Almost every person is roughly aware of what protection is. But not everyone knows that there are different types of it. It can be directed to any sphere of human life. In a general sense, protection is understood as a set of certain measures that are aimed at maintaining the integrity, integrity of something.
What are protective equipment?

Means of protection are also different. In the individual sphere, it is fair to say that a person must have a certain set of knowledge, skills, as well as items that will help to perform this action.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) are material items with which you can ensure the safety of the individual from various chemicals, radioactive substances. It is important to understand in this case what protection is, so that all means are used for their intended purpose.
Depending on the direction of PPE, there are two types:
- Designed for the respiratory system. This group includes gas masks,capable of filtering all toxic substances, respirators or basics.
- Needed to maintain the integrity of the skin. Here it is appropriate to talk about various suits made of special material that do not let through, for example, radiation waves. This includes a person's regular clothing, as well as a work uniform.
Personal protection

What is personal protection? First of all, these are measures that are aimed at ensuring the safety of oneself.
At the time of a collision with offenders or just bandits, you must have certain skills and means. Thus, individual protection is provided when a person can prove himself in hand-to-hand combat, which will help in self-defense. He can also always carry a pepper spray that is in working condition, or a stun gun.
Information protection

Information protection is also a measure that helps to store all information without fear of losing it, as well as protect it from hackers. This is what information security is in the modern sense.
Priority in terms of security is given to information that belongs to commercial organizations. It is also necessary to protect all classified documents from hackers.
The safety of information is ensured by special program management, as a result of which only a certain number of people have access to information. But access to what exactly? As a rule, these are state secrets,any agreements between organizations, a list of ideas that need to be implemented in order to raise the financial level. Many people who maintain the secrecy of such information understand what protection is. This is a specific mode that gives access to information at a specific time, to specific users with an individual IP address.
Such a process is included in the list of prerequisites for the existence of an enterprise. As a rule, the implementation of secrecy is carried out by the state, it is also the guarantor of the protection of the confidential rights of workers.
Essential features of the concept

Organizations use a special model on the basis of which all their activities take place:
- Confidentiality - information can only be accessed by people who have the right to it. Otherwise access will be denied.
- Integrity - the desire throughout the entire period of the enterprise to ensure the integrity of information. So the information ends up looking the same.
- Accessibility - people who have rights to this information are necessarily allowed to study, view, change them. The main rule is sanctioning.
We supplement this standard, so there are indirect points that are sometimes used:
- Non-repudiation - once established access to information is not always needed again. This paragraph assumes that a reoperation is not necessary as the client remains the same.
- Accountability - all base visitsdata or a closed site are clearly traceable, in particular the actions that take place there.
- Reliability - the user and his actions should not change character over time. This is necessary so that the information is consistent in the end.
- Authenticity - follows from the previous paragraph. Thus, the information does not change its quality.
Data Protection

Every new employee in an enterprise or organization must understand what data protection is. For this reason, there are a number of steps that are taken to ensure the safety of all data.
- First, you need to clarify in which particular industry the personal data is used.
- Take one as an example and analyze it. Here, as a result, information about who has access and what exactly appears. Also at this stage, the concept of what protection is, how to provide it.
- Highlights which systems are used for data processing.
- They will be classified later, like the information itself.
- Assuming what kind of hazard may affect the integrity of the information.
- Against this, protective measures are being built.
- The process is clearly explained to people with access so they are prepared to be secure.
- When working with data, each operator must authorize their access. He submits a notification to the authorized body that he begins processing all information.
- FSTEC of Russia must provide information that will formprotective measures.
- Then the operator himself works on the protection system, taking into account the information received.
- All documentation is properly prepared and then sent for verification.
Components of information
Information is a broad concept that includes two areas of human activity. First of all, it is technology, technique, what is created by man in an artificial way. The second category includes the natural world, that is, nature, man himself.
Thus, two ways of protecting information are formed:
- Through technology, where certain databases are created, where all the information is placed.
- Through the man himself, that is, he keeps the secret in his own mind. The system works by having the subject sign certain non-disclosure documents.