All over the world we are known not only for our territory (although the status of the largest state costs a lot), but also for our original culture, natural resources, talented people. All this is our we alth, multiplied by past generations and zealously cherished by the present. And our task today is to make a contribution.
Geographic features and natural we alth of Russia
Our state is the largest and northernmost in the world. Russia, located on the Eurasian continent, occupies 40% of all of Europe and 30% of Asia. Washed by 13 seas.
More than half of our borders are maritime. We have the longest land cordon with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine.
The huge territory in the possession of the state is countless opportunities and a heavy burden at the same time. We have a large population, a developed potential of productive forces and a we alth of natural resources, but at the same time, difficulties arise in organizing the management process and establishing communication between the most distant corners of our country.

Speaking of what Russia is famous for, one should single out large reserves of coal, oil, peat,combustible gases, as well as developed ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, extraction of precious metals.
30% of our territory is covered with forests, which constitute one of our main we alth. Coniferous trees provide building material and are the basis of the paper industry. We should not forget about the animal world: we have more than 1000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
As you can see, geographical features are exactly what Russia is famous for. The writing of every schoolchild, for sure, will begin with a listing of these natural resources of our country.
Russian culture
We are also spiritually rich. Our country is rightfully considered one of the cradles of world culture. Despite the centuries-old history full of battles and bloody wars, the Russian people managed to preserve and increase their spiritual heritage, remaining original and full of national color.

The concept of "culture", oddly enough, in the dimension of our state, it is customary to attribute not so much the sphere of art as a special way of life, way of thinking and way of life of the inhabitants of Russia. This is a whole world, incomprehensible and at the same time so close and dear to each of us.
What Russia is especially famous for is its poets, writers, composers, scientists. Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, Lomonosov created immortal masterpieces that are among the pearls of world culture and admired in all corners of our planet.
Golden period of development of our culture can beconsider 18-19 century. At this time, Russia takes the place of one of the most enlightened world states. The Russian Museum and the State Hermitage open their doors in St. Petersburg, and the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Masterpieces of applied art are also collected in monasteries.
The beauty of Russian women
There is one axiom, as unconditional as the fact that our country is the largest. “Russian women are the most beautiful” - not a single foreigner will argue with this statement. Coming to us, foreign guests of the stronger sex literally go crazy from the number of beautiful girls around them. Foreign women notice that they cannot understand such a serious attitude to their own appearance and beauty.

But our women are charming without makeup. A blond braid, about which songs and poems are composed, blue eyes and pitch-black eyelashes - it is no wonder that no one can be more beautiful.
For many years in a row, representatives of Russia have taken high places in various beauty contests. In 2014, a resident of St. Petersburg even became "Mrs. World", beating her competitors from 40 countries.
Recently, invitations from Hollywood for our actresses have also become more frequent. Acting in foreign films, they once again confirm what Russia is famous for in the world: beauty, diligence, talent. And this cannot be taken away from Russian women.
Famous Russian inventions
Every history textbook will say that the brilliant minds of our compatriots contributed to the developmentworld progress. At the end of the 19th century, engineer Ippolit Romanov developed an electric car, and Nikolai Benardos patented electric arc welding.

Igor Sikorsky was the author of the first multi-engine aircraft and helicopter, and Vladimir Zworykin was the first to receive color television, and also developed an electron microscope and a night vision device. Even the world-famous Tetris game was developed by our compatriot Alexei Pajitnov.
What Russia is famous for in particular is the inventions of the 20th century. Among them, we should highlight the microwave laser, for which its creator Nikolai Basov was awarded the Nobel Prize, and also the first artificial space satellite created by Sergei Korolev. And do not forget about the glory of the Kalashnikov assault rifle thundering all over the world!
Famous people from Russia
Fame about us thunders in all corners of the globe. The best are ours! Maria Sharapova is a world famous tennis player. Alexander Ovechkin is a hockey star. Grigory Leps is a talented singer. Valery Gergiev is a legend of classical music. Evgeni Plushenko is an Olympic champion in figure skating. Konstantin Khabensky and Svetlana Khodchenkova are actors who have become stars of Hollywood films. They, and many more of our outstanding compatriots, are the backbone of the nation, a guarantee that the glory of a great power will thunder around the world.
It is also worth mentioning the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He represents the state in the international arena, defends the rights of every citizen andcares about the bright future of the whole country.
But you can't just talk about what the press calls "celebrities". After all, what is Russia famous for? People. Each of its residents. Russia is famous for its teachers, engineers and doctors. Everyone who honestly works for the good of their state.