The essence of autocracy in Russia is inherently vicious in that the fate of a vast country depends on the personal qualities of a single person. The frank weakness of the heir, the lack of clear laws of succession to the throne - all this led to bloody confusion and the rise of selfish and greedy noble clans. Tsar Ivan the Fifth Romanov is an example of such a weak ruler who voluntarily withdrew from government and only watched the struggle for power.
A child at the center of a power struggle
In 1682 the Tsar of Russia Fyodor Alekseevich died. He left no male descendants, and the throne was to be inherited by his younger brother. Ivan the Fifth Alekseevich Romanov was born in August 1666, his father was Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his mother was Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya.
The situation was complicated not only because of the tender age of Fedor's successor. The heir was a weak and sickly child, he suffered from scurvy, which many of his relatives suffered from, and did not see well.

Because of poor eyesight, he began his education later than other royal offspring. Also, many contemporaries spoke very unflatteringly about his intellectual abilities, almost openly calling him weak-minded. The biography of Ivan the Fifth is characterized not so much by his actions as by the events that unfolded around him.
From childhood, he preferred solitude and prayer to crowded receptions and gatherings, never showing attention to matters of state.
Attempt to eliminate Ivan
A huge role in those years in Russia was played by the inner circle of the royal people, numerous relatives of the wives of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. On one side was the Miloslavsky clan, relatives of the first Empress Maria Ilyinichna. They were opposed by the Naryshkins, the most capable and energetic of whom was Ivan Kirillovich - the brother of Natalya Kirillovna, who was the second wife of Alexei Mikhailovich and the mother of Peter, who later became emperor.

The Naryshkins loudly declared that Ivan was physically unable to govern the state and demanded the accession of Peter. A real scandal broke out, which some boyars and Patriarch Joachim tried to calm down. The latter suggested that the decisive question be submitted to the judgment of the people. On April 27, both princes - Peter and Ivan - were taken to the porch in front of Red Square, and a kind of voting took place. More shouts from the crowdgathered in front of the Kremlin was for Peter, only a few voices were heard for the unfortunate Ivan.
However, the time of Peter the Great has not yet come, his ascension to the throne had to be postponed.
Sagittarius riot
Princess Sophia, Ivan's domineering sister, did not resign herself to defeat. She and her relatives Miloslavsky took advantage of the unrest that was growing among the archers. Their salaries were withheld, they were dissatisfied, and it was very easy to rouse them to rebellion. Sophia announced that the "traitors" Naryshkins had strangled the legitimate Tsar Ivan the Fifth.
Deceived, the archers with drumming and weapons in their hands burst into the Kremlin on May 15 and demanded the extradition of traitors. Trying to calm the angry soldiers, Natalya Kirillovna took both brothers to the porch to convince everyone of Ivan's good he alth. However, the archers, incited by the Miloslavskys, demanded the blood of the Naryshkins. Until May 17, the massacre continued, as a result of which all the Naryshkins were killed.
Taking real power into their own hands, the archers proclaimed Ivan the king, and Princess Sophia the legitimate ruler under the minor monarch.
Anointing to the throne of brothers
The boyars and the clergy had no choice but to recognize the accession of the sick and weak Ivan Alekseevich. However, they demanded the joint anointing of Ivan and his brother Peter to the throne. In Russia, a unique situation arose when two kings were legally placed over the country at once. The birth of this first tandem in the history of the country took place on June 25.

Specially for such an unprecedented occasion, a special double throne was built, with a secret room behind for Princess Sophia. During the coronation, Ivan got the original Monomakh's hat and vestments, and skilful copies were made for Peter.
Despite the fact that Ivan was not the sole autocrat, but had to share this burden with his younger brother, the real power in the country belonged to Sophia and Miloslavsky. All significant posts in the government were entrusted to their nominees. The Naryshkins were politically destroyed, and the dowager tsarina Natalya Kirillovna had no choice but to leave the capital. She retired with her son Peter to Preobrazhenskoye, where the formation of the future emperor began.
Under Sophia's rule
Having come to power on the bayonets of the archers, Miloslavsky and Sophia soon faced the fact that organized armed people felt a taste of power and realized their great influence on the rulers. For a long time, the archers raged in Moscow, they even swung at the reform of the church and religion. Falling under the influence of the Old Believers, they undertook a new campaign against the Kremlin and demanded recognition of the "old faith".

However, Sophia called for help from the noble militia and the rebellion was crushed. The archers sent their representatives to Sophia with a request for forgiveness, and she pardoned the rebels, setting the condition to no longer interfere in the affairs of the state. So in 1683, Sophia finally took all the power into her own hands.
Ivan the Fifth Romanov had already come of age by that time,but still eschewed government. His participation in political life was limited to formal representation at receptions and ceremonies. All real affairs were in charge of his sister and her favorites, among whom the most influential were Prince V. V. Golitsyn and the Duma clerk Shaklovity. Peter clearly disagreed with this position.
Becoming Peter
While in Preobrazhensky, Peter did not waste time, devoting a lot of time to his education and the creation of a faithful guard. The amusing battalions, created as training troops for the entertainment of Peter, became a real military force with which he could count on a return to power. From the place of his exile, Peter repeatedly wrote letters to Ivan, in which he urged his brother to remember his royal dignity and take control of the country in his own hands. However, the weak monarch could not do anything and spent all his time in prayer.
Princess Sophia, feeling the vulnerability of her position, tried to become a true autocrat and be officially anointed king. However, a strong party of people loyal to him has already formed around Peter. Among them, the leading position was occupied by Lev Naryshkin and Prince B. Golitsyn.
The overthrow of Sophia
The right moment to seize power was ripe for 1689. Sophia's colleague V. V. Golitsyn organized a campaign against the Crimea, which ended in complete disaster and the defeat of the army.
Peter brought Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky battalions into the capital and demanded an investigation into the reasons for the failure and punishment of those responsible. Princess Sophia triedtake advantage of the support of the archers and defeat Peter. She tried to mislead her brother Ivan and claimed that Peter wanted to kill him. He first believed his sister, but then took the side of his brother and supported him.

Peter won, the trial of V. V. Golitsyn and deacon Shaklovity took place. The first got off with exile, and Shaklovity was executed.
In the shadow of the great brother
So, in 1689, the reign of Sophia came to an end, and Peter managed to win real power. Not wanting to give rise to further unrest and unrest, the future emperor assumed the formal seniority of his brother, and in all documents of that period, Ivan the Fifth's signature is before Peter's autograph.
In general, complete harmony and mutual understanding reigned between the two monarchs. Ivan the Fifth calmly gave real power into the hands of Peter, telling his loved ones that he was more worthy to bear the burden of the ruler. In turn, Peter did not mind that officially he was forced to share the crown with his brother.

This balance was maintained until 1696, when the monarch died, and his younger brother became a full-fledged autocrat. Many contemporaries note that already at the age of 27, Ivan looked like a decrepit old man, could hardly see and was partially paralyzed. He passed away at the age of thirty, already completely emaciated.
Children of Ivan the Fifth
In 1684, Ivan Alekseevich was ripe for marriage. Especially for this purpose, Sophia summoned the Yenisei commandant to Moscow from Siberia. S altykov, whose daughter was famous for her beauty and spiritual qualities. Young and inexperienced Ivan fell in love with Praskovya Fyodorovna with all his heart and devoted almost all his time to his family.
Being sickly and weak, the king nevertheless proved to be a very prolific parent. In his marriage to Praskovya, he had five daughters. Their fate turned out to be curious.

Maria and Theodosia died in infancy. Praskovya Ivanovna will be lost in history. Anna Ioannovna would later become Empress of Russia, ruling a huge power for ten years. Ekaterina Ioannovna will become the wife of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Their daughter Anna Leopoldovna will become the mother of Emperor Ivan VI, who was never destined to rule the country, and who will rot in prison.