"Jet Set" or we althy air travelers

"Jet Set" or we althy air travelers
"Jet Set" or we althy air travelers

Jet Set is a term coined by Igor Cassini, a reporter for the American magazine New York. It began to be used to describe people who are able to organize meetings or get into places that are inaccessible to the common man. This is a kind of elite of society, to which absolutely everything is open.

The emergence of the term

Jet Set
Jet Set

"Jet Set" literally translates from English as "jet plane" and "society". So, these are people who spend their lives in air travel. Of course, they must be we althy.

This term originated in the 1950s. It was at that time that civil aviation began to develop actively. At the same time, flights were incredibly expensive. Only we althy people could afford them. For the majority of ordinary citizens, air tickets were not available.

Today "Jet Set" is a whole cult. There is an assumption that the creation of the Concorde supersonic aircraft was involved in its appearance. Then high-speed flights became available. You could even move across the ocean. In 1958, the first such flight was launched from London to New York. It took only 6 hours to cover such a distance.

Slightlylater, flights became available to a larger mass of people. Therefore, the term "Jet Set" began to mean a circle of we althy people who have the opportunity to go to the other side of the planet at any moment. These we althy clients are offered private jets or private first-class commercial cabins.

Who is the "Jet Setter"?

jet set
jet set

Today it's a way of life. It includes:

  • visiting prestigious events;
  • buying only the best and most expensive accessories and clothes;
  • stay in the most luxurious hotels.

This term is actively used in modern life. Music groups, restaurants, fitness centers are even called this way. It is often mentioned in the literature.

"Jet Setter" is not someone who drives an expensive car or wears a luxury watch. This is the style of travel. Private planes or helicopters, the presence of a yacht - this is a symbol of we alth and freedom.

The real "Jet Setter" is a we althy person who is a citizen of the world. He can easily fly to London for a walk, go shopping in Dubai, visit a disco in Goa or a wine festival in France. The main thing for him is the freedom of movement that money gives.

All journeys in the style of "Jet Set" remain in memory for a long time. You can retell them to your grandchildren, they instantly acquire legends. And this "baggage" of impressions and emotions is much better than a lot of expensive and unnecessary trinkets.

How do the Jet Setters dress?

Elite of society
Elite of society

This style has its own characteristics. The main thing is to attract as little attention as possible during such a trip. That is why all labels on clothes should be hidden. Nothing fancy, flashy, fancy. The Jet Setter is characterized by a completely different outfit:

  • well-fitting jeans, but they should be as simple and unremarkable as possible;
  • comfortable shoes, because you have to spend a lot of time on your feet;
  • sunglasses;
  • fashion jacket;
  • suitcase on wheels.


Each "Jet Setter" is a very intelligent and well-mannered person. On an airplane, even if it is a private flight, it will behave according to all the rules. So, on board, you must comply with all the requirements of the flight attendant. After all, this is a guarantee of security.

Greetings, thanks and goodbyes are a must for Jet Set style etiquette. Every member of the society's elite behaves decently. This applies both to behavior on board an aircraft and in a hotel, restaurant and other public establishments.

Not every travel lover belongs to the Jet Set society. To do this, you need to have a very impressive fortune and always allow yourself only the best.
