Apoliticality in modern society is an actual social phenomenon. Research results show that the proportion of the younger generation that participates in political activities is declining. And it is this part of society that is of great economic, demographic and political importance for the state. Apoliticality is a socio-psychological characteristic of a person, which allows him to be defined as inactive, devoid of any interests and not participating in the fate of the state.

Definition of apolitical
The concept of apolitical comes from a combination of the Greek words "a" (negative particle) and politikos ("state affairs"). It means an indifferent and passive attitude both to the social life of society and to political activity. Apoliticality is a certain position of a single individual towards the ongoing changes in the country related to elections, a change in management style, reforms, etc.

Signs of apathy
The prerequisites for this phenomenon in Russia took shape in the late 1990s. But despite the fact that the standard of living and stability in the state have grown, this does not in the least encourage young people to influence their future, to show interest in participating in the political life of the state.
In recent decades, the apathy of young people has increased significantly. Influence on democracy, observance and upholding of civil rights and freedoms does not occur in those forms and with the intensity that are inherent in an active civil society.
Today we have a clearly defined model of consumer society, which means the action of each individual in the first place in their own interests, and then in the collective. For years, the new generation has absorbed and passed through itself information that was directed not only against them, but also against the whole society, forming false values.
According to observers, a large number of organizations for young people have been created in modern Russia, parties seek to include them in their projects and programs, to activate them through involvement in politics and public life. At first glance, one gets the impression that the Russian youth is really politicized and included in all processes.

Reasons for youth apathy
Apoliticality is the scourge of the modern state. This state of affairs is largely objectively conditioned. Firstly, the vital interests of adolescents and youth are localized on the problem of entering an independent life,despite the fact that interpersonal and intra-family communications limit the acquisition of social experience. Only with the growth of various connections and relationships (work, army, institute, family, etc.) can there be a redistribution of vital interests in favor of political and public participation. Secondly, the reason for the passive manifestation of an active civic position lies in the de-ideologization of the entire population. To a certain extent, this situation is related to the socio-economic status of a particular young person. It would be more correct to say that it also depends on the level of education, upbringing and attitude to work. It is believed that there is passive and active apoliticality.

Research on youth political preferences
To prove the apoliticality of young people, it is enough to refer to the results of studies aimed at identifying the preferences of the new generation. They were conducted by scientific organizations and individual scientists (sociologists, political scientists).
The conclusions turned out to be disappointing: about half of the respondents do not participate in any way in the political and public life of the country, do not exercise their right to vote. The attitude of young people towards party organizations is very ambiguous: only a few have heard something about such structures, and most do not know anything at all, therefore they do not join the ranks of parties.
In the event of an election, they cannot say which party they will vote for. About a quarter of young Russians do not attend polling stations at all.
The number is decreasingcitizens who optionally (occasionally) show interest in political events, and about a third do not show any activity at all in this regard.
At the same time, the assertion that apoliticality is a total phenomenon is fundamentally wrong. More than a third of the younger generation listen to and read news from various media channels. Some, although this proportion is small, get acquainted with the programs of economic development of the state and seek to make their own contribution to the development of civil society and the social state. But, as practice shows, at the moment this is not enough. Cardinal measures are needed to involve young people in active political life.