What is a contradiction? How to identify it and whether it is necessary to deal with it?

What is a contradiction? How to identify it and whether it is necessary to deal with it?
What is a contradiction? How to identify it and whether it is necessary to deal with it?

Have you ever got into an argument with a person who holds a diametrically opposite point of view? This means that they felt a special case of contradiction. Was it hard to prove you were right? Surely impossible. What is a contradiction in the general sense? Why is it needed and how to deal with it? Let's try to figure it out.

what is contradiction
what is contradiction

What is a contradiction

This concept is used in logic, jurisprudence, relationships, sciences and much more. About what a contradiction is, they write in textbooks, practitioners try to explain the meaning of this word to clients. In fact, everything is easiest to understand with an example. Let's take it from the usual school curriculum. You studied physics, remember mechanics? This discipline describes the interaction of stationary and moving objects. So, while studying, we encounter contradictions. There is static and movement. These are mutually exclusive concepts within the specified discipline. If the object is stationary, then it is not moving, andvice versa. We repeat: the indicated is true only within the framework of ordinary mechanics. Other sciences consider bodies from a different point of view, in an extended coordinate system, where this contradiction is insignificant or completely absent. Another example: two friends are going to play. The first suggested listening to music, the second - silence. It is impossible to do both at the same time. Now you understand what a contradiction is? These are mutually exclusive concepts, opinions or phenomena.

development of contradictions
development of contradictions

Philosophical meaning

Let's look a little deeper. Contradictions exist not only in the sciences, but also in society. Here they manifest themselves a little differently, or rather, acquire a different meaning. It's all about the amazing and amazing diversity of the world. Humanity gives birth to various ideas. Sometimes they clash, or rather, people who profess these views enter into a struggle. For example, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie could not reconcile, throughout the last century they proved to each other that they were right. The workers did not want to give their strength to the owners of industries, but they did not have the opportunity to give up work. The development of contradictions between the two classes led to revolutionary events and bloodshed. But they arose not by the will of people, but naturally.

The development of technology has led to the fact that some people have become the owners of the productive forces. There were few of them. And the majority needed work in order to receive money to support their families. Initially, this state of affairs seemed promising, as it allowed society to develop. But the inequality of people led to the emergence of a contradiction betweenlarge groups. If we look at the problem more broadly, we are dealing with two opposites that condition and negate each other at the same time.

Is there a conflict between the two
Is there a conflict between the two

Contradiction in logic

Science is always striving to find the truth. Some try to prove their case experimentally, others use logical methods. They express any idea, taking it for a postulate. Then a thought is formed that is opposite to the first, antagonistic to it. To come to the truth, logical constructions are built around this pair of ideas, the purpose of which is to prove one or another position. That is, scientists, using their own and other people's achievements, are discussing, trying to compare the logical bases that substantiate mutually exclusive statements. Ideally, if they do not make mistakes, then eventually they come to the truth. By the way, contradictions in society have a sacred meaning. If they were absent, then we would probably still hunt mammoths and collect fruits. The presence of contradictions leads to the evolutionary or revolutionary development of mankind. The same can be said about science. Often the most important discoveries occur when contradictions are revealed in theories.

contradictions in society
contradictions in society

In a relationship

Every person has their own outlook on life, their own priorities, habits and the like. The two just try to please each other at first. This period is called candy-bouquet. Over time, issues arise. One is cold at home, the other is hot. And they live in the sameapartment. But this, of course, is a trifle. It is much more important in a relationship to understand whether there is a contradiction between two people of a fundamental nature. They arise when people have different worldviews. For example, one was brought up in a family of believers and considers such things as compassion, the need to share and help others as natural. A person is not even able to imagine that it is possible to relate to others in any other way. His partner professes cynical views. He proceeds from the fact that every man is for himself. Consequently, the desire to help their neighbor is perceived by them as stupidity or strangeness. And, we repeat, everyone does not analyze the worldview foundations, since they do not know others. Naturally, they will often argue about how to proceed. Often people cannot understand each other and part, although they do not stop loving.

conflicts in the family
conflicts in the family

Should we fight?

Of course, it is extremely unpleasant to face contradictions. But it should be remembered that they demonstrate the diversity of the world. As a rule, contradictions are opposite sides of one phenomenon or process. They complement and emphasize each other, pushing those who encounter them to develop and improve. Isn't that why we come to our beautiful world?
