Campsis is a hardy, unpretentious, hardy and at the same time charmingly beautiful plant. Bright red-orange flowers and unusual green leaves adorn the yard all summer long. Liana feels good both in hot, dry and cool weather. She has no pests and diseases, and a powerful root system allows her to occupy all new spaces.
Kampsis rooting (often called tecoma) grows in many European countries. This is an unusually beautiful plant with large tubular scarlet or orange flowers collected in inflorescences. The entire summer period pleases with abundant flowering. The leaves, original in shape, also adorn the vine with dignity, changing the green color to bright yellow by autumn.

Kampsis is a perennial climber with stiff stems that loses its leaves in the winter. The shoots of the plant, wrapping around the support, can raise it above 15 meters. With age, stiffened, they are bizarrelook on the trellis, reminiscent of fabulous tree trunks.
Tekoma is undemanding to the soil, but for abundant flowering it is planted in slightly acidic fertile loose soil. A place for a plant is best chosen in the fall. To do this, dig a hole with a diameter of 0.5 m and the same depth. Gravel is placed at the bottom as drainage, humus and mineral fertilizer are added to the ground, everything is mixed and poured into the pit, leaving it until spring planting.
In early May, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Lower the seedling into the hole prepared since autumn, straighten the roots, cover with earth and compact it near the plant. Water abundantly and mulch with humus.
Kampsis rooting easily tolerates drought, but it is better to water it regularly, without waterlogging the soil.
The plant can be left without feeding if it is planted in well-fertilized soil. Otherwise, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are applied to it, providing violent flowering during the summer season.

To regulate growth, you should constantly trim the tecoma. It grows quickly, flowers appear only on new shoots, so all old branches should be removed.
Pruning is carried out in the autumn after the end of flowering or in the spring, until the buds swell:
- a few strong young shoots are left on the plant, all the rest are removed;
- long branches of a young creeper must be tied to a trellis, forming a plant;
- shapethe plant follows for the first four years, until the shoots become stiff.
After pruning, the bush should have ossified shoots and three or four young branches that shorten to three buds.
If the main trunk is damaged, it is removed and replaced with new shoots.
To rejuvenate the plants, periodically cut all the shoots, leaving them up to 30 cm tall.
In the summer, the bush can be given any shape, create compositions using various designs. Kampsis will not suffer from this.
Preparing for winter
In areas with a mild climate, you don't have to worry about vines. When growing a plant in places with cold winters, where the temperature can be below -20 degrees, rooting campsis, whose winter hardiness is low, should be prepared for the cold.
Tekoma is cut, leaving the skeleton and main shoots, removed from the trellis and laid on the ground. It is necessary to cover the root system and the ground part, using spruce branches, dry foliage, sawdust. From above they cover with a film of polyethylene, the edges of which are pressed to the ground.
When stationary fastening vines to the structures cover the roots, and wrap the stems with lutrasil. Film is thrown on top. All this will help protect it from freezing.
At the end of the winter season, the rooting kampsis is freed from insulation and attached to its former place. Damaged shoots are removed.
Seeds, cuttings and cuttings are used for breeding tekoma. Rarely propagated by seeds, as it will take seven years to bloom.
Propagatelayering is simple, it is worth bending the shoot and pressing it to the ground with a wooden slingshot. Top with loose earth, pour and cover with polyethylene so that the moisture does not dry out. After a while, roots will appear. In the spring, layering with roots is transplanted to a new place.
Liana is such an unpretentious plant that it can take root even in the cracks of the wall, where there is some sand. True, this may well destroy its roots.

You can also propagate by root shoots. In early spring, the shoot with the root is separated from the plant and transplanted to a permanent place.
The cutting method is also used. With the onset of spring days, last year's shoot is chosen and cuttings are cut from it. For rooting, they are planted in a container with earth, watered and covered with a film. Leaves will appear in two weeks. After frost, the plant is planted in open ground.
Pests and diseases
Kampsis rooting is not prone to disease, it is almost not damaged by insects. Only aphids can appear on the leaves of young shoots and in flower buds. It is simply washed off with a stream of water or the affected areas are treated with an alcohol solution.
Kampsis care will not take much time, and the plant will thank you for your care with its beauty.
This is a perennial deciduous vine that can reach fifteen meters in height. What is interesting about this rooting kampsis? Flava - variety that was bred in 1842. Aerial roots growing on the stems of a large creeper cling tosupport and allow you to hold it. The leaves are large pinnate, tubular flowers of golden yellow color are collected in large inflorescences.

Blossoms from June, all the warm time, until late autumn. Flowering is plentiful, the bush looks very beautiful. Simultaneously with the flowers on the vine, new buds and fruits appear. Fruits-seeds of a triangular shape with rounded corners are inside oblong flat pods.
Liana prefers sunny, wind-protected places and soil rich in nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. It looks good at various supports, fences, arbors, walls. Young shoots require garters. The plant is cut to the desired shape.
In severe winters, branches can freeze slightly, although the plant can withstand frost down to -20 degrees. At the end of the winter period, old stems are removed.
Care Tips:
- The first year the liana is grown in containers, it winters in a cold cellar. Planted in the ground in early spring before flowering. For the winter, young plants are covered with spruce branches.
- Prefers moderate watering without standing water.
- Reproduction is carried out by cuttings, layering and seeds. When propagated by seeds, they are sown in the ground in early May, the plant begins to bloom in the third year after planting.
- Tolerates pruning well. In areas with a cold climate, pruning after winter is not recommended so that the plant blooms earlier.
- Does not suffer from any diseases, only aphid affects it from pests.
Campsis rooting Yellow Trumpet
Powerful liana with original tubular flowers of bright yellow color.

Clings to a support with ground roots. Unpretentious plant, loves sunny places protected from the winds. It tolerates frosts down to -23 degrees.
Tecoma cultivation in the Moscow region
Kampsis rooting in the suburbs - not such a rarity. Only with the onset of frost does the growth of shoots stop. In severe frosts, the branches of the kampsis may freeze. Experienced flower growers are advised to simply cut the plant and feed it. It is quite winter-hardy and can perfectly survive the winter with short frosts down to -25 degrees, and if the root system and its ground part are covered, it will survive at lower temperatures.

After May 15, in the suburbs, the liana is covered with beautiful green leaves. The entire summer period, under favorable weather conditions, the plant will delight the owners with beautiful bright flowers of a juicy orange hue. The plant responds well to shearing, so you can make hedges out of it, turn it into intricate shrubs.
Kampsis Rooting Flamenco is a very showy fast growing plant with orange-red tubular flowers and profuse foliage. Roots independently and clings to the support with countless aerial roots. The leaves are bright green, pinnate, long, consisting of 9 elements. The reverse side is light green.

The flowers are quite large, collected in brushes of several pieces. They bloom consistently and for a long period, from mid-summer to autumn. Their honey aroma attracts butterflies and bees. On one liana bush there can be fruits, flowers and buds. The fruits are brown grains of a triangular-round shape, placed in a flat pod-shaped box with two doors.
The liana is propagated by seeds, layering and root parts. Bush shaping and pruning is easy.
Liana prefers sunny places protected from the wind. Undemanding to watering, drought-resistant. Grows on any soil. And on fertile soil and when fertilized with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, it grows and blooms profusely for a longer time.
Kampsis Rooting Flamenco, whose winter hardiness is low (normally hibernates at a temperature of about -6 degrees), withstands frosts down to -20 for a short time. True, in winter it needs shelter. After winter, weak and diseased shoots are removed.
Kampsis rooting Flamenco: reviews
Negative points when planting vines in the home garden (according to gardeners' reviews):
- the plant is very fond of insects, which means that when planted next to the windows, all small living creatures get into the house;
- aerial roots grow into mortar between brickwork;
- produces many new roots in a short time.
Of the positive points, we can name the following:
- creeper flowers of extraordinary beauty;
- unpretentiousin care;
- drought tolerant;
- hedge.
Decorative creeper kampsis is unpretentious and easy to care for, even a novice amateur florist can handle it.