All herbs are an integral part of the ecosystem of our planet. This type of plant is common on all continents, with the exception, perhaps, of the North and South Poles. Without them, life would not be the way we are used to seeing it now. And all because herbs are a great source of useful elements for both animals and people.

What is grass?
So, as always, let's start with a basic definition. So, all herbs are plants, whose main difference is that they do not have a stiff trunk. That is, they grow directly from the ground, and shoots come from the main stem. Although there are exceptions, for example, a banana: after all, despite the fact that it is able to reach a height of several meters, it still belongs to this type of plant.
Classification of herbs
There are many different divisions invented by man in order to streamline all types of herbs. First of all, they are divided into cultivated and wild. The former are grown by people to satisfy their own needs, while the latter sprout themselves, as they are part of the wild.

AlsoHerbs are divided into annuals, biennials and perennials. As the name implies, this classification arose due to the lifespan of the main stem of the plant.
All herbs are an integral part of the ecosystem
For many organisms, grass is the main source of food. So, most insects feed on this particular plant, occasionally changing it to the leaves of bushes and trees. The same goes for wild animals.
But human use of herbs is much wider. Having studied all the properties of these plants, he managed to use them in pharmacology, for the manufacture of medicines. In the same industry, to process them into fabric, dyes, cosmetics and so on.
Given all this, it is safe to say: if there were no grasses on our planet, then today we would not recognize our own world.