Fame came to the journalist of "Dona Newspaper" after the May 2004 press conference at the Rostov Hotel by Philip Kirkorov and Anastasia Stotskaya. Television cameras captured a scandalous dialogue, which included Philip Kirkorov and Irina Aroyan - a “pink blouse” (photo is presented in the article). Having become the object of rudeness from the king of the pop scene, the woman was forced to seek support in court.

The STS TV channel ventured to show the whole country footage of a press conference where a presumptuous singer insults a female journalist, dropping to the floor and removing her from the hall. None of those present raised a voice in defense of the offended woman, from whom the guards took away and disabled the recorder and camera outside the door. The reason was an uncomfortable question about why the singer's repertoire has such a huge number of remakes. Irina Aroyan was interested in the attitude of the pop king to the problem of the lack of new melodies.
Considering this an attack on him, Kirkorov justified himself by listingtheir songs, gradually increasing the degree of dialogue. Even a distracting question from another journalist, Stotskaya, could not stop the outbreak of aggression. The singer said that he was annoyed by the “pink blouse (hence the idiom referring to this incident was born), boobs and microphone” of the journalist. Accusing the woman of being unprofessional, he ridiculed her pronunciation and publicly cursed.
Did Irina Aroyan, whose photo conveys her fragility and vulnerability, think that the case would cause such a huge public outcry? Journalists from Chelyabinsk and then Krasnoyarsk called for a boycott of Kirkorov, they were supported by the Regnum agency and the Union of Journalists of the country. Tickets for the artist's tour were not sold out, and until the end of the year he suspended his concert activities. There was a heated discussion on the Internet of the scandalous press conference. Opinions were divided: some supported the offended journalist, others considered her a provocateur and urged to enjoy such PR.

Living on a small salary together with her mother, a woman could not count on the protection of honor and dignity in court, but the unexpected support of the above-mentioned organizations made it possible to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit in the Magistrate's Court under part two of Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Insult”). Could Irina Aroyan withdraw the application submitted in June 2004? The answer to the question can be found in the program "Basic Instinct". Television could not but respond to the event that stirred up the public.
Basic Instinct
Filip Bedrosovich, who is in Bulgaria, took part inprogram of Svetlana Sorokina, talking on television. While the Rostov journalist was in the studio. The participants in the discussion tried to reduce the problem to the confrontation between artists and the press, digging through the "dirty linen". The majority of those present, including Daria Dontsova, who has a journalistic education, spoke in defense of Kirkorov, who was “victimized” by the media. The participants of the program tried to lead the discussion to justify the singer's nervous breakdown, drawing attention to the unprofessionalism of those writing on the musical theme.

Can Irina Aroyan be responsible for others? The journalist did nothing to hurt the artist. A. Buinov admitted that 90% of Russian music is the theft of other people's ideas. But even the tears of a young woman, her colleague Artur Gasparyan called hypocrisy. Only a few people came to the defense of the journalist, which led to Kirkorov's reluctance to make a public apology. His categorical denial of his own guilt led to the subsequent trial.
The claim of the victim was filed 30 days after the scandal, the process lasted for another two months, at which the pop king of the national stage did not appear. In an interview, he called himself right, which terribly outraged his opponent, who decided to go to the end. The star's lawyers replacing each other tried to prove that there was no insult to the journalist and the case should be reclassified under the article "Petty hooliganism" of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, punishing the artist with an administrative fine for obscene language.
How did Irina Aroyan take this position? Pinkthe blouse, the symbol of the incident, was worn by all the ladies present on the day of the verdict. It was an act of solidarity with the woman. Vladimir Livshits, who represented the interests of the victim, managed to prove that the singer publicly humiliated the dignity of a journalist, which is an insult. The court confirmed Kirkorov's guilt by imposing a fine on him in favor of the state (60 thousand rubles). To clear herself of the accusation of commercialism, the victim did not demand compensation for moral damage.

From the moment the materials of the Rostov press conference went on air, an unprecedented action to collect signatures in support of the boycott of the pop star began on the Internet. 124 thousand people supported the journalist, and only 5% of Internet users found words of justification for Kirkorov. Forty periodicals of the country announced their refusal to publish materials about the artist, and radio and TV channels stopped playing his songs and videos. In the editorial office where Irina Aroyan works, every day there were calls with words of support from ordinary citizens.
It became obvious: the conflict went beyond the relations of the press and pop artists. The scandal revealed the problem of opposing the domestic elite to the rest of society. Therefore, it became important for everyone that the singer was found guilty by the court, and the woman was given a public apology. In December 2004, Kirkorov did this on the recording of the Golden Gramophone. Having performed I. Nikolaev’s song “A Little Sorry”, he recalled the tradition of asking for forgiveness on New Year’s Eve and admitted that he was wrong beforeRostov journalist.

Has Irina Aroyan forgotten the events of 2004? The date of birth of the journalist (February 18), by coincidence, coincided with the assignment to Philip Kirkorov in 2008 of the title of People's Artist. Not being his fan, she wants to forget what happened. Filming in 2012 plunged her into the past, when V. Shamirov's series “Local News” ended in Rostov-on-Don. For extras, local correspondents were again invited to the Rostov Hotel, whose task was to ask the hero Mikhail Politseymako uncomfortable questions in order to intensify the controversy.
Journalist Aroyan, who became a correspondent for Moskovsky Komsomolets, asked the actor if he considered his candidacy suitable for the role of a resident (“Resident Ultimatum”), whose image is associated with the legendary Georgy Zhzhenov, who looked brutal and fit. The appearance of the actor himself bears little resemblance to the prototype of the hero. As a result, the angry actor left the press conference, saying goodbye that the woman had not wised up at all since the scandal with Kirkorov.

This episode confirms that Irina Aroyan, a lover of sharp questions, does not go into her pocket for a word. The biography of the journalist, unfortunately, is little known. Her surname belongs to her mother, an Armenian by nationality. Her father has Russian and Belarusian roots, but the journalist does not maintain relations with him, because her parents broke up a long time ago. At the age of 16, she made an independent decision to take her mother's surname. womanphilological education, with which she came to work in journalism. A lover of literature, history and travel, the woman married an Englishman early, but could not live away from her homeland.

Most of all, she was oppressed by professional lack of demand, because according to British law, foreign women cannot work in the country for a certain time. He considers himself a non-public person who was accidentally drawn into a showdown with a star.
The woman is still being accused of PR, although Kirkorov himself makes me remember who Irina Aroyan is with every next scandal. In December 2016, according to his denunciation, the Frenchman Marouani was detained, with whom the singer had unresolved financial issues. The REN TV channel turned to the Rostov journalist for comments. Irina still believes that this episode is just an additional touch to the moral character of the Russian star.