This is an evergreen coniferous tree, which is a variety of the genus Pine. Its botanical name is Siberian cedar pine. To grow this evergreen conifer, you will need seeds (pine nuts). It is common in Western and Eastern Siberia, and can also be found in the Urals.
Siberian cedar: description, photo

It has a rather dense and most often multi-topped crown with massive branches. Siberian cedar is distinguished by a brown-gray trunk, which is covered with fissured scaly bark (mainly in old trees). A feature of this evergreen coniferous tree is whorled branching. It has a very short growing season (40-45 days a year), so the Siberian cedar is one of the slow growing and shade-tolerant species.
Escapesand Siberian cedar needles
They are brown and covered with long reddish hairs. And the needles are brown and covered with long reddish hairs. And the needles have a dark green color with a bluish bloom. Its length is 6 - 14 cm. In the section, you can see that it is triangular and slightly serrated. The needles are quite soft to the touch. It grows in bunches of five needles.

Features of the root system of the Siberian cedar
It is represented by one short tap root (up to 40 - 50 cm), from which smaller lateral ones grow, and root hairs with developing mycorrhiza at the tips already depart from them. If the bud is light in texture and well drained, then with a taproot, massive anchor roots will develop that penetrate to a depth of up to three meters. They, together with basal paws, are designed to ensure the stability of the crown and trunk of the tree.
Micro- and megastrobili of Siberian cedar
The considered evergreen coniferous tree is a monoecious heterosexual plant (both female and male cones grow on the same tree). Siberian cedar, the photo of which was shown earlier, is considered an anemophilous plant (pollination proceeds through the wind).
Female cones (megastrobils) appear near the apical bud at the tips of growth shoots at a time when their growth has already stopped, and male cones (microstrobils) appear near the base of the shoot.
The kidneys are conical. They are 6-10 mm long, not resinous. Themscales rather long and lanceolate (tapering upwards). Anther strobili on the axis have microsporophylls, which are larger at the base than at the apex, and female cones are covering scales, which are located in the axils and consist of two ovules.

Pharmacological properties of Siberian cedar oil
Firstly, it normalizes the lipid spectrum of the blood. Secondly, Siberian cedar oil lowers cholesterol levels. Thirdly, it helps to get rid of extra pounds. This positive physiological effect is justified by the presence of terpenes (unsaturated hydrocarbons) in the oil.

Siberian cedar: planting and growing
It is recommended to plant it in a permanent place at about the age of six years, when it is already a two-meter seedling. If you take a younger specimen, then here the tree will most likely take root very painfully, and the more mature one may die.
The optimal solution is to take Siberian cedar seedlings from a special nursery where they were grown in compliance with all the necessary requirements. Preference is best given to young trees in containers where the root system is closed.
Buying Siberian cedar seedlings is with an earthen clod, which must be moistened and must not have bare roots. To prevent them from drying out, it is necessary to transport the trees as soon as possible to the immediate place of permanent planting.

Siberian cedar is planted taking into account the appropriate distance between trees (8 m). The size of the holes should always exceed (by 1/3) the volume of the existing root system, and it is recommended to cover their bottom with a substrate (a mixture of ash, peat, base soil and humus). The substrate should not be made much more fertile than the soil, since the root system of a young tree will not leave the boundaries of its hole for a very long time. This will lead to the fact that earthworms will attract moles, which can cause significant damage to the root system of the cedar.
If seedlings are purchased in a container, then it is worth remembering that their root system is highly twisted. In this regard, it is impossible to plant Siberian cedar with an earthen clod. In this case, it is required to properly straighten and place the roots in the hole as freely as possible.
Seedlings must be fixed at the bottom of the planting pits so that the root collars are flush with the ground. Next, you need to fill the holes with a prepared substrate. Then the planting of the Siberian cedar ends with the procedure of compacting the soil and thoroughly watering it (about 4 liters of water for each seedling).

Features of agricultural technology of Siberian cedar
The specificity of its cultivation is expressed by the need to meet the need for such a substance as potassium, and control over the nitrogen content in the soil, the excess of which can significantly slow down the development of the tree's root system.
Siberian cedar, descriptionwhich was indicated in detail earlier, is able to fully realize its biological potential, but only under the condition of normal illumination of the crown. Only young trees can tolerate shade without harm, since under natural growth conditions in the taiga, mature cedars are constantly in the sun, and young ones are in their shade. In this regard, all other trees located with them on the same site should always be lower than mature cedars.
In the first few years after planting, it is recommended that self-seeding of competing conifers be carefully eradicated.
Siberian cedar is characterized by an aerobic root system (its development requires constant access to oxygen), so it is necessary to ensure significant aeration of its soil through mulching (covering the soil with a protective layer). For this, leaf litter (leaf humus) is used, which helps to improve the mineral nutrition of the roots and protect them from such a type of basidiomycete fungi as the root sponge.
Abundant watering of Siberian cedars in dry times is a must. You should also ensure that the crowns of young trees are constantly sprayed in the evenings to improve the process of gas exchange.
What is the use of Siberian cedar seeds
You can often hear their unscientific name, especially in cooking - pine nuts. It is considered a very valuable food product. Pine nuts are usually consumed both raw and after heat treatment.
Their use is in a valuable composition. Pine nuts contain a significant amount of phosphatidephosphorus not found in any other oil seed or nut.
They are also a very rich source of lecithin (they are similar in content to soy).
What are the beneficial substances in pine nuts
Siberian cedar seeds in small quantities (100 g) contain the daily requirement of the human body for such deficient trace elements as zinc, cob alt, manganese and copper, as well as a significant amount of iodine.

The following useful substances are present in pine nuts:
- starch (5.8%);
- dextrins (2, 26%);
- glucose (2.83%);
- fiber (2, 21%);
- sucrose (0.44%);
- fructose (0.25%);
- tocopherol (33%).
Protein is saturated with such deficient and essential amino acids that limit its biological value, such as tryptophan, methionine and lysine.
And its core includes:
- fats (55 - 66%);
- proteins, starch, sugar and vitamins (13.5 – 20%).
What is cedar resin
Its official name is Siberian cedar resin. Phytoncides included in it in a significant amount are widely used in folk medicine. But official science did not stand aside in the process of studying its action. So, during the Great Patriotic War, all doctors used cedar gum as a quick healing agent. Even gangrene could be stopped with her help. Subsequently, Siberian cedar oleoresin acquired the status of an effective medicinalfunds.
It contains turpentine (30%) and rosin (70%). Siberian pine resin, the use of which is still relevant today, is a highly effective remedy, since turpentine, cedar oil, camphor, and turpentine balsam are obtained from it.
Diseases that are treated with the resin of the conifer in question
Healers use resin for healing:
- skin damage;
- teeth and entire oral cavity;
- bronchi and lungs;
- certain types of cancer;
- musculoskeletal system;
- cardiovascular system;
- endocrine system;
- nervous system;
- gastrointestinal tract.
Use of Siberian cedar resin in folk medicine
Sap is indispensable in healing:
- Various wounds. To do this, they are poured with Siberian cedar resin or sap is applied to the damaged area.
- Fractures. In this case, resin is rubbed on the damaged area, it contributes to the rapid fusion of bones.
- Furuncles, ulcers and burns. First, the resin is softened, and then it is mixed with neutral oil or petroleum jelly. The resulting mixture is applied to a swab and applied to a sore spot.
- Herpes (at its early stage). A cotton swab is moistened with a mixture of Siberian cedar resin and any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied to a sore spot for 20-25 minutes. The procedure should be repeated after four hours.
- Toothache. In this case, it is cedar resin that helps very quickly. Siberian. Its use as an anesthetic is very popular at the present time. To do this, you only need to apply the resin to the aching tooth or gum.
- Impotence. Cedar resin (1 teaspoon) is mixed with 0.5 liters of vodka. Then the resulting mixture should be infused for five days, always in a dark, cool place. The tincture must be shaken periodically. After the required period, it is used in three tablespoons exclusively with meals and preferably twice a day.
So, we can say that Siberian cedar resin, the use of which is very versatile, is effective as an anesthetic, antibacterial, and healing agent. Its medicinal properties are unique and diverse. It has found its application both in folk and scientific medicine. The above list is far from complete.
What other parts of the Siberian cedar have healing properties
Not only the resin of this coniferous tree is widely used for medicinal purposes, but also its needles, oil and fresh pine nut shells.
So, scurvy is treated with needles, and deafness, nervous disorders, kidney and liver diseases, hemorrhoids, and this decoction relieves excess hairiness.
And pine nut oil is a complete source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. For this purpose, its daily dose should be 20 ml. The oil helps to reduce cholesterol and systolic blood pressure, normalize the blood lipid spectrum andreduce excess body weight.
If pine nuts are crushed, then they can be used to inhibit gastric secretion (reduction of gastric juice, decrease in its acidity). A small amount of them (100 g) can satisfy the daily need of the human body for essential vitamin E.
Also, confirmation of the preventive effect of pine nut oil in relation to cardiovascular pathology was obtained, provided it was added to the diet of the corresponding patients.
Siberian cedar as a unique building material
This tree is unpretentious in processing and has excellent thermal and waterproofing. In the construction aspect, the Siberian cedar, the photo of which was shown earlier, is similar to the pine. It is a natural antiseptic, so it does not tend to rot. Houses built from cedar are durable (hundreds of years), and the interiors are enriched with phytoncides. Its resin and essential oil have a beneficial effect on the he alth of the home owner.
Mechanical and physical properties of Siberian cedar
The considered coniferous tree is a sound breed and has resin passages. As mentioned earlier, in terms of strength and physical properties, it is close to pine. Siberian cedar has an easily processed and soft wood. It has a pleasant smell and resonant properties, which leads to its use as a material for the manufacture of guitar, harp and piano.