Political environment: definition, impact

Political environment: definition, impact
Political environment: definition, impact

People have always liked to be interested in politics. News about the situation in the world and the country is the most discussed. The way out of the crisis, the increase in GDP, martial law - questions to which everyone “knows” the correct answers, right down to the grandmothers on the bench. However, policy professionals, before making any decision, must take into account many circumstances and predict the consequences for the future.

The political situation - what is it?

The political situation is the state of affairs in the country and the world for a specific period of time. The internal and external situation is influenced by the country's territorial position, its relations with neighbors and other states, the authority of the country's leader among the political beau monde, military force and weapons, etc.

The socio-political situation depends on the political system adopted in the country, its constitution, the ruling party and the opposition. The ideology cultivated in society, social interests and living standards also influence the balance of power.

Types of political situations

Political conditions are constantly changing. Changes occur because of the relationship of countries and the ambitions of their leaders. Situations develop on the basis of reasonable or adventurous decisions made by official authorities and individuals, etc.

student from Siberia
student from Siberia

For example, a student from Siberia made a speech in the Bundestag, where he apologized for the Germans killed during World War II in the USSR. The boy didn't want anything bad. However, a wave of popular indignation swept across the country with such force that the administration of President Vladimir Putin had to reassure the citizens.

Here are some types of political environments: conflict, extreme, stable, uncertain, etc.

Parameters affecting the political situation

Characteristic features of the current situation affect the adoption of political decisions, the development of tactics and strategies. For this, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • demographic situation in the country - birth and death rates;
  • social status - the standard of living and freedom of citizens;
  • groups of people that influence the creation of a socio-psychological atmosphere in society (in the USSR - workers and peasants, in Russia in the 90s - bandits, in Russia in the 2000s - businessmen, etc.);
  • the position of these groups in the social vertical;
  • prevailing socio-political ideas;
  • who and how conveys information to the population;
  • ideology;
  • voters' attitude to the chosen government and its course;
  • the degree of satisfaction of citizens in certain areas of life and the situation in the country as a whole;
  • strength of the opposition.

Political climate on the planet

The political alignment of forces determines the position of each country in international relations. The hegemonic countries determine the current state of the socio-political situation in the world at the moment.

hegemonic countries
hegemonic countries

These include the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, France and Japan. Economically strong countries such as the Commonwe alth of Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, although they have a highly developed market economy, do not affect the political situation in the world.

Medium developed economically countries include states with a per capita GDP of less than $25,000, these are Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc.

Developing countries are characterized by strong economic dependence, large external debt, low living standards, underdeveloped economies. On the territory of such countries, wars and internecine conflicts are not uncommon. Most of these countries. The top three with high potential are India, Mexico and Brazil.

Military balance

The international political environment is highly dependent on the military-industrial complex. In other words, how much the state spends on maintaining the army, its equipment, the amount of equipment and people called up for military service. The degree of application of new technologies, the presence of military developments, the possession of nuclear weapons also strengthens the position of the country.

Arrangementforces in the presence of nuclear weapons put forward America and the Soviet Union to a leading position after the end of World War II. In recent decades, there have been changes in the military-political situation. The development of the economy of many countries has led to the fact that China, India, North Korea, Pakistan, Israel have acquired nuclear weapons, which deprives the recognized leaders of military superiority.

nuclear weapons
nuclear weapons

The state of affairs is such that a militant group could also get hold of a nuclear warhead, jeopardizing a fragile settlement.

Russia's position in the international arena

The position of Russia has changed with the change of power and system. As the Soviet Union, the country was considered a superpower with nuclear weapons and achievements in many areas, including space.

The political situation changed after the collapse of the USSR. The state weakened from the loss of territories, and, accordingly, the loss of some industries and raw material bases. Political instability within the state, the absence of a market economy have led Russia to the position of a third world country, which is not necessarily to be reckoned with.

At the turn of the millennium, when other political forces came to power, the political situation in Russia slowly but surely began to change. The country's exit from the socio-economic crisis has led to an increase in the standard of living of citizens and their social security. Russia's positions in foreign policy also began to strengthen.

According to the UN classification, the Russian Federation is among the developed countries in terms of GDP perper capita. But the real state of economic and political stability, the situation of society as a whole does not allow, according to international experts, to call Russia a developed country.

Growing political situation

The development of the political situation in the world is characterized by the following trends:

  • Globalization of economic processes, which will lead the economies of countries to a single market for goods, information, services, etc.
  • The next economic crisis may be provoked by the great dependence of developed countries on natural resources. The GDP growth of many states is based on the petrodollar. The depletion of natural resources will cause a decrease in production and the purchasing power of the population.
  • China's desire to take a leading position provokes the country's leaders to take active steps in the development of the economy and the military industry, filling the world market with cheap goods. The country's national currency is brought to the international market in its economic zone, pushing the dollar and the euro.
China rules
China rules
  • The rise of Muslim radical movements extends both to the Muslim countries themselves and to the rest of the world. Aggressive moods lead to terrorist acts and military conflicts.
  • Russia emerges from the shadows, demonstrating military and political strength.

Political situation today

The current situation in the world speaks of the coming redistribution of spheres of influence. For many decades, the United States of America has been the maincountries of the planet, which determined the military-economic condition of all countries. She managed to tie the world economy to her currency, thereby taking control of the world's money flows.

The military-political situation is changing due to the growth of anti-American sentiment. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the US to convince the world community of its exceptionalism. Contradictions within the country, constant economic crises, aggressive pressure in foreign policy give rise to more and more discontent around the world.

In an effort to maintain its leading position, the US administration is following its favorite scenario: pressure, sanctions, military invasion.

"Friendship" with America

To protect political ambitions and shift the attention of its citizens from internal problems, an external threat is needed. The tactic is not new, but effective for a short period of time. The role of the "enemy" this time went to Russia. To neutralize the competitor, economic sanctions were applied, which were supposed to hit the weak economy and make the Putin government more obedient.

To escalate the political situation in the Russian Federation and around it, the Ukrainian conflict was inflated, an information and diplomatic war was launched. All actions were aimed at the global isolation of the country in vital areas.

Merkel and Trump
Merkel and Trump

NATO countries supported their ally and "big brother". However, the alleged complicity of the Russian authorities did not come. Sanctions designed to "scare" dragged on over time.

In addition, a wave of refugees swept Europefrom Arab countries that disturbed the peace, causing discontent among the indigenous population. These are "gifts" of liberal policies imposed by the US administration. As a result, allied countries suffer heavy economic and political losses. "Friendship" with America is expensive.

Russia's response

Instead of adequately responding to all attacks, the administration and the Russian president himself have chosen the tactic of silence. Russia was silent when the Slavic brothers were killed in the Donbass. She remained silent even when the false patriots angrily called for the introduction of troops into the territory of Ukraine in order to protect innocent fellow citizens. Russia did not do what everyone expected of it - it did not enter into an open military conflict, did not open borders for conducting hostilities on its territory, for which all provocations were calculated.

Putin is silent
Putin is silent

When Moscow demonstrated its unwillingness to participate in hostilities near its borders, the war in Donbas was temporarily frozen. The attack on Syria has begun. But here Russia has shown what it is capable of, defending the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

Economic and political sanctions designed to pacify Moscow have led to a regrouping of forces. Russia has strengthened its ties with China, North Korea, India.

Time will tell how everything will turn out.

What do we have

Somewhere a political hurricane is raging, and outside our window - the sun and birch trees gently rustle their leaves. How does the political situation affect us ordinary citizens? Yes, we have noticed that the economy is shaking, because of which prices are always jumping up. Yes, I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, because they were sincerefriends sometime. Yes, we are a little dissatisfied with one or the other, but, in general, everything remains the same as many years before.

Russians don't give up
Russians don't give up

The Russian people have always been used to living between two fires: the need to survive in an atmosphere of external threats and social oppression by the authorities. Patriotism and the struggle for justice are the basis of the mysterious Russian soul. That's where we stand.
