Chelyabinsk is the heart of Eurasia. This industrial city has known different times. Now, perhaps, it is not in its best period, but it is interesting for its people and history. Let's talk about the population of Chelyabinsk, what makes these people and the city remarkable.

History of the settlement
Chelyabinsk has been leading its history since 1736, when a fortress was built on the site of a Bashkir village to guard the road from the Trans-Urals to Orenburg. Gradually, the fortress becomes a major military center, Cossacks settle here, who actively participate in the life of the country. In particular, in the war of 1812, the Chelyabinsk Cossacks showed considerable heroism. In the 19th century, the city lives a quiet county life. This continued until a gold mine was discovered near the city. This provoked a real "gold rush" and brought a large influx of new residents to the city.
Gradually, Chelyabinsk, whose number is steadily growing, is becoming a major economic center of the region. A railway is being laid here, manufactories are opening in the city,trading houses. The number of inhabitants is growing rapidly. The second equally turbulent period in the life of the city fell on the 40s, when several large industrial enterprises were opened here. In the 50s of the 20th century, the city was actively modernized, several educational institutions were opened here. By the end of the Soviet era, Chelyabinsk produced more than half of all steel in the country, a huge amount of pipes and road machines. The post-perestroika period led to the fact that part of the production was reduced, but by 2000 the situation was gradually improving.

Climate and ecology
The city of Chelyabinsk, the number of which we are considering, is located in the continental climate zone. It is characterized by cold winters and hot summers. On average, in winter, the thermometer drops to minus 17 degrees, and in summer it rises to +16. The city has a moderate amount of rainfall and the weather is quite comfortable to live in.
But the ecology in the city leaves much to be desired. A large number of industrial enterprises heavily pollute the air. A typical feature of the Chelyabinsk landscape is smoking chimneys. The environmental situation causes a fairly large number of various diseases among residents, and life expectancy is shorter than the national average (70 years).

Number dynamics
Almost from its very foundation, Chelyabinsk, whose population was regularly counted, was regularly subjected to a census of citizens. In 1795, 2, 6thousand people. In 1882, there were 7.7 thousand Chelyabinsk residents, and after 15 years - almost 15 thousand. By 1905, the population of the city had doubled, and after another 10 years it reached 67.3 thousand. In 1939, as a result of industrialization, the city grew to 273,000 inhabitants. In 1976, Chelyabinsk became one of the million-plus cities. During the period of perestroika, there was a slight decrease in the number of Chelyabinsk residents, but the situation quickly leveled off. In 1994, Chelyabinsk, whose population began to gradually increase, totaled 1.15 million people. Another episode of a decrease in the number of citizens was recorded in the period from 2002 to 2007. Recently, about 10 thousand people have been added to Chelyabinsk annually. In 2016, 1.19 million Chelyabinsk residents live in the city.

Chelyabinsk, which has the highest population and population density in the region, is a major economic and industrial center of the Urals region. Here, for every square kilometer, there are just over 2.2 thousand people, which is comparable to cities such as Omsk or Kazan. The gender distribution among the inhabitants of the city corresponds to the all-Russian indicators: there are 1, 1 woman for 1 man. Since 2011, Chelyabinsk has become one of the cities where the birth rate overtakes (albeit not by much) the death rate. The growth in the number is provided mainly by migrants, about 2.5 thousand people from other regions come here every year. However, while there is a problem of population aging, and the demographic burden onof able-bodied residents is quite high.

Economy and employment
Chelyabinsk, whose number of industrial enterprises ensures the stability of the economy, today produces 60% of Russian zinc, 40% of pipes and 6% of the country's rolled metal. The stable operation of such enterprises as metallurgical, tractor, forging and pressing plants, several machine-building plants, a large number of enterprises in the manufacturing and food sectors make it possible to ensure fairly high employment. Unemployment in Chelyabinsk is about 2%. There is a shortage of vacancies for specialists with higher education, but for representatives of working professions there is always a job to choose from.

Administrative division of the city and population distribution
Chelyabinsk, whose population differs significantly by district, is divided into 7 administrative districts. The oldest and most populated area is Central. This is where the history of the settlement began. It is built up with buildings of architectural value; the main objects of social and leisure infrastructure are located here. This part of the city is the most prestigious, and apartments here are the most expensive. Large enterprises gave the name to two administrative units: Trubozavodsky and Metallurgical districts. The building here is typical and not very new. Sovetsky district is the second most prestigious after the center. It has good infrastructure and densityThe population is quite high.
The number of Chelyabinsk residents by city districts is as follows:
- Kalininsky - 222 011.
- Kurchatovskiy - 219 883.
- Lenin - 190 541.
- Metallurgical - 139 102.
- Soviet - 137 884.
- Traktorozavodsky - 182 689.
- Central - 99 884.
Many cities today are being actively built up with high-rise buildings, and Chelyabinsk has not escaped this either. The population by district today is changing greatly precisely because of the introduction of new quarters. The most active construction is going on in the Kurchatov and Kalinin administrative units. In the first, standard houses of average cost are being built, and in the second, modern expensive housing.