If you think that "science" and "fun" are two words that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, then you are deeply mistaken. Moreover, there is a museum in Moscow that can show you the depth of your delusion. And oddly enough, you can easily check this postulate on your own experience when you try to create a cloud yourself, tame lightning, and not even fall into a black hole, being in close proximity to it. And all this magic will be demonstrated to you by the museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium". As the name suggests, the museum is entirely dedicated to scientific experiments. So it's no surprise that rule number 1 here is: "Touch everything you see!"
What is the fun of science?

Experimentanium Museum is a world of scientific fun for people of all ages. While children are indescribably delighted with the local "miracles", adults also get the opportunitywake up your inner child, rediscovering the laws by which the world around you lives. For example, there is a table and a chair, the dimensions of which are twice the size of our usual furniture. They give visitors the opportunity to see the furniture as it seemed to them at the age of three.
Also, visitors can experiment and play with over a hundred displays and puzzles. Museum of entertaining science "Experimentanium" will show you a lot of optical illusions and visual tests, special gadgets that will show how the human body works. So, you can see how the human eye perceives light and color and forms an image on the retina.

Both children and adults can have fun building an arch bridge without a single nail, creating color variations in the projection of the human body depending on the temperature characteristics of the organs, using just a few coins, you can create a model of the universe and watch the movement planets, and even create your own black hole and see how it draws everything that approaches it into itself. The Experimentanium Museum of Experimental Sciences even has a weight-lifting unit that can lift you into the air.
History of "Experimentanium"
Among other things, here are explanations of all scientific facts and phenomena accessible even to kids. Therefore, if you want to get your child interested in science orto deepen his knowledge in a particular area, you are strictly shown a visit to the museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium". Moscow, by the way, is far from the only city in the world where there are such establishments. The first and unique science museum of its kind opened in 1982 in the United States. Now, this is no surprise to anyone. So, there is a museum "Experimentanium" in Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don, Minsk, Kyiv, Odessa and many other cities and countries.
Who and why go to the museum?
The Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium" is shown to little why-kids who are just starting to explore the world and bombard their parents with their endless questions, teenagers who are bored of sitting in school, young people looking for inspiration and creativity, and adults thirsting for new sensations and dreaming for a moment to return to childhood.

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium": prices
Despite the richest expositions and opportunities, the cost of visiting the museum is available to anyone. So, children under 3 years old are admitted free of charge, a children's ticket (under 16 years old) will cost you 350 (weekdays) or 450 (weekends) rubles, an adult - 450 (weekdays) or 550 (weekends) rubles. In addition, a special system of discounts and bonuses has been developed, for example, a family subscription for 1,500 rubles. For comparison, a ticket to the Kyiv "Experimentanium" costs 210 and 270 rubles (for children and adults, respectively), and in Europe the average price for admission to a science museum is 1,500 rubles (Copenhagen,Denmark).
How to become a scientist?

In addition to exciting excursions, the Museum of Science also operates a number of educational programs, including international ones, for example, "The World of Henkel Explorers" (together with Germany), "Scientists for Children", various courses and master classes All of them are aimed at popularizing science among children and young people and developing the scientific potential of Russia. So, in robotics courses, your child can design a real space satellite with his own hands and, perhaps, become famous all over the world as a brilliant scientist. A course in modeling on a 3D printer will allow At the Tesla S. O. U., you can create lightning with your own hands, and in other programs, biologists will tell you about DNA and even teach you how to isolate it from an ordinary banana. can take part in scientific competitions and quizzes organized by the museum administration, as well as buy useful “science toys” like crystal growing kits, microbiological experiments, robots, engine models, etc.
So if you are a passionate lover of applied and fundamental sciences, then this place is a must visit. Here, any person, despite the possible negative experience of boring schooling, suddenly finds that science leads him to an indescribable delight.