The history of the origin of the concept of "vice president"

The history of the origin of the concept of "vice president"
The history of the origin of the concept of "vice president"

Video: The history of the origin of the concept of "vice president"

Video: The history of the origin of the concept of
Video: America 101: What is the Role of the Vice President? | History 2025, January

"Vice President" - this word is often heard on TV screens, on the radio and we meet in the media. And what does it mean? The word "vice" comes from the Latin language, where at one time it meant certain duties, vices. Vizzerex was the acting king, then the governor. In modern dictionaries, you can read that this prefix implies a certain meaning of the word "deputy". In fact, the meaning remains the same as in ancient times. "Vice President" literally means Deputy President. The expression is applicable both to the head of state and to the head of any large company or organization.

Vice President
Vice President

For the first time this concept was introduced by the United States of America. It was here that such a state post appeared in 1789. John Adams acted until 1797 as head of state in his absence. The vice-president was elected in the same way and in the same ways as the head of state, and for the same period of time. By the way, this Vice President of the United States soon became President of the States.

It is worth noting that the performance of the duties of the vice president occurs only to a limited extent, there are no full presidential powers.

For the first time the phrase "Vice President of the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics" appeared in 1990, and "Vice President of Russia" - in 1991. This post at that time was occupied by Gennady Ivanovich Yanaev, who was elected by the Council of People's Deputies a little later than Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev.

Vice President of the United States
Vice President of the United States

Further, by popular vote in 1991, along with the election of President Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich, Rutskoi Alexander Vladimirovich was approved for the post of vice president.

In 1993, the constitutional crisis hit the country, it was then that this post in the state was abolished.

Then the Constitution of the Russian Federation excluded this state post from the list of state posts.

The experience of introducing this position revealed the following shortcomings:

  • Fuzzy assignment of duties of the second person of the state. The powers of the head of state were much wider than his deputy, and, consequently, the position played a shadow role rather than any specific one.
  • In the event of the resignation of the duties of the head of state, if there is a provision for the transfer of power to the vice president, the opponents of the new head have an excellent opportunity to agitate the former in their direction.

  • After the resignation of the head of state, his post was held by the vice president, both times, which led to clashes between supporters.
Vice President of Russia
Vice President of Russia

The position of "Vice President of the Company" has existed in the Russian Federation since the 18th century. The meaning of the position is essentially the same as in the state -Deputy Head. Those. acting president of the company in his absence or when he is busy. As a rule, the vice-president of a company manages one of the company's activities, which is logical in order to avoid that very shadow role. Currently, companies such as Samsung, Microsoft, Kaspersky Lab, etc. have such a position in their state.

This word has such a history. And if the state at one time abandoned the position, then the giants of domestic and foreign business continue to successfully implement it. Something to think about…
