"Undiscovered Islands" - Children's Art Center

"Undiscovered Islands" - Children's Art Center
"Undiscovered Islands" - Children's Art Center

To reveal the creative potential of a child, to surround him with bright, interesting people, to help him believe in himself - all this is possible with the "Undiscovered Islands" Palace of Creativity. The many directions of this center of additional education make it possible to choose classes for every taste.

History of the Palace of Creativity

In 2000, a creative center for children and teenagers was opened in the North-West Administrative District of the capital. Eight years later, it began to be called the palace of creativity. The name "Undiscovered Islands" was officially given to the center in 2015.

If in 2000 the center of creativity was located in Angelovy Lane, now the palace of creativity has three more branches.

"Undiscovered Islands" studios
"Undiscovered Islands" studios

What services does the Palace of Creativity offer

Center for Creativity "Undiscovered Islands" - these are technical circles, sports sections, art studios.

Classes are held with children and teenagers of different ages. For the little ones there are lessons on early development. They accept babies from eight months, classes are heldwith a parent.

early development
early development

Children from 4 to 18 years old in the "Undiscovered Islands" can engage in the following areas:

  • vocals, playing musical instruments;
  • decorative arts and painting;
  • journalism courses;
  • theatrical studio;
  • information technology studio;
  • dancing;
  • foreign languages;
  • classes with a speech therapist;
  • sports and tourism club;
  • educational activities for children up to three years old.

This is a short list of the creative directions of the "Undiscovered Islands", in total the center has more than 300 associations.

Professionals in their field work with children, approaching the learning process with soul, trying to find an individual approach to the child.

Working hours

The children's creativity center is open from 9 am to 8 pm, seven days a week. Classes do not stop during school holidays and on weekends.

During the holidays, outdoor events are often held, and hiking trips are organized in the summer.

How to get there

The main address of the "Undiscovered Islands" Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth: Angelov lane, 2, building 2. It is located near the Pyatnitskoye Highway metro station. There are a large number of technical clubs and sports sections (swimming, handball, tennis and others), painting, dancing, music studios.

how to get "Undiscovered Islands"
how to get "Undiscovered Islands"

Branches are located at:

  • street Geroev Panfilovtsev, 9, building 2,near the metro station "Skhodnenskaya". Here are located sports sections (karate, acrobatics, chess), various music studios, circles of a technical orientation and for the study of English and French, a fashion theater;
  • Svoboda street, 65, building 1, next to Skhodnenskaya metro station. Here are modeling studios, music, English, sports (chess, karate, gymnastics);
  • Meshcheryakova street, 2, building 2, next to the Tushinskaya metro station. There are studios here: folklore, arts and crafts, choreography and art. English language clubs, sports sections (karate, chess).

The Undiscovered Islands Creativity Center is a unique place where you can easily unleash the creative, scientific, sports or technical potential of a child of any age. Sensitive educators help children find a passion that will stay with them for life.
