The Kamchatka Peninsula is famous for its nature. This region is rich in rivers, lakes, and therefore suitable for fishing. But hunters will also have great fun, as the world of animals and birds is diverse.
Big Animal
Which trophy is one of the most coveted? This, of course, is the clumsy master of the forest. In the region referred to in this article, brown bear hunting is most common. Other animal species also live in Kamchatka: rams, wolves, elks, lynxes, wolverines. But most often people come to this peninsula for the sake of the largest predator. The Kamchatka brown bear differs from its relatives in its large size. In well-fed times, the male can weigh 700 kilograms. The usual weight of females is 160-362 kilograms, males - from 250 to 416 kilograms.

How to mine
This is a dangerous hunt. Bears are not hunted alone. Thorough preparation is required and is best done in conjunction with an experienced instructor. The spring bear hunting season in Kamchatka opens on April 25 and lasts until May 25. Autumn begins at the end of August and ends in October. At this time, the predator wakes up,comes out of the den after hibernation and begins to eat intensively. Therefore, it can be lured by arranging a bait. That is, he is left with complementary foods in his habitat. Thus, it is easy to track the animal and make a well-aimed shot. A raid is also organized. This will require the help of beaters and dogs. The principle of such a bear hunt in Kamchatka is not difficult to understand. People and dogs scare the predator, making noise and forcing the clubfoot to run in the direction where the clubfoot hid.

Useful tools
To become the owner of a wonderful trophy, you must shoot accurately, and also have a special, carefully prepared weapon. Long-range carbines and rifles with telescopic sights are especially valued for hunting in Kamchatka. Brave people go to the bear. Therefore, it may be necessary to shoot at close range when the predator is nearby. For this, you can use a conventional double-barreled shotgun. It must be remembered that a miss can cost the hunter his life. A wounded beast is also dangerous. Pain and hatred for the person who caused it can make him attack. And then the hunter himself will be in the role of prey. Do not flaunt and let the bear get too close.
Save a life
It may happen that you are alone with an animal. Do not count on the fact that you will be able to kill him with one shot. It is better to scare away the bear with a loud noise, for example, by shooting in the air. It is also recommended to stand upright, gently raising your arms up. So the bear counts the signalof your body and will understand that in front of him is a large, confident opponent. You should not bend down or hide, that is, take a pose of uncertainty and fear. If an animal attacks, there is a small chance of escape. It is advised to lie face down on the ground and pretend to be dead. So you need to lie down and not move until the predator leaves. But this method is suitable for those who have great self-control.

Hunting rules
You need to remember the basic rules. The main thing is that you can hunt only if you have a license. You also need to know that you can not kill a bear with cubs. A wounded beast can be pursued for two days after being wounded. Illegal hunting of the predator is prohibited. This includes hunting out of season and setting traps. Unfortunately, poaching is as common as legal bear hunting in Kamchatka. The main trophies for those who hunt illegally are the bile of a predator, its claws and paws. The bear population in Kamchatka is growing, reaching almost 18,000 individuals. If we allow spontaneous destruction of these animals, then very soon the situation may change. Now about 1,200 hunting licenses for the Kamchatka brown bear are issued per year.
When setting out on a dangerous hunt, prepare carefully and then you will definitely be lucky in Kamchatka.