What are the proverbs about the wind

What are the proverbs about the wind
What are the proverbs about the wind

Wind, how powerful you are and drive a pack of clouds. If only this blizzard had known how many legends and fables have been invented about him today. The rumor about his impulses and irresistibility spread throughout the world. Each nation has its own parables and aphorisms. They have a certain meaning, and all carry the desired interpretation.

Proverbs about the wind are born at the speed of a whirlwind. They are pronounced in different languages, and people retell them daily to their relatives and friends, children and grandchildren. In kindergartens and schools, teachers also read literature in which interesting stories, couplets and quatrains tell about a free and uncontrollable wind.

proverbs about the wind
proverbs about the wind

Proverbs about the wind rush to us in the carriage

Saying jokes about the omnipresent wind, you feel lightness and the desire to soar up with your hands up. They are so peppy and stormy, dizzying and flying - these proverbs are about the wind. By the way, here is a short list:

  • The blizzard bends the trunks of the forests, the waves will throw to the sky.
  • And the dogs bark, and the wind wears, and the caravan moves on.
  • This wrap without farce will immediately blow the sails.
  • When the whirlwind runs through, the forest trembles under pressure.
  • Where a formidable wind whistles - they boweverything in the world.
  • The storm is naughty in a new way - what it touches, it flies.
  • He prowls through the fields, meadows - no one will find hats anymore.
  • Leaves will not move without a breath.
  • Without wind and the sea slumbers.
  • Strong tree storm will show.
  • Drive the wind through the door, and it will come in through the window.

After reading the lines about the breeze, you get such a fabulous feeling, as if the heavenly princess in a carriage on a trio of impudent blacks swept through the expanses of the Universe, endowing everyone with her gentle presence.

proverbs about the wind for children
proverbs about the wind for children

Children's proverbs keep pace with the wind

And proverbs about the wind for children in general will inspire any reader. They memorize from the first reading and are so cute. Children's sayings are especially pleasing when their own baby skillfully babbles. Parents are always happy at such moments, and it is more and more interesting for the child to learn quotes. For example, these:

  1. Chase the whirlwind and stay with your nose.
  2. Look-fistula blower in the field.
  3. It's time for the game - one storm in my head.
  4. There are no waves without a breeze.
  5. And the grass does not move without a breeze.
  6. You need to keep the word, and not run with the wind.
  7. Without wings and a snowstorm does not fly.
  8. A snowstorm easily brings down a lonely tree

Bookstores sell brochures with children's proverbs. Hundreds of lines about the wind are published in them. They are short and contain only 2 to 5 words.

Where the wind is, there is reality

And finally, it remains to say in a joking manner: "Where are the proverbs aboutwind - there and the reality of millennia. No matter how many years you learn, it will be blown away by the wind, even if you shout."
