Beautiful, intelligible and competent presentation of thoughts has always been appreciated. The Roman orator Cicero was especially famous for his eloquence. His dialogue with the Sicilian governor, aimed at denouncing a cohort of presumptuous government officials, is still being studied in universities today.

From history
Initially, the art of eloquence, or oratory, originated in ancient Greece. Over the centuries, the techniques of rhetoric have been constantly updated, transformed, and new forms of communication have appeared. But no matter how improved types of speech interaction between people are created, as Blaise Pascal said, eloquence is primarily a picturesque presentation of thoughts.
For example, Plato was in great admiration for the power of the extraordinary presentation of thoughts of his teacher - Socrates. He deeply honored the talent of his mentor, whose works are very interesting for familiarization and modern man.
Power in the word
It is commonly believedthat eloquence is the intelligible and concise truth. But floridly balabol and “warm” the ears of the public for several hours - this is by no means oratory. Populism, verbiage and empty ranting, although beautiful words, are far from true art.
Eloquence is the ability to convey the truth convincingly, bitingly and especially intelligibly. The secret of this skill lies in the rejection of empty, superfluous words. An example here is the sacred treatises, which have succeeded in this. The truths are summarized in them. Francois La Rochefoucauld said that true eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, but not more than you need.

Can one learn to speak beautifully?
This question interests many. Rhetoric (eloquence) can be honed to unprecedented heights, if, for example, one works on a word like the famous Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet's opinion was as follows: “True eloquence, coming from a pure heart, gets into the hearts of people. It overwhelms the mind and senses. The mind later grasps what has been said. He was known as a famous orator, he was considered a preacher, but, despite this, he confessed to his friends that his ability to effectively speak was in no way comparable to the laconic speeches of the Master. After Mayakovsky spent a week with his mentor, he unraveled his secret and declared: “When the Master speaks, his words give rise to silence. My speech, alas, gives rise to thought.”
God-given talent
Fake in eloquence, pomposity, grandiloquence, rhetoric hide the truethe meaning of words, pretend and hypocrite. Even the Buddha told his disciples that there is no use in the words of a person if he does not follow them, who fakes eloquence, passes it off as his virtuous quality. Lao Tzu believed: “He who knows does not prove, he who proves does not know.”
Eloquence is incompatible with acting. With artistry, yes, but not acting. A person who owns the skill of oratory does not “draw”, does not present himself in a favorable light. Everyone around him unmistakably sees in such a person charisma, talent, depth and brilliance of mind, read her bright emotionality inherent in a successful person endowed with a number of attractive individual qualities.

Types of eloquence
Any public speaking is tied to a specific goal and highlights a specific situation. In order for the speaker's appeal to be more intelligible and correctly presented in a particular life case, types of eloquence were created.
- Academic (scientific). This includes various scientific reviews, reports, lectures. A characteristic feature of this type is the presence of a high level of scientific performance, brightness, emotionality, accessibility and clarity of presentation.
- Socio-political. This type includes rally speeches, reports, reviews on economic/political topics.
- Judicial. Here, a special place is given to the speeches of judicial prosecutors, lawyers and the accused. The main goal is to form clear moral positions in the court, which will be fundamental insentencing.
- Church (theological and spiritual). This type includes speeches and sermons in cathedrals. The main feature is the mandatory presence of educational elements, due attention to the inner world of a person.
- Social and household. This includes congratulations, condolences, unpretentious dialogues, the style of speech is accessible and easy, they often operate with various speech clichés.
- Pedagogical. This eloquence includes the teacher's explanations, speeches, written compositions of students.
- Military. This view includes combat orders, appeals, regulations, radio communications, military memoirs.
- Diplomatic. This type implies strict observance of diplomatic etiquette, compliance with strict standards in correspondence and personal communication.
- Dialogues alone with yourself are inner speech, memories, reflections, stage of preparation for the performance, rehearsal.
Each of the indicated types of eloquence is constantly being improved. At the moment, this gradation can be considered complete and complete. But as modern spheres of communication develop, new types of eloquence will also emerge. For example, Internet correspondence on forums and social network chats also already claims to be an individual section of rhetoric.

In conclusion, we can say that eloquence is an art that can transform, undergo changes, but not lose its fundamental primary features overnight. It is important to understand that the skill of the orator has always been valuable for being boldreveals and convicts what needs the truth, and "he who has ears, let him hear."