Recently, the phrase "fifth column" has been used more and more often at all levels in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the post-Soviet space. What does it mean and what threat does it pose to society?
History of the term

The emergence of the expression in question is associated with the Spanish Civil War. Then the republican regime opposed the fascist General Franco. In 1936, the Franco attack on the capital of Spain began. To intimidate the enemy, a speech by one of the generals, dictator E. Mol, was broadcast on the radio. He said that in addition to the four military columns marching on the city under the leadership of various generals, there were adherents of the new regime in Madrid itself, who would come out at the right time. He called these spies the "fifth column". In Russia, both in the past and today, this image of an internal enemy is actively used. Let's take a historical digression and find out what the fifth column is in Russia and does it really pose a real threat to the state?
Intervention of foreign powers in the internal affairs of Russia

The fact that each state has its own geopolitical and economic interests is a long-known truth. But not everyone understands that a strong economically and politically Russia is an undesirable moment for many countries. Why? Yes, because the colossus of Russia, an unpredictable and strong state, frightens developed countries, they see it as a competitor that must be weakened at any cost. Therefore, advanced powers also unleashed wars by proxy (for example, the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812), and took an active part in domestic politics. So, for example, the coup d'état carried out by a handful of nobles in 1801 was directly paid for by England, and this is already a recognized fact. At that time, the term "fifth column" did not yet exist, but its methods were used quite widely. Why did England need to get rid of Paul? But because he, in alliance with Napoleon, planned to organize a campaign in India and generally oppose the hegemony of England in the world. Skillfully taking advantage of the dissatisfaction of the nobles with the reign of Paul the First, Great Britain solved its problems with their hands.
Twentieth century

Let's move into the twentieth century. Was there a fifth column in Russia in the last century? The First World War undermined its economy and provoked a new crisis. After the February Revolution, Nicholas turned to his relatives from the royal house of England with a request to accept his family, but was refused. Why? The weak Provisional Government could not cope with the situation in the country, and the Allies demanded more and more offensives againstfront. The coming to power of the Bolsheviks caused a civil war, foreigners immediately began to "help" the white movement. But did they really want to help? The words of the Russian white general are known that no one, except the Russians, needs a great Russia. The power of the Bolsheviks was supposed to destroy the country, but it did not work out quite like that. The created Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became a new giant, which, again, was feared and dreamed of destroying, dividing. Its collapse had both internal and external causes. No wonder the US President congratulated his people on winning the Cold War after the collapse of the USSR.
The other side of the coin
Despite the fact that the existing giant, the Soviet Union, frightened the developed countries, and they probably had their agents on its territory, nevertheless, the scale of the fight against "pests" exceeded all conceivable limits. "Enemies of the people" - this terminology of the Soviet era may well replace the expression "fifth column". These are the same agents of influence working against their country for the benefit of another. Most of them have not only ideological motives, but also more mercantile ones - personal gain. However, in the Soviet era, many innocent people suffered as enemies of the people. In addition, the presence of an internal enemy can always be a good excuse for any failure of the policy of state authorities, an explanation for the existence of economic problems and a reason for rallying citizens. Thus, the "fifth column" - this can be a good excuse for a tough policy for those inpower.
Russia in the 90s
Keeping in mind all of the above, let's try to see the current political situation and determine whether it is possible to consider such a phenomenon as the "fifth column of Russia" in the current situation. One of the basic principles of dialectics requires the study of a phenomenon in its development and historical context. Therefore, let's start with the collapse of the USSR. Russia's position in the world cannot be called otherwise than weak. The foreign ministers who replaced "Mr. No" A. Gromyko made concessions on all the demands of the United States and the West, following the leaders of the country. In return, Russia received global recognition and, as Putin put it, the right to sit next to the leading powers at meetings of the G8 and the like.
Current political situation

There is an opinion about the sole management of world processes by the United States. There is enough evidence for this. But as soon as the Russian Federation began to declare its strategic interests and contradict the "world dictator", they immediately started talking about a terrible aggressive Russia. The situation today is such that the world community condemns the Russian Federation on all counts. At the same time, fear of the country and personally Putin is being formed. What should the Russian government do in this situation? The choice can be this: accept your position as a second-rate power and surrender to the mercy of the "winners" or defend your interests to the end. What is the fifth column in this situation? This is not just opposition, but forces that weaken the state from within androcking the political situation at a very dangerous time for the country. The situation is similar to the ideas of the "defeatists" during the First World War, advocating the loss of their own state in the war.
Crimean Crisis

Even before the spring of 2014, there was an opposition in Russia that opposed the existing political regime. Some of these forces legally participated in the political struggle through elections. Another, like, for example, the world-famous Pussy Wright, operates with the help of PR campaigns, running into trouble and exposing the actions of the authorities as a speech against freedom of speech. The protest on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, organized by A. Navalny's allies, was a more serious attempt to stir up discontent in society. But it was only in connection with the Crimean question that the term "fifth column" revived again. By and large, everyone who opposed the annexation of Crimea to Russia got into it. This rather large group included a completely diverse audience, which ambiguously assessed the annexation of the Crimean peninsula.
Attempts to make a fifth column list

So, most of the Russian population and political leaders welcomed the annexation of part of Ukraine in the form of Crimea to Russia. Therefore, the attitude towards people who expressed their protest against the actions of the Russian authorities was so clearly manifested negatively. There are not so many of them, but nevertheless, many of them are quite influential people. Of the deputies of the lower house of parliament, fourpeople: Valery Zubov, Ilya Ponomarev, Sergey Petrov and Dmitry Gudkov. They were joined by Nemtsov, Yavlinsky, Novodvorskaya. A big surprise was the position of all beloved artists, such as Y. Shevchuk, A. Makarevich, who immediately spoke out against the invasion of Russian troops in Crimea, considering everything that happened to be annexation. Many of the representatives of our creative elite were afraid that in this way a war would be unleashed between Ukraine and Russia. Apparently, BG also wrote about this on his Facebook page, urging the peoples not to be at enmity. So far, the war is going on in the Ukrainian East. The issue with Crimea hung in the air.
Reality of the enemy within

The presence of opposition in society is a normal phenomenon. Any democracy advocates pluralism, including opinions. The use of measures of state coercion against dissidents is a sign of totalitarianism. Is it possible to say that the authorities are persecuting, for example, the Okean Elzy group or other groups and individuals who oppose the prevailing policy? The artists themselves deny this fact. But something else is happening. Various social forces, sometimes even of a very extremist nature, are trying to unleash the persecution of the so-called fifth column. At the same time, public opinion can criticize any position, including the opposition. But the very widespread use of the term "fifth column" in the media and political debate - what is it, if not an escalation of social tension and a call to fight pests, enemies of the people, cosmopolitans and sonext?