According to the definition adopted in sociology and demography, the population is the totality of all people living on the planet or any particular territory. Of course, this very broad concept is subdivided into narrower ones. The classification of the population into types is carried out in accordance with the disciplines studying related issues, as well as demographic patterns.
What could be the population?
The following major population types stand out in demographics:
- permanent;
- stable;
- theoretical or stationary.
The permanent population is understood as the population for which the separately considered territory is the habitual place of residence and labor activity.
Stable is a demographic pattern that determines the number of people living in a particular area, taking into account such variables as births, deaths, migration.
Into the notion of theoretical or stationarypopulation includes the calculation of the number of people living in a particular area, taking into account various private unforeseen circumstances or events, for example, floods, fires, economic shocks.

Statistics subdivides the population according to other criteria. The number of people is taken into account in accordance with the following types:
- cash;
- permanent;
- temporarily arrived;
- missing.
The missing type is temporary. That is, we are talking about people who went on vacation, on business trips, for seasonal work. Temporary arrivals - those who arrived in a particular city, village or other locality, but do not plan to stay permanently. The actual population refers to the total number of people in a particular area at a particular time. That is, when accounting for this type, such a nuance as stable residence is not taken into account. The population registered in a certain territory is considered permanent, regardless of the actual location at the time of statistical registration.
What is a "local population"?
According to the sociological definition, the local population is all people living in a certain territory, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, race, language, culture and other characteristics.
In simple terms, this is the entire population of a particular area. At the same time, the territory itself can be any - from large to small. Loc althe population is the inhabitants of both the country as a whole and a small village.
What is meant by the interests of local residents?
As everyone knows, the interests of residents are represented by elected authorities, that is, self-governments, for example, municipalities. But what should be understood by the phrase "the interests of the local population"? This is a mystery to many people.

In fact, everything is extremely simple. The interests of local residents are often called "municipal" because of their specificity. This concept includes all the current social and economic needs of people living in a particular area. In simple words, this is the repair of roads and pipes, reducing the cost of utilities and travel in transport, landscaping, and more.
That is, these are interests and tasks that have a specific semantic load and are localized in a separate territory. This is their difference from state, national and other types of interests.