Anglicisms, present in modern Russian (and other) languages, by their very presence confirm that with all the we alth of the “great and mighty”, in some cases it is not enough. And it's not just the number of phonemes contained in the average phrase. There are nuances that need to be distinguished. In addition, our business vocabulary, due to historical circumstances, is pretty behind the times. What is a "tender"? Why does the meaning of the long expression "trust society" easily fit into the short English "trust"?
The title of Elvis Presley's famous song "Love Me Tender" in the 90s was jokingly translated as "love me tender". The four English words printed on dollar bills "In God We Trust" are also interpreted by the Americans not without humor.

God-fearing people
Every person who knows at least a little English, or, in extreme cases, armed with a dictionary, can figure out the meaning of this phrase. It is not worth using an electronic "translator", it can give out something completely unreadable, like "In God we trust." The content, in general,generally understandable. It is "confidence in faith" that the phrase "In God We Trust" expresses. The translation of the biblical phrase "In God we trust" is the closest both in spirit and linguistically. To believe in English - to believe. "To Trust" means to trust (in other senses - to take care, patronize), and according to the church - to trust. Printing such a slogan on money was a really good idea. Looking at earned coins or banknotes, a believer and honest person should feel a sense of satisfaction and calmness, and a criminal or bribe-taker, receiving unjust booty, may feel remorse. If he has it, of course.

In 1864, the coin was first decorated with this motto. "In God We Trust" - a line from the text of the American anthem of 1814, its appearance on means of payment was intended to establish the primacy of Christian values in the domestic and foreign state policy of the young country of the New World. How this lofty goal was realized is a complex and ambiguous question, as are the answers to it, but the intention itself certainly deserves respect. Numismatists value the first US metal money highly, some copies are very expensive, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars.

… and modernity
The tradition was continued, although it had opponents. The fact is that in America, in addition to believers, there are also atheists who do not want to read the mention of God every day (this annoys them), but their opinion is notlistened.
The US Supreme Court last heard a lawsuit over the legality of using the phrase "In God We Trust" as a public attribute in 1977. The decision was made conservative: to leave everything as it is.
In 2013, after a long break, a new two-dollar banknote came into circulation. The issuer was the Bank of Atlanta. In total, almost 45 million copies were printed. Naturally, the new money is decorated with the same motto, "In God We Trust".

American humor
In ordinary eateries, which in the United States are traditionally called "drug stores", that is, pharmacies (pharmacists were forced to expand the range of goods and services offered after the pharmaceutical companies finally conquered the drug market), and especially in bars on the walls often there are signs and posters, sometimes very witty. They are intended for those clients who do not want to follow the order without a reminder, but require food and drink on credit. “If you are so smart, then where is your money?” asks one, “No Money – No Drink!” - warns another, "Credit worsens relations" - admonishes the third. There is something from the state symbols. The phrase "In God We Trust" is complemented by a categorical continuation of "All Others Pay Cash"! “We believe in God, and everything else is for cash” - this is how the whole expression is translated, not very briefly, but very clearly conveying the essence of the religious basis of the American economic superstructure.