Shenderovich's bed has clearly seen a lot in its lifetime.
Definitively finished off the Internet audience the statement of Viktor Anatolyevich himself about how he “had Katya withoutspecial, however, pleasure,”as the girl turned out to be a banal log, and in general the act itself was not distinguished by variety. In addition, the oppositionist compared the temptress with the "dull Gestapo." The conclusions immediately followed that Shenderovich liked the mattress more. At least he didn't call him boring.
Viktor Anatolyevich was forced to delete his LiveJournal account due to the influx of trolls and anonymous people who called him "mattress lover" and Vitya the mattress. The attack spread not only to the account of the oppositionist, but also to the account of his daughter discovered in LiveJournal. The video "Shenderovich and the mattress" has become a meme. The mattress has become an inseparable part of the image of Viktor Anatolyevich.

Sochi Olympics
Memes tend to be short-lived. Perhaps, over time, the story of Shenderovich and the mattress would have been forgotten, as most Internet sensations are forgotten, if not for the defiant behavior of Viktor Anatolyevich. Three years ago, a wave of indignation was provoked by Shenderovich's post about the Sochi Olympics in his blog on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
The oppositionist compared the achievements of Russian athletes with the achievements of the athletes of Nazi Germany. For some reason, the young figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, who was only 15 years old at that time, caused him to associate with the champion athlete Hans Welke. The insulting absurdity of this comparison was emphasized by the fact that the performance of the athlete was accompanied by a musical theme from the film "Schindler's List", which tells about the crimes of the Nazis, and a bright red outfitfigure skater was an allusion to the red coat of the little Jewish woman, the heroine of the picture.
what he was doing with the mattress.

Mattress instead of a brain
No wonder the mattress story comes up every time Shenderovich says or does something provocative, absurd or offensive to the general public.
In 2017, Shenderovich created a post on Facebook, where he wrote that the morality of Russians is a natural consequence of the fact that the hands "grow out of the ass" and the head is stuffed with "tops". In response to this remark, unknown people installed a mattress with a portrait of Viktor Anatolyevich and the inscription “a mattress instead of a brain” at the entrance to the Ekho Moskvy radio station.