"Charm" is a verb that means admiration or delight in front of something. Usually the named word is used in fiction to express strong feelings in front of something beautiful. Moreover, we can talk not only about human relationships, but also about works of art, about admiration for the beauty of the world around us.
"Charm" is a word that conveys the inner state of a person, amazed, admired by something beautiful. At the same time, the author using this verb implies that a person who is in a state of delight is subdued by what he sees, bewitched (the noun "charm" - "witchcraft" is the same root for the described word). In the text of fiction, this word means that the impression was really strong.
Based on what has been said, it can be argued that "charm" is a word that expresses special delight and admiration.

Most often this verb is used to describe a love or romantic relationship. It is often used in poetry (in love or landscape lyrics).
This word is used in determining the internal state of a person,who admires or bows before something beautiful. Most often, writers use this word when describing female beauty or some work of art. For example, you can often hear the expression that this or that melody fascinated the listener. The use of this word means that a person is so carried away by something that he is ready to admire the object of his delight again and again.
Combination with other parts of speech
"Charm" is a verb that connects easily with other parts of speech. Usually it is used in constructions that mention the character and the object with which it interacts. For example, often in a variety of texts you can find phrases that a woman, a young girl, a melody, a song, nature, etc., charmed a particular person. So, this verb is combined with nouns or pronouns.

When it comes to what it means to "charm", the thought immediately comes to mind about the strong aesthetic or moral influence of this or that phenomenon on the human imagination. Therefore, this verb is also used with adjectives, which emphasize the power of impression to a greater extent.
And finally, we repeat that this word is found quite often in fiction and classical poetry to denote the spiritual delight of a person who is carried away by something and receives aesthetic pleasure from it.