The talented Gennady Khazanov dreamed of becoming a famous actor as a child. Entering the stage for the first time, he captivated the audience with his ability to parody famous people. His creative path is interesting and thorny at the same time. How did his life turn out?
Khazanov's parents
Gennady Khazanov was born on the first winter day in 1945. His biography is interesting and full of happy moments. His father worked as a radio engineer and was a professional sound recorder. True, the boy did not know anything about the details of his father's life and the fact that he lives next door.
Mom worked in a factory. In her youth, she dreamed of conquering the stage and becoming an actress, but her parents insisted on getting a profession in demand. Mom Khazanov studied at the Institute of Communications and became a certified engineer. But, working at the factory, the woman continued to dream of a career as an artist and at the same time went to the folk theater at the local recreation center. The boy enjoyed attending all his mother's rehearsals and performances. Most likely, Khazanov Gennady Viktorovich inherited talent and acting abilities from her.

The manifestation of Khazanov's talent in his school years
As a student, Gennady came regularly to study in the amateur circle. He took part in all school concerts, in talent competitions. At first he read humorous poems, a little later he surprised everyone and showed several performances-parodies, copying famous personalities at the school, Gennady Khazanov. His family did not yet suspect that in the future their bright and very talented boy would become a famous theater and film actor. Parodying, he made fun of both teachers and classmates. Only the beloved mathematician was calm. Khazanov did not touch her and spared her.
The boy's life was very eventful. At the same time, Gennady Khazanov went to a music school and learned to play the piano. The biography of this period tells that the boy could combine his studies at a secondary and music school with amateur activities in the MISI team. And he was also a pupil of the pop studio at Moscow State University under the guidance of playwright Mark Rozovsky. In general, after the end of the 10th grade, the guy already had a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he would like to become.

Meet an idol
Since childhood, Gennady Khazanov adored Arkady Raikin. Photos of the idol adorned the walls of his room. He watched performances and performances with his participation on TV, knew by heart all the artist's lines, copied them, trying not to miss the details, even repeated the facial expressions and gestures of his idol. To some extent, it was Raikin who inspired the guy to develop hisartistic ability.
The Leningrad Theater of Miniatures was on tour in Moscow. During the concert, 14-year-old Khazanov personally met his idol. Raikin invited a talented guy to all Moscow performances for free. He did not even dream of such a gift of fate. Now young Khazanov could get better acquainted with the work of the actor, whose talent he admired so much.
Student years and the first image of Khazanov
Having graduated from night school, Gennady Khazanov decided to become an actor. His biography tells that since 1962 he tried several times to become a student at the capital's theater university. He submitted his documents to the Shchukin School, to the Moscow Art Theater School, to GITIS, but nowhere did the future actor manage to conquer the examiners and enter the ranks of students. During the audition in Shchukinsky, one of the examiners was A. Shirvindt, a famous artist and director. It was he who recommended Khazanov to become a pop artist and offered to enter the GUTSEI. However, the young man became a student at MISI. And from that time on, his creative path to the big stage began. Khazanov got into the KVN team. It was here that his first image of a student of a culinary college was invented, which was very fond of the audience. It seemed that this role was forever attached to the actor. But no, many images will be invented and discovered in the future by Gennady Khazanov. The actor's discography and concert numbers will be huge.

The way to the stage
In 1965, Gennady, remembering Shirvindt's advice, decided to become a student of GUTSEI. The first attempt wasunsuccessful, but from the second he entered the course to N. I. Slonova, who in the past was an actress of the satirical genre in the Moscow Theater. As a student, he began to develop his image, with which, after 2 years, he began to perform. Khazanov Gennady Viktorovich recalls his first attempt to play on the big stage with a smile and gratitude. He came to the screening to get approved for the performance. But then Khazanov did not pass the special commission. A letter was sent to the school that the young artist was engaged in unauthorized activities. The master of the course, Nadezhda Ivanovna, interceded for him, and in the future she also contributed to the development of creative abilities, helped with the repertoire and rehearsed individually with a talented student.

Recognition and fame
After graduating from college, Khazanov got a job as an entertainer in L. Utesov's orchestra. After that, he moved to the Moskontsert and tried to act as a parodist. He copied not only Soviet, but also foreign actors. The fans of his talent especially remembered the parody of Louis de Funes. The skill of Khazanov was to the liking of the Soviet audience. True, after the actor showed the image of Vysotsky, the poet and musician brought down a flurry of negative emotions on the parodist.
Success and fame came to the actor of the conversational genre in the 70s. In 1974, he took part in the main competition of artists of the Union. Here he read the monologue "Prize" written by Semyon Altov. The performance brought him victory in the competition.

Solo performances
The artist who became famous did not stop there and continued to develop. He always dreamed of performing solo. The actor shared his ideas with Arkady Khait, a poet who wrote many monologues for his performances. By the way, the most famous Khazanovsky "Parrot" appeared with the light hand of this author.
In 1978 the idea was realized. The premiere of the first performance of the variety actor "Little Things in Life", directed by B. Levinson, took place. Khazanov performed on stage, reading several Hait monologues. He also showed the audience his parody numbers. The variety ballet of the capital's theater also performed on the stage.
The artist showed a new performance only in 1981. A. Hite was also the author of the texts. This time the production was directed by R. Viktyuk. The performance called “Obvious and Unbelievable” was found by the audience to be interesting and exciting. Ballet performed on the stage, circus numbers were shown, and the main actor did not just stand and read his memorized text, but surprised everyone with his plastic talent and demonstrated an excellent sense of rhythm.
Everyone liked the concert very much. Even harsh critics left pleasant reviews after viewing. However, after a few years, “Obvious and Unbelievable” was banned from showing for the reason that the texts contained a lot of offensive and caustic statements towards famous people, including political figures. Nobody expected this turn of events. But Gennady Khazanov did not break down. His biography during this period was full of unexpected and interestingfacts.
In 1986, Khazanov performed with a new performance called "Favorites". As planned, he had to involve the viewer and enter into a dialogue with those present. The performance was technically modest. Yes, and Khazanov himself was more careful in words and expressions.
A year later, he pleased his fans with another work on stage. "Little Tragedies" could not be called comic. Gorodinsky's short stories, which were performed by Gennady, had tragic notes, although director R. Viktyuk tried his best to make the audience see a humorous performance.

Khazanov Theater
In 1987, the idea to create a theater by Gennady Khazanov appeared. The artist created a group of pop actors "Mono" and became their artistic director. Difficulties arose in finding premises for the troupe. Khazanov decided to settle down with the team in a burned-out building. Khazanov's wife Gennady undertook to restore the premises and make repairs. And in 1990, the Mono Theater welcomed its first audience.
A year later, Khazanov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In his “real” theater, Khazanov Gennady Viktorovich tries himself in the production of “Players”, directed by S. Yursky. The performance was shown for the first time on the theater stage of the Moscow Art Theater.
In 1997, the actor headed the Variety Theater. With his light hand, the audience heard the entreprise, which became a significant event in the history of the capital's theater.
Films with Khazanov
Adults and young audiences know and love the actor. Filmed in manyfilms, voiced cartoons Gennady Khazanov. The filmography of the actor is rich and multi-genre. For the first time, he tried himself on the set in 1970, appearing in a small episode in the comedy film Cyclone Margaret is Raging. Then they didn't notice him. He was recognized as a talented film actor after the premiere of the film "Requiem for Philaeus" in 1988.
No one expected that Gennady Khazanov could play the hero-lover. Films of this genre, it seemed, were not for the parodist and comedian. However, the actor perfectly embodied the image of Marat, the conqueror of women's hearts, in The Little Giant of Big Sex (1992). In 2000, Khazanov was called to the set by E. Ryazanov and offered him a role in Still Whirlpools. And the actor was also invited to star in high-rated soap series ("My Fair Nanny", "Who's the Boss").
Soviet children also know his voice. After all, it was Gennady Khazanov who voiced the beloved prodigal parrot from the cartoon. Films for children with his participation were loved by both teenagers and kids. Funny short stories from Yeralash with him are very interesting and colorful.

Khazanov's personal life
The personal life of Gennady Khazanov has always interested journalists and TV reporters. His wife Zlata Elbaum, despite being busy in her own business projects, was always there and acted as his manager. She is a spectacular and noticeable woman, very intelligent and restrained. Khazanov said in an interview that he was very lucky to have met such a wise and strong woman. The couple now live inIsrael.
The daughter of Gennady Khazanov is a well-known personality. Alice became a ballerina and performed as a soloist on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. The girl married a Swiss financier, but soon divorced him. She is a mother of two.