Deep into Russian lands, two bays of the Sea of Japan protrude. One of them is the Amur, and the second is the Ussuri Bay. Vladivostok is located just between them, on the outskirts of the long and wooded Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula. In this article, we will introduce you to the Ussuri Bay and its many bays.
Ussuri Bay: photo and brief geographical description
Cold, harsh, uninhabited, but incredibly beautiful - this is what Ussuri Bay, located in the Russian Far East, looks like. Nevertheless, on its shores there are several dozen hotels, recreation centers and beaches where you can relax and sunbathe in the summer. Where is Ussuri Bay located? And what are its dimensions?

Ussuriysky Bay is located within the Primorsky Territory of Russia. It washes the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula from the east, on which the city of Vladivostok is located. In comparison with its "brother" - the Amur Bay, it is much wider, deeper and … colder. In winter, the northern waters of the bay, as a rule, freeze. Although the thickness of the ice sheetsmall.
Ussuriysky Bay has the following parameters:
- length - 67 km;
- width (maximum) - 55 km;
- depth (maximum) - 69 meters;
- total area - 1155 sq. km;
- the length of the coastline is 243 km.
Recreational and tourist potential of the Ussuri Bay
Ussuriysky Bay has a certain recreational and tourist potential. On its banks there are dozens of campsites, hotels and recreation centers where you can stay either in comfortable rooms or in wooden summer houses. The cost of a standard room for two here starts from 600 rubles per day.
Beaches and recreational areas on the shores of the Ussuri Bay are quite popular among the residents of Vladivostok, primarily due to the clear sea and beautiful wild landscapes. In addition, local forests attract tourists with an abundance of edible mushrooms and berries. Passive beach holidays here can be successfully combined with active hikes and forest walks.

The largest number of beaches and recreation areas are concentrated on the western coast of the bay, near Capes Vilkovo and Muraviyoi. A motorway runs along the entire coast, so any of the tourist bases can be easily reached by car at any time of the year.
Settlements on the shores of the Gulf
There are a number of settlements on the coast of the Ussuri Bay. The largest of them, of course, is the city of Vladivostok, the main financial and cultural center of the entire Far East. Excepthim, on the shores of the bay is the city of Bolshoy Kamen, town. Shkotovo, two villages (Emar and Mysovoy) and three villages (Oleniy, Rechitsa and Sukhodol).
What is interesting about the settlements listed above? Thus, the city of Bolshoi Kamen, located on the eastern shore of the bay, is known for the fact that the largest shipyard in Russia, Zvezda-DSME, is being built here. The city has a bay that is ideal for parking large ships.
But the village of Shkotovo can be attractive for tourists. In its vicinity there is a unique safari park where bears, eagle owls, owls, deer, Amur tigers and other animals live. The pride and highlight of the park is the Far Eastern leopard, brought here from the Czech Republic in 2016.
Bays of the Ussuri Bay
The coastline of the Ussuri Bay is quite densely indented with bays and capes. Moreover, the east coast is much more dissected.
In total, there are several dozen bays of different sizes in the bay. Some of them have rather colorful and unusual names. All the bays of the Ussuri Bay are listed below:
- Podyapolsky.
- Five Hunters.
- Ilm.
- Andreeva.
- Dry land.
- Telyakovsky.
- Ant.
- Artist's Bay.
- Emar.
- The Three Little Pigs.
- Azure.
- Airborne.
- Glass.
- Ermine.
- Intermediate.
- Patroclus.
- Ajax.
- Paris.

The biggest ofone of them is Muravyinaya Bay. It is located in the northern part of the bay. The bay is known for being one of the four gambling zones officially allowed in Russia. It is worth telling about two other bays of the Ussuri Bay in more detail.
Azure Bay - beaches and music
On the western coast of the bay there is an elongated 3-kilometer bay with the poetic name Lazurnaya (the former name was Shamora). It is known for its beaches, disco bars, cafes and attractions.

This is one of the most favorite places of recreation for residents of the city of Vladivostok. On the shore of the Azure Bay there are several boarding houses and tourist centers. In summer, you can not only swim and sunbathe here, but also swim in boats, mini-boats and jet skis. By the way, in 2016, the beach of the Azure Bay entered the TOP-10 of the best beaches in Russia (according to the TurStat analytical publication).
And the Shamora Bay is closely connected… with musical creativity. She is mentioned in the song of the popular rock band Alisa, and one of the studio albums of the Mumiy Troll group is called Shamora. In addition, the festival of the author's song "Primorskie strings" has been held on the shores of the bay since 1976.
Unique beach in Glass Bay
On the western shore of the Ussuri Bay there is another very interesting bay - Steklyannaya. And this name is by no means accidental. A few decades ago, it was turned into a huge glass container dump. Thousands of broken bottles of beer, wine, vodka and other alcoholicdrinks thickly covered almost the entire area of this tiny cove.
But nature, using this particular example of irresponsible human behavior, once again reminded the inhabitants of the Earth who is the rightful owner here. In just a couple of decades, sea waves have ground and polished the glass to a state of perfectly smooth pebbles.

Today the beach of Glass Bay glistens in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. And now you can walk on it barefoot, not at all afraid to cut yourself on the sharp edges of the glass. After all, they are no longer here. No one! The sea element has eliminated absolutely all traces of human recklessness.
It is curious that today the so-called Glass Beach is protected by the state as a valuable natural monument. Both locals and travelers from other countries regularly come here to relax and take a series of stunningly vibrant and vibrant photographs.