What to take to the hospital for childbirth: advice to expectant mothers

What to take to the hospital for childbirth: advice to expectant mothers
What to take to the hospital for childbirth: advice to expectant mothers

One of the most burning questions for expectant mothers is what to bring to the hospital for childbirth. It causes a lot of controversy, differences of opinion and outright quarrels - after all, every woman considers herself the most competent expert on the issue of collecting an alarming suitcase. But is there a golden mean in all conflicting points of view? This is what we will try to find out.

what to take to the hospital for childbirth
what to take to the hospital for childbirth

Before you collect everything that you need to take to the hospital for childbirth, you need to understand one thing. There should be two packages with the required attributes. The reason for this is that not all such institutions practice the joint stay of mother and child, and therefore it is better to put children's things in a separate package so that later you do not have to explain to the medical staff for a long time where and what to take for the baby. In the second package, the personal belongings of the woman in labor will be prepared.

So, what to take for childbirth in the city maternity hospital from the dowry for the baby. Many people mistakenly pack their entire first aid kit in a bag,a breast pump and a set of bottles, half of the baby's entire wardrobe and a couple of packs of diapers on top. Such an abundance, most likely, will not be needed. Firstly, almost everywhere at birth, a child is dressed in official things - a diaper or a vest and sliders. Secondly, modern children's departments are provided with diapers and medicines, and therefore it is not necessary to take an economy pack of diapers for 100 pieces - they will not be useful in such a volume. A breast pump will also not become a necessity in the first days - breastfeeding specialists will help any woman in labor in this matter. And what is really useful?

- A set of things for discharge (what you will pick up the baby in).

- A small pack of diapers.

- Wet wipes soaked in cream or oil to dry baby.

- Pack of disposable diapers.

- Talc or oil for diaper rash.

- A pair of diapers or overalls to be able to change the baby if needed.

childbirth urban maternity hospital
childbirth urban maternity hospital

This is the minimum list of what you need. You should be guided by it, because, in extreme cases, you can always ask your relatives to bring the missing after the birth.

And what to take to the hospital for childbirth for the woman in labor? Here, too, many go too far, but there is a mandatory list of things without which it will be difficult:

- two comfortable nightgowns;

- bathrobe to walk around the department;

- in the cool season it is better to take care of warm socks - many after childbirthcold;

- a pack of special highly absorbent sanitary napkins or disposable diapers for postnatal stay;

- disposable underpants so you don't have problems washing your underwear;

- hygiene items - toothbrush and paste, shampoo, soap, towel;

- nipple lubrication cream - sometimes you need it from the very beginning.

list of things in the maternity hospital 2013
list of things in the maternity hospital 2013

This is the minimum list of what to take to the hospital for childbirth. It may vary depending on the institution. In principle, in order not to reinvent the wheel, the easiest way to find out what you still need is to contact the admissions department of your institution. In any case, the city maternity hospital will provide a list of what to take for childbirth, and also give a list of medicines that need to be put in the birth package. Depending on the institution chosen, these lists will differ somewhat - each of them has its own requirements.

And our list of things in the maternity hospital 2013 will simply make it easier for you to organize the necessary household items and set you up for buying obviously useful things.
