Absolutely in every country there is a service, or, to be more precise, law enforcement agencies, whose direct responsibility is to ensure the security of this country. Most often, the purposes of such organs are divided into many subspecies. In this article, we will discuss what one of these organizations is.
History of the creation of the SBU

Deciphering the SBU: Security Service of Ukraine. This is the national organization of the country, which is its counterintelligence, the central law enforcement agency. Currently subordinate to the President of Ukraine, and her predecessor - the KGB of the USSR.
The SBU was founded on September 20, 1991, when a decree on its creation was adopted. The adopted law includes many subparagraphs and articles that also define the functions and responsibilities of this service.

The significance of the SBU is very high, because the service daily performs a number of duties, the task of which is to ensure the protection of Ukraine. Tasks to be performed by the SBU:
- protection of the sovereignty of the country,its constitution, the integrity of territories, various types of potential of Ukraine (defense, economic, material, etc.);
- protection of the interests of the population in relations with the country and vice versa, as well as the interaction of the country and private enterprises;
- protection against terrorism, corruption, all types of crimes, warning about them, detection and exposure, protection also from any actions that have a potential threat to Ukraine;
- collection and processing of certain information about the country, conducting analytical actions to improve management in external and internal affairs.
SBU is an organization that, in addition to protection, is responsible for the possession of information, helps Ukraine in the implementation of national plans.
However, according to experts, the power belongs to those who own the information. Can we conclude from this that the SBU governs Ukraine? Actually this is not true. The SBU does not govern the state, it helps the administration. In fact, many people own the information, but the plans of the SBU specifically do not include a clause about its use against Ukraine, or to achieve power over it.
The main function of the SBU

In addition to all the above criteria, the SBU is an organization that primarily deals with counterintelligence.
Counterintelligence is the timely detection and prevention of possible problems. Prevention of threats that negatively affect the future functioning of the country. It is the main task of the special services, to whichqualified personnel.
The significance of the SBU is not only in defense, but also in analytical activities. The service analyzes the information, identifies the threats contained in it, and stores in its archives a large amount of information about the country. Such analytical work is carried out in the interests of the authorities, which are interested in Ukraine's participation in external and internal political actions.
For better control, there is a Department of Counterintelligence. He is engaged in the protection of very important state documents, carries information about representatives of foreign enterprises interacting with Ukraine. In addition, the Department of Counterintelligence has a division that undertakes to be responsible for economic information about the country. This is the Department of Counterintelligence for the Defense of the Economy. There are other departments, all of them are responsible for certain information and duties, and their immediate "boss" is the SBU.
Importance of security arrangements

Security services do not have to be at the national level - it is enough to establish yourself as a worthy, responsible one. The SBU is simply the service that has earned the trust of the country.
The main directions of each security service is not only the protection of the country, in this case, Ukraine, from any harmful factors, but the processing and protection of information of state interest.
The importance of such security organizations also lies in the fact that they ensure the country's normal functioning, make communications with foreignpersons limit the country from potential threats that could cause irreparable harm to the system of government.
What does the SBU mean for Ukraine? The role of the organization is not only in supporting and eliminating emerging problems and warning about them, but also in real assistance to the authorities.