Characteristics of the Trans-Siberian Railway, development prospects

Characteristics of the Trans-Siberian Railway, development prospects
Characteristics of the Trans-Siberian Railway, development prospects

The Trans-Siberian Railway is an amazing railway with the longest stretch in the whole world. It originates in the European part of Russia and stretches through the most beautiful nature to the Far East. Looking at this beautiful construction of human hands, one involuntarily wants to ask how it appeared and how long did it take to build this “railway wonder of the world”?

Construction history

Quite a lot of time was spent on the construction of the Trans-Siberian. The history and prospects for the development of this amazing highway have become part of the culture of Russia. The road was built for fifteen years. From the moment Captain Nevelsky raised the Russian flag at the mouth of the Amur, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was on everyone's lips.

Prospects for development were stunning. It was simply necessary in order to connect the vast expanses of Russia. In the nineteenth centurythis process was accelerated by the merchants when they began to ask the emperor for her. The year 1886 became significant: Alexander III issued a decree, and the long-awaited construction work began.

The first ringing of a pick was heard in the Miass area. They say that it was the Urals that was supposed to become the mother of this railway.

The Emperor's Initiative

The beginning was laid in a rather solemn way - Tsarevich Nikolai poured a handful of earth onto a fresh railway track. It is the thirty-first of March that is considered the official date of the first works. Already at that time, the need for transport communication had increased extraordinary.

Trans-Siberian Railway development prospects
Trans-Siberian Railway development prospects

There were hundreds of kilometers between the new Russian lands and Moscow, and the population in the Urals rose to three million. The government realized that a large-scale railway line was simply necessary for the full development of transport communications.

Great hopes for the railroad

Prospects for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway were quite extensive. Undertaking this, Alexander III pursued not only an economic goal. With his strategy, he wanted to achieve a quick transfer of troops to the Pacific Ocean. But that was not the only unspoken goal.

With the advent of the canvas, the economic position of the country would be significantly strengthened. Russia was able to increase its influence on Mongolia and China. Everything was progressing at a good pace: by 1886 the road had already reached Ufa, and three years later - Zlatoust. But unfortunately, not everything went as smoothly as we wanted.would.

Problems and doubts

If at first the route ran through a relatively flat steppe, now swamps, mountains and giant heaps of stones began. The situation was disappointing, however, this did not frighten the emperor. He was adamant and did not succumb to any persuasion, the decision was made - the road will be.

prospects for the development of the trans-Irian highway
prospects for the development of the trans-Irian highway

Fortunately, the Chief Minister of Finance was a great support for him, who was firm and unshakable in the belief that the prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway would more than pay off the hopes placed on them.

Problems of railway construction

Construction has already gained momentum and in 1891 the first rails were transported on a steamer called "Petersburg". But this was not the only cargo … Fifty convicts and engineers were brought to Vladivostok. It was they who were destined to become the first builders in a grandiose project. Many guess that some disappointing facts from the history of construction have been hidden. The work was carried out in the most difficult conditions, in addition, the canvas was built simultaneously in the east and west.

trans-siberian railway development prospects and ways to improve
trans-siberian railway development prospects and ways to improve

Severe and merciless weather incapacitated many and significantly slowed down the robot. It was incredibly hard work, not everyone could stand it … An acute shortage of funds, namely money for construction, significantly aggravated the situation.

The whole problem was that initially three hundred and fifty million were allocated for constructionrubles, but after a few months it became clear that the costs would be much more significant. No one believed that for such money any prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway could be possible. In short, austerity began: embankments were reduced, sleepers were shortened, wooden bridges were built, which in itself was very risky.

This state of affairs could not but affect the number of stations - they became exactly two times less than originally planned. It was a real description of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The prospects for development were bright, however, it soon became clear that serious problems would arise.

Characteristics of work

And of course, there were some problems with the labor force. About a hundred thousand people were at the construction site during the working process all the time. Among them were both locals and visitors.

characteristics of the Trans-Siberian railway development prospects
characteristics of the Trans-Siberian railway development prospects

They all wanted to eat, drink, they needed something to wear. They brought heavy tools from afar. The highway was completely laid by hand. The journalists who came to the place of the robot were shocked by what they saw: standing waist-deep in wet snow, people cut down the dense Taiga for days on end. They uprooted roots and stumps sixteen hours a day in light clothes and straw sandals.

Trans-Siberian Railway: plans for the future

In general, for twenty-five years, thousands of people have put not only their he alth, but also their lives into the construction of this eighth wonder of the world. Having beaten the financial results, the authoritiesannounced the budget of the railway - one and a half million gold rubles. Its restoration is planned soon, which, according to many, will have a significant impact on the state budget.

prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway briefly
prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway briefly

The completion of the construction was the construction of a bridge near Khabarovsk. It was built over the Amur River. Who would have thought that the Trans-Siberian Railway would still exist. Prospects for development and ways to improve the efficiency of the railway are actively considered to this day. She had so many enemies and opponents who sincerely did not understand why invest so much public funds in such an allegedly dubious project, however, she still exists and will be significantly reconstructed in the near future.

Problems and prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway

Today, the main function of the railway is the transportation of goods. Without it, Siberia would never have been able to reach such a level of development. Thanks to the reform with the Trans-Siberian Railway, oils and wheat literally poured in there like a river. Today, many have been able to appreciate the economic and strategic importance of the railway. With its help, you can get to the central regions of the country much cheaper than other modern modes of transport.

Unfortunately, every year you can see how its infrastructure capacity decreases. It becomes clear that the railroad is in need of significant reconstruction. With the advent of modern technology, this does not seem to be a problem, however, it is worth considering that she beganto exist in the 19th century and is already quite dilapidated. What is the future of the Trans-Siberian Railway? Development prospects are mainly reduced to the implementation of several infrastructure projects in the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

problems and prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway
problems and prospects for the development of the Trans-Siberian Railway

These are rather global ideas, for which, most likely, private companies will not have enough money, as this is associated with certain financial risks. However, this also has its advantages. If the project is implemented with the help of the state, it will create a large number of jobs, and, consequently, tax payments to the state budget. This was an in-depth description of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Development prospects are great, but will they become a reality?
