Magnificent and majestic St. Petersburg is rich in parks and gardens. At all times of the year, they beckon guests of the Northern capital and citizens under the crowns of their age-old trees. They are so diverse that everyone can choose their own special place where they want to be alone with nature. Each park has a history and is unique in its own way. Ekateringof is no exception - the park, which has become a very popular leisure destination for many Petersburgers. Even in winter it is always crowded.
History of the park
Ekateringof Park (SPB) has a long and interesting history. He knew both periods of prosperity and times of complete oblivion. It is quite obvious that each historical era has left its mark on its landscape and architecture of the ensemble.

In 1711, by decree of Peter I, the Yekateringof Palace was built. A garden was laid out in front of him, several canals were laid, and various services were built. A rather modest wooden palace laid the foundation for a beautiful palace and park complex.
In the beginning, Ekateringof, the author of which is considered the Italian architect Domenico Trezzini, was just a cozy manor with a rather simplelayout. To the palace, which had an open terrace surrounded by a balustrade and a wide staircase, a canal led, which, expanding, created a small harbor. It was dug simultaneously with the construction of the palace and has survived to this day.
Ekateringof (park), as well as the estate, is a gift from Peter the Great to his wife on their wedding day. The place for construction was not chosen by chance - on the banks of the Black River, Peter I and A. Menshikov for the first time in the history of Russia (1703) won a victory at sea over the Swedes.
The appearance of the park
There was a modest garden in front of the palace. Its decoration consisted only of small parterres, trellis galleries, two flower beds and pavilions entwined with outlandish plants, created by the French gardener D. Brocket, who was constantly engaged in arranging the garden-park.

From the opposite side of the house there was a large meadow surrounded by a picturesque grove. There was also a Dutch garden. Before entering it were two booths for watchmen.
In 1717, at the invitation of Emperor Peter, the famous French architect and engineer Jean Baptiste Leblon arrived in St. Petersburg. He was instructed to develop a master plan for St. Petersburg. In parallel, Leblon is working on a project for the reconstruction of Yekateringof. He suggested raising the ground three feet (about 90 cm) as the estate was in a low area.
Leblon created a project for the reconstruction of the garden and the organization of the park. Work on its implementation was to be led by a former gardener D. Brocket.
Park under AnnaIoannovna
Leblon's project was not destined to come true. In 1730, Anna Ioannovna, a great lover of hunting, ascended the throne. In St. Petersburg, they urgently began to restore the menageries, which were laid by Peter I.

Anna Ioannovna wished to see a large hunting park on the territory of Ekateringof. For the development of this project, architects I. Ya. Blank, M. G. Zemtsov and I. P. Davydov, well-known at that time, were involved. In the center of the park, a square was conceived where the Hunting Palace was supposed to stand. The clearings of the menagerie fanned out from it. Hunting grounds, fields, stables and kennels were designed on the territory.
In 1737, work began on the reconstruction of the park, but was soon suspended - Anna Ioannovna ordered to cut costs. The project was not implemented.
Reconstruction of the park under Elizabeth Petrovna
Ekateringof is a park that reached its peak during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. During this period, a large-scale reconstruction of the garden and the palace was carried out. Supervised by Hermann van Boles.
According to the developed project, it was supposed to re-plan the entire territory of the complex, create a beam system of alleys that would lead to the main entrance of the palace.
Elizaveta personally watched the reconstruction of Ekateringof. The park was really landscaped - old paths were fixed and new paths were laid, trees and shrubs were planted, flower beds were updated and put in order.

For protectionaround them, according to the project of the architect A. Vista, a stone fence with an iron grate was installed.
The ponds and the Petrovsky Canal, located near the palace, were cleaned and deepened. Ekateringof - the park, which the Great Peter began to create, has again become a place for May festivities. The empress always took part in these celebrations.
A period of decline
After the death of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna Yekateringof, the park, which in her reign was one of the favorite places for recreation of St. Petersburg residents, falls into decay. At the beginning of the reign of the Empress, attention was still paid to the ensemble. By tradition, glorious events and important dates in Russian history were celebrated here. But soon the lands of Ekateringof began to be given to nobles and we althy citizens. Dachas began to appear on these sites.
Park in the 19th century
By the end of the 19th century, the park turns into an urban outskirts. Proletarians began to gather here for May Day meetings, merchants reveled at night. After the revolution, the park received a new name - Sad them. May 1. During this period, two attractions appeared - the legendary "Girl with an oar" and a monument to the heroes of Krasnodon.
Post-war years
During the Second World War, the park was badly damaged. In 1949, the Russian architect V. V. Stepanov developed a project for the reconstruction and expansion of the cultural facility. A clear division of the garden into two parts without any connection between the existing three-dimensional and spatial composition led to its complete decline, especially the old, western part. It was supposed to expand the territory, but everything remained as before. From October 1948, the object receivednew name - park them. 30th anniversary of the Komsomol.

SPB GKU "Ekateringof Park"
In 1993, the state institution "Park of Culture and Leisure Ekateringof" was established. He faces the following tasks:
- restoration and development of the park and organization of leisure activities for the population;
- improving the ecological situation of the city.
To achieve the set goals, the SPB GKU "Ekaterinhof Park" carries out the following activities:
- regular cleaning of the territory, storage of swept snow;
- planting and caring for trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds;
- creation, repair and maintenance of park paths and playgrounds;
- carrying out protective and preventive work to protect plants and agrotechnical care for them, for sanitary cleaning, cutting down
and replacing diseased and damaged plants;
- installation, maintenance and care of small architectural forms, landscape gardening furniture, inventory and equipment;
- cultivation of planting material and production of plant-land mixture based on the collection and processing of grass, leaves and other organic debris;
- maintenance of engineering networks located in the park;
- organization of greenhouse and greenhouse facilities for growing flowers, agricultural and tree and shrub products;
- maintenance and service of sledges, boats, sports, beach and game equipment, attractions;
- holding cultural-entertainment and sports and recreational activities in the park.
Ekateringof Park today: attractions and entertainment
If you happen to come to St. Petersburg, visit Ekateringof Park for sure. It is a quiet corner in a noisy city. Silky grass, a pond with boats and magnificent horses. This is a great place for those who want to be alone with nature, read in the shade of centuries-old trees and think. Ekateringof Park (Narvskaya metro station) still keeps priceless historical sights.
Ekateringof - a park that resembles the legendary Peterhof. It can be considered an engineering marvel of those ancient times.
The Ekateringofka River – is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday. From its shore, a delightful view of the Church of the Epiphany opens up.
Catheringof Palace
Until now, experts argue who built the Ekateringof Palace. Some believe that the architect D. Trezzini became its author. Under Peter I, the palace was small, wooden, with narrow and low rooms.

Behind the complex was a vast park and a menagerie. Peter liked to move on the water, so a shipping channel was dug to the palace from the Black River. It ended at the porch with a small harbor. Round ponds were dug on both sides of the canal. In 1823, the first suspension chain bridge in Russia was built on the Petrovsky Canal, which has not survived to this day.
In 1924, the Ekateringof Palace burned down from an accidental fire. What is left of it, the inhabitants of the nearbyvillages were plundered for firewood.
Boat station
Ekateringof Park (metro station "Narvskaya") has its own ponds. That is why there are boats here. Everyone can rent a boat or a catamaran and ride on the mirror surface. You can feed the ducks on the pond. Park watchmen recommend using rye bread for this.
Column (Molvinsky Pillar)
This very tall column, made of red granite, is located at the entrance to the park, not far from the Molvinsky bridge across Tarakanovka. There are several versions about the origin of this pedestal, which has no inscriptions.

According to one of them, this is a monument to the favorite of Catherine Mons, whom Peter the Great executed as a warning to his unfaithful wife. According to another version, this is the burial place of Peter I's horse Lisetta.
The column was designed by the architect Montferrand. There is another, rather controversial hypothesis that connects the appearance of this attraction with the name of the vodka and sugar manufacturer Molvo, who had two factories and a dacha on the banks of Tarakanovka. The Molvinsky Pillar seemed to be a poster pedestal - advertising of popular products was placed on it.
Surprisingly, the antique Ekateringof attractions, unlike those in the Tauride Garden, not only did not close, but even got prettier and blossomed. Despite their venerable age, most carousels work properly. Between them are built cute huts where you can buy tickets.

And in another such house there is an old classic shooting gallery with two pneumatic guns and several targets. At the gates of the attractions there is a mobile unit that makes popcorn and cotton candy to the delight of the children.
There are many cafes and bistros in the vicinity of Ekateringof Park. Shawarma, barbecue, coffee, tea, soft drinks. In addition, there is a McDonald's and a cafe "Attic" with excellent home cooking.
There are five clay tennis courts in the park. The utility rooms have changing rooms and showers. You can bring your own rackets or rent them at the park.
Equestrian Club (Ekateringof Park)
Before the revolution, this park was one of the most popular places for horse riding. And today there is an equestrian club. Ekateringof Park invites everyone to learn how to stay in the saddle (600 rubles per month) or just ride a few times under the supervision of an experienced instructor (150 rubles per hour).

The club is breeding thoroughbred horses. Here you can buy the one you like. Everyone can individually train with a trainer, take part in an original photo session. The club has a children's section and a section for people with disabilities. Experienced trainers are engaged in miraculous hippotherapy. Here you can order wedding rides, horseback riding and chat with these smart animals.