The national economy is a complex and multifunctional mechanism, consisting of two main areas - production and non-production. In order for its first part to function harmoniously and to be able to calmly and easily gain growth rates, there is a second part. At the same time, infrastructure is also included in the non-productive sphere. This is the so-called base, the foundation on which the smooth operation of the entire economy is based. All those benefits and necessary elements that seem to be not involved in the production process, meanwhile, are extremely necessary.

Infrastructure is those sectors of the economy that help in the conduct of the production process and ensure the he althy functioning of the entire society as a whole. The life of each individual is directly connected with this system.
Each area of production has its own infrastructure. So, at present, the construction of residential facilities and various business centers is going on at a galloping pace. The presence of kindergartens, schools, clinics and shops makes the purchase of housing in a particular area moreattractive. It is residential infrastructure that is a set of benefits that make life more comfortable. It is worth noting that sometimes, due to a well-developed service sector, housing even in a not very prestigious area can be quite interesting for buyers.

Political, financial and information infrastructure, as well as a huge number of emerging similar systems are a kind of trend in the development of modern society, which is based on market relations. It is these areas that are the most priority at the present time, therefore, organizations that service these industries are of great importance.
There are two types of infrastructure in a market economy:
1. "broad" - brought together the institutions of all local markets;
2. "narrow" infrastructure is the totality of all goods used by society, which include water supply, transport, roads, communications, education, he alth care, science, airfields, warehouses and much more.

Serving the market requires a variety of services, institutions and systems. These include financial organizations (banks and exchanges), trading companies, commercial intermediary organizations, insurance companies, information services, and much more. This is the so-called market infrastructure. It also carries a special functional load:
1. makes it easier for market entities to carry out commodity-moneyrelationships and their design;
2. helps to better and deeper study the market niches and its conjuncture;
3. allows you to get verified data about consumer preferences;
4. provides intermediary and other types of services, etc.
Any infrastructure, be it tourism or agriculture infrastructure, is an integral part of the he althy development of society, because without even thinking about it, every day a person comes into contact with it.