American journalist Michael Bohm: biography, family, photo

American journalist Michael Bohm: biography, family, photo
American journalist Michael Bohm: biography, family, photo

Tensioned relations between Russia and the United States of America have turned an American political commentator and journalist into a Russian television star. Who is this American and why is the biography of journalist Michael Bohm interesting to so many Russians?

Michael Robert Bohm is known to fans of Russian political talk shows as a man who always defends the United States in front of an audience of millions. He is especially popular in the studio of the Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov. Many are concerned about the biography of journalist Michael Bohm. A photo of the American is shown below.

Journalist Michael Bohm, biography
Journalist Michael Bohm, biography

Home home

As for the biography of journalist Michael Bohm, it is important to note that he was born in November 1965 in the city of St. Louis in the US state of Missouri. Studied at Columbia University School of International Affairs in New York.

Michael Bohm is a journalist

The biography of journalist Michael Bohm is quite fascinating. 30 years ago, back in 1987, Michael Bohm first visitedthen the USSR. Initially, he had nothing to do with journalism and was sent to Russia as an ordinary employee of an insurance company. He was chosen because of his knowledge of the Russian language. However, something did not work out for the future political observer in this field, and soon he returned to the States, and specifically to New York. In America, he studied for a long time at Columbia University, learning all the nuances of international relations.

The biography of journalist Michael Bohm says that in 1997 he again comes to Russia. Office work quickly got boring, and insurance in Russia is not the most profitable business. It is for this reason that Michael Bohm is now a journalist. Biography, family, photos of this figure are now of interest to many viewers.

A little later, Michael writes a book about Russian people and their character called The Russian Specific.

Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family
Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family

From 2007 to 2014, Michael Bohm works for a very prestigious edition of The Moscow Times. He was the editor of an entire section of Opinion. In parallel with this, he is teaching journalism at one of the leading Russian universities - MGIMO.

American journalist Michael Bohm, whose biography is very banal, is interesting for many precisely because he remained to live in Russia, although he could have returned to the States for a long time. He has something to hold onto here.

Journalist Michael Bohm: biography, family, wife

American Michael Bohm doesn't really like to talk about his personal relationships. But the biography of journalist Michael Bohm and his family is veryinteresting to many. To date, it is only known that in 2013 he signed with the Russian girl Svetlana, who is several years younger than her companion. In marriage, the couple had a daughter, Nicole, but now they are officially divorced.

Now his ex-wife and daughter live in Russia, in one of the districts of the Moscow region. The ex-husband often comes over the weekend to see the baby. In the winter of 2016, Bom gave an interview where he said that he was collecting documents to obtain Russian citizenship. After all, his wife does not want to leave for America, and the young father is worried that he will be cut off from his daughter if he is not extended his visa or is completely banned from entering the country.

Michael Bohm, journalist, biography, photo
Michael Bohm, journalist, biography, photo

Michael Bohm does not exclude that there is a high probability of another marriage with a Russian woman, but at the moment there is no information about any specific relationship. This is all that is known about the biography of American journalist Michael Bohm.

There is even less information about his American family. It is only known that his retired parents live in the States. His father is a businessman and his mother was a dance teacher. Both of them did not welcome the choice of their son, but were forced to come to terms with the fact that Michael has been living and working in another country for 20 years. In the same place, in the States, his brother and sister live. Although Michael Bohm is a journalist, it was not so easy to find a biography and a photo. There is very little information about the family. Bom doesn't like to talk about himself.

Whipping Boy

Michael Bohm very often flashes on TV screens inas an invited guest. And, although he has repeatedly admitted that he feels “like in a cage with tigers” in the studio, he still continues to come to various political talk shows. No matter how pathetic his excuse may sound, he is sure that this is precisely his “journalistic duty”. After all, apart from him, almost no one wants to defend the interests of the United States of America, when on the one hand Vladimir Zhirinovsky presses on you, and on the other, also Vladimir, but already Solovyov.

American journalist Michael Bohm, biography
American journalist Michael Bohm, biography

Very often, a verbal skirmish on the screen threatens to turn into a fisticuff, but Michael Bohm is still glad that he is invited to the air. He always patiently waits for the opportunity to express his own point of view, which most often does not coincide with the line of the majority. Nevertheless, the American continues to stand his ground and, it is worth noting, behaves very professionally and never slips into banal insults.

There is a joke among viewers that Bohm is called to these programs as the so-called "whipping boy". Maybe it's true, or maybe it's just the only American who comes to these talk shows. By the way, it is still not clear whether Michael Bohm receives money for his appearance on Russian TV channels or does it absolutely disinterestedly, wanting to protect the interests of his country.

Participation in a TV show

Michael Bohm several times became a participant in the talk show "Duel" by Vladimir Solovyov. First, his opponent was Semyon Arkadyevich Bagdasarov, and the next time - V. V. Zhirinovsky. ATboth of these cases, Michael lost by decision of the viewers.

Among other things, Bom repeatedly visited "Special Correspondent", "Majority", "First Studio", "Right to Know!" and many other famous Russian political programs.

Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family, photo
Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family, photo

I think in Russian

At the beginning of his career, American journalist Michael Bohm had no serious problems with the Russian language. But very soon it became clear that simple conversational phrases were not enough to work on television and it was necessary to study the language in more detail. Especially for these purposes, Michael Bohm hired a Russian language teacher. Now one lesson a week is enough for him, but the training does not stop.

At the moment, Michael speaks Russian quite well and even tries to use our proverbs and sayings in his speech. Moreover, once in an interview, Bom even stated that he even began to think only in Russian.

Michael Bohm - columnist and expert

Michael Bohm admits that various American channels that do not work in Russia often turn to him with questions. They want to know the opinion of an expert on some key political issues. He never refuses and expresses his assumptions regarding the formation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States.

Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family, wife
Journalist Michael Bohm, biography, family, wife

The American speaks on many federal channels of the Russian Federation, but has long come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own truth. He himself said more than once thatparticipants and talk show hosts understand, and sometimes even accept, his position. And to all the passions that boil around him on various talk shows, Michael Bom is very calm and professional, correctly noting that the more hype, the more ratings and viewers.

Michael Bohm's American Dream

Every person tends to dream of a better life, of justice and honesty, of fidelity in love. Everyone wants to be recognized not only in the family, but also at work. Michael Bohm is a journalist whose biography is interesting to many, but even his dreams are not unique. He also dreams of success in all his endeavors. And although he himself emphasized many times that some living conditions in the United States of America are an order of magnitude higher, he is not going to leave Russia yet. Still, he lived here for 20 years and does not want to give up what he has achieved with his own work. It is worth noting that Bom did not leave the country even when he did not have a job here.
