City-forming enterprises of Russia play a key role in the economic development of individual administrative-territorial units of the country. Such facilities employ a significant, and in many cases the main part of the inhabitants of the settlement. Let us further consider in more detail what a city-forming enterprise is.

General information
It so happened that the socio-economic development of many domestic small and medium-sized cities largely depends on the activities of certain enterprises. Some settlements were founded only because a large factory, combine or other industrial facility was launched on the territory. In modern conditions, a city-forming enterprise can not only have a stimulating effect on the economic side of the life of the population. In many cases, the economy of the territory, the security of citizens depend on such an object.

Thus, it is possible to determine what a city-forming enterprise is. It's so industri althe object, the work of which is of decisive importance in the field of employment, affects social problems and infrastructure. Many professional leaders are beginning to associate the prospects of their cities with the formation of more than a certain number of enterprises within their territories. Particular attention is now being paid to the development of mass medium and small businesses.
Strategic planning
The direction of the economic development of the territory within which the city-forming enterprise operates is reduced to the search for opportunities for the revival and reorientation of industrial facilities. If a settlement has resources, for example, large but unused production facilities, it has all the conditions for the formation of a practically new economic base. Along with this, the often inept selfish activities of the authorities or any influential groups can lead to the theft of resources. In this regard, the work of the local administration and entrepreneurs is of great importance in the development of promising industries. Of course, state regulation plays an important role in solving the tasks set.
Financial security
There are several options for supporting single-industry towns. One of the main ones is public funding. Such support should be carried out in two directions. First of all, it is planned to provide the city-forming enterprise with the necessary funds for the development of production itself and solving problems in the field of employment of citizens. Secondthe direction is to support the budgets of localities to maintain the proper level of services.

The implementation of the above tasks is ensured through the introduction of state programs. In particular, a city-forming enterprise can receive:
- Subsidies that offset part of the cost of paying interest on loans.
- Tax deferrals and investment credits for regional fees.
- Government loan guarantees.
Financial support for the budgets of settlements comes down to the following activities:
- Taking into account the need to provide additional funds in the process of allocating state loans to subjects of the Russian Federation from federal funds and subsidies to balance the budgetary sphere of the region.
- Development of public-private partnership. For example, we are talking about the implementation of investment regional projects at the expense of the federal fund in the form of subsidies for co-financing state-owned capital construction projects.
- Providing funds for the implementation of additional programs aimed at reducing tensions in the regional labor market, developing medium and small businesses, including peasant (farm) enterprises.

List of city-forming enterprises of the Russian Federation
He was accepted by the Russian government. It included industrial facilities, from the activities of which in varioussettlements depends on the welfare of the vast majority of the population. The list of city-forming enterprises includes:
- OAO Altai-Koks.
- CJSC Karabashmed.
- JSC "SUEK-Kuzbass".
- OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.
- JSC "KamAZ".
- LLC "Zharkovsky DOK".
- JSC Rosugol.
- Mechel OAO and others.
Additional development programs
Of no small importance is the work to stabilize the situation in each settlement where a city-forming enterprise operates. Such a development program involves:
- Supporting the world of work. It, in particular, includes training, retraining, internships, increasing the mobility of citizens to address employment issues. The program provides for stimulating the resettlement of residents from problem areas in the event of the liquidation of a city-forming enterprise.
- Restructuring, reprofiling, modernization of production.
- Stimulation of demand for products by establishing priority for city-forming enterprises in the course of placing municipal, regional, federal state orders, all other things being equal.
- Improving the infrastructure of the settlement. It includes measures to eliminate dilapidated and dilapidated housing, overhaul of the housing stock, modernization and reconstruction of utilities, treatment and water intake facilities, facilitiesenergy and heat supply.

Additional development programs also provide for the introduction of energy-saving technologies in housing and communal services and the manufacturing sector.