PMS: what is it and how to deal with it?

PMS: what is it and how to deal with it?
PMS: what is it and how to deal with it?

Video: PMS: what is it and how to deal with it?

Video: PMS: what is it and how to deal with it?
Video: How to deal with PMS? | Pre Menstrual Syndrome 2024, December

Hormones significantly affect almost all processes in a woman's body. You have probably heard the term PMS at least once. What is it and is it possible to somehow deal with the symptoms that appear every month? Is it true that some women do not suffer from this syndrome?

PMS - what is it and is everyone familiar?

Pms what is it
Pms what is it

The three-letter abbreviation stands for Premenstrual Syndrome. This term is usually called a set of changes and symptoms that appear shortly before the onset of critical days. To date, about 150 different signs of this condition have been recorded. Some of them are noticeable to the woman herself and to the people around her to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. It is for this reason that some ladies consider themselves independent of the hormonal background, but in reality they simply do not notice the changes taking place. PMS usually lasts from a few days to a week, sometimes a little more. It is impossible to cure this syndrome, since it is not a pathology. In order to improve the quality of life and get rid of symptoms that cause discomfort,it is enough to take simple measures.

Premenstrual symptom symptoms

How to deal with pms
How to deal with pms

If you don't know what PMS is, almost any woman of reproductive age can tell you. However, one lady may say that her stomach or head hurts before critical days, and the other will argue that PMS is sometimes crying, sometimes you want to laugh. And both will be right. Most often, the most noticeable changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. The mood can change frequently, depression and apathy are typical, unreasonable outbursts of aggression or fatigue are possible. There may also be sleep disturbances, an aggravation of the sense of smell, and a sharp rise or decrease in libido. PMS often causes headaches or disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. You may also feel heaviness in the muscles, sometimes swelling and redness of the skin appear. It happens that shortly before critical days, the temperature rises, chronic diseases become aggravated. One of the listed symptoms may appear, or several at once.

How to deal with PMS and can I improve my condition?

PMS lasts
PMS lasts

Never schedule important, high-impact tasks in the last week before your period. Try to avoid junk and junk food. Watch your fluid and s alt intake to prevent swelling. Meals these days should be varied and regular. Avoid heavy physical exertion, try to get enough sleep and evenly distribute classesdifferent types throughout the day. Learn to relax, set aside a couple of hours a day for yourself and spend them reading an interesting book or relaxing in a bubble bath. The result will be noticeable immediately. You can also use herbal teas or aromatic oils. Follow these simple rules and you will be surprised to hear about PMS. What it is really more pleasant not to know, but if you cannot overcome the symptoms on your own, seek the advice of a doctor to prescribe medication or physiotherapy.
