Spring primroses, what could be more tender and beautiful after a long winter? These cute flowers are the heralds of spring, the very first they tend to reach out to the sun's rays. They are not afraid of frosts, and they are not afraid of sudden spring snow. They do not please with their beauty for long, in June you will no longer find a trace of this beauty.
If you don't have primroses in your garden yet, be sure to plant them. It is impossible to convey the feeling when tender flowers suddenly appear on the frozen ground, and sometimes in the snow. At this point, the long winter recedes. Many spring primroses are protected by the state, so you should not dig them out of the natural environment. In stores today you can buy all kinds of planting material, this way you save nature and increase endangered species.
The most common representatives of primroses are goose onion, galanthus, sleep-grass, blueberry, brandushka, spring primrose, erantis. Now let's take a closer look.
Snowdrop (galanthus)

This flower is familiar to each of us - a snowdrop-primrose. The photo is shown on the left. Although in fact his real name is Galanthus. Garden snowdrops are usually planted in shaded,but sun-warmed places. A suitable time for planting bulbs is July - September, at which time the plants are in a dormant period. The bulbs themselves do not tolerate long drying, so they are not recommended to be stored in the air for more than a month. If it is not possible to plant, then you need to sprinkle them with sawdust.
Goose onion

People - yellow snowdrop or yellow goose. Goose onion, like the snowdrop, is a small-bulbous plant. Flowers - yellow graceful stars. Flowering is short, but plentiful, covering the space of the lawn or the edge of the forest. The plant can be propagated by seeds, bulbs and "kids" that grow on mother tubers. Seeds are sown, usually before winter. When grown from tubers, they are scattered on a plot already sown with lawn grass and slightly buried in the ground. By planting in this way, you will get a natural scattering of yellow flowers on a green lawn.

Sleep-grass (Pulsatilla) is also a spring primrose. Photo of a miracle flower on the left. It blooms until a rosette of basal leaves appears with large single flowers in the form of purple, white or red bells. The special charm of this flower is given by the thick silvery "plumage" of the petals. The flower is listed in the Red Book and protected by the state.
Brandushka (Bulbocodium)

Spring primroses can be grown in pots, for examplelamb. Many confuse this plant with crocuses, their flowers are very similar. In mild climates, they bloom in February and bloom for almost a month. Every 2 years in autumn, the flower bulbs should be dug up and divided.

Popularly - spring or winter buttercup. A very beautiful flower that blooms before snowdrops. The flowering period is about 3 weeks, often right out of the snow. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in the fall in partial shade, it will bloom only for 3 years, but how!
Spring primrose

You can't imagine a spring garden without primrose. It comes in a wide variety of colors and shades, very unpretentious. Propagated by division of the rhizome. Blooms for a long time and pleases the eye.
Spring primroses, settling in your garden, will forever become the most desired heralds of spring. The presented list can be supplemented with many more types. And each flower can be dedicated to a separate novel, so the choice is yours.