Where hazelnuts grow in Russia: necessary conditions, features of growing and harvesting

Where hazelnuts grow in Russia: necessary conditions, features of growing and harvesting
Where hazelnuts grow in Russia: necessary conditions, features of growing and harvesting

The birthplace of hazelnuts is Asia Minor. However, this plant can now be found all over the world, in the Caucasus and in Russia, in Canada and Europe, in America. Where does hazelnut grow in Russia? In the wild, it is easiest to meet this tree in the Perm Territory, in the Southern Urals and in other regions. On the territory of our country you can find four species of this plant:

  • common variety;
  • Manchu;
  • variegated;
  • tree-like or "bearnut".

The most common species is the common hazel.

Botanical description

Common hazel belongs to the Birch family. Applying the term "hazelnut" to this plant is somewhat misleading. If you translate it from the Turkic language, where it came from, then the word "hazelnut" means "nut". But hazel is still considered a shrub, monoecious, with dioecious flowers. Nevertheless, it is it that has taken root and is used among the common man in the world.

This is a wind pollinated plant. Flowering occurs in the spring before the appearanceleaflets. Depending on where the hazelnut grows in Russia, flowering also begins. It could be March, April or May.

The appearance of edible nuts is associated exclusively with the growth of two genetically different trees side by side, that is, they can appear only when cross-pollinated. The period for the appearance of fruits falls approximately on the month of August-October.

This is a large shrub that can reach 15 meters in height and above by the age of 30.

what does a tree look like
what does a tree look like

Soil requirements

No matter where the hazelnut grows in Russia, the plant is not picky about the soil. It tolerates light and clay soil equally well. However, the best results can be achieved on permeable and moist soils that contain a lot of nutrients. The plant can also grow on soils where there is little moisture, but then the yield will be minimal and hazelnuts may suffer from frost.

It is not recommended to transplant an already mature plant, it may not be able to tolerate it.

The hazelnut itself is a mycorrhizal plant. That is, the roots of the plant grow well with a number of fungi that form at the tips of the root. Mycorrhiza improves the absorption of nutrients from the soil. To this end, if the hazel is grown artificially, when planting, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil near the trunk with mycorrhizal soil. It can be taken in any forest area where hazel, oak or spruce grow.

What does the fetus look like

Hazelnut is an edible fruit that is shaped like a nut or hazel, surrounded by a leaf-like wrapper. Thisthe involucre is toothed and formed from the bracts of the female flower.

The shape of the common hazel fruit can vary greatly depending on where the hazelnut grows. It can be a rounded nut with a thick shell, or very thin, small or large. And the color of the shell varies from light to dark brown.

plant fruit
plant fruit

How long does a bush

In the early years, the wild plant grows very slowly. The first flowering falls on the 11th year. From now on, rapid growth begins.

If we talk about cultivated shrubs and newly bred ones, then most varieties begin to bear fruit already in 3-5 years. Although commercial fruiting often occurs in the sixth year. The total life span of a hazelnut is about 80-90 years.

For what hazel fruits are valued

The fruits of hazel are valued not only where hazelnuts grow in Russia, but also in all countries of the world. It is a highly nutritious food product. One nut contains about 18% protein, minerals and vitamins, the remaining 72% is fat.

The fruits of the bush are used to make a paste and butter, reminiscent of almond oil. Hazelnut oil is widely used not only for the preparation of culinary dishes, but also in painting, perfumery production and in the manufacture of paint and varnish products on an industrial scale. This is due to the fact that the oil dries quickly and does not change color.

Halva is prepared from fruit cake. And the leaves and bark, the wrapper of the fruits of the shrub are used in alternative medicine, since they have a high content of tannins, approximately10-15%.

Growing hazelnuts in central Russia is practiced not only for the production of nuts, but also to strengthen the soil on the slopes of ravines and gullies. The shrub has a huge number of root branches, which both support the soil and prevent landslides. Hazel bushes are often used for green hedges and horticultural plantings. They grow well next to needles and in mixed plantings.

hazelnut fruit
hazelnut fruit

Variety variety

Today, there are many popular varieties in the world. Of these, we can distinguish:

  • Contorta. Often used for decorative purposes, as it has a twisted trunk and branches, which gives the shrub a fabulous look.
  • Atropurpurea. A distinctive feature of the shrub - red and purple fruits and leaves.
  • Alba-variegata. Hazel leaves have white edging or spots.
  • Pendula. A variety that can also be found in ornamental gardens and home gardens. Gardeners love this shrub for its branches that drop to the ground like birch branches.

Growth area

In the wild, hazelnuts grow in the Middle East, the European part and the Caucasus. The plant can be found even in the northern part of the planet - in Norway. Beyond the Arctic Circle, hazelnuts grow at 68 degrees N. sh., in the Prestegordsskughen reserve.

how the tree blossoms
how the tree blossoms

What varieties grow in our country

Hazelnut grows almost everywhere in Russia and it is believed that about a million hectares are occupied by it. Most wild hazel bushes grow in the Leningrad, Perm, Novgorod and Vologda regions.

Wild-growing shrubs, depending on the area of growth, have different degrees of winter hardiness, so it is recommended to use local planting material for growing in your backyard.

Based on where hazelnuts grow in Russia, the necessary variety is selected that is suitable for growing in a particular area. And given that shrubs are found everywhere in our country, growing hazelnuts can be not only fun, but also a profitable business. Today, Turkey is the world leader in the supply of hazelnuts, however, many horticultural farms operate in our country, breeding this plant and breeding new varieties adapted to different climatic zones, taking into account zoning. Moreover, soils that cannot be used for growing other garden and field crops can be used to grow hazel. The plant can be formed in the form of trees, or left in a bushy form.

Cultivation of hazelnuts in central Russia is mainly based on varieties, which were bred by Academician A. S. Yablokov. He has a whole series of shrubs on his account: Northern, No. 40, 42, 9, 31 and 14.

On the territories of the Tambov, Moscow and Tula regions, mainly varieties grow, the breeding of which was carried out by R. F. Kudasheva. Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Smolin;
  • Catherine;
  • Masha;
  • Moscow ruby;
  • Firstborn and others.

NPO "Funduk" also de alt with the cultivation of hazelnut varieties in central Russia. They gave our country the following varieties: Purple, Kudraif, Moscow Early, Pushkin Red and Sugar.

hazelnut tree
hazelnut tree

South, North and West Regions

The Kuban State University named after N. A. Tkhagushev made a great contribution to the cultivation of hazelnuts for cultivation in the south of the country, its specialists presented our gardeners with the following varieties: Panakhessky, Adyghesky 1 and Cherkessky 2.

The Futkurami variety, which grows on the territory of Georgia, takes root well in the south.

For the north-west of our country, many suitable varieties have also been grown: Ivanteevka, Michurinsky, Moskovsky early. These varieties are suitable for growing shrubs in the European part of Russia.

Growing hazel

In addition to planting seedlings, quite often in our country, planting material is formed through the rooting of near-stem shoots. The method of rooting non-woody shoots is also used, although the rooting coefficient with this method is not very high.

For commercial cultivation, it is recommended to use seedlings obtained by in vitro micropropagation. If the seed is properly cared for, then the survival rate is 100%.

hazelnut nursery
hazelnut nursery

Choosing a place for planting shrubs

How to grow hazelnuts incentral Russia? If we are talking about a plain or a plot with a slope of not more than 150 degrees, then ordinary soil is required. If the groundwater is high, then you will have to make a drainage system.

When landing on slopes, it is recommended to choose northeast, northwest and north slopes. The essence of this is to stop early flowering and prevent the flowers from freezing in spring frosts, as well as their death from temperature changes. Slopes do not need to be terraced, but should be planted on a natural slope.

If the weather in the region is dry and windy, then you will have to take measures to protect from the winds and organize regular watering.

It should also be borne in mind that hazelnuts do not like partial shade and shade, so it is better to plant a plant on the edge of the plot.

Can hazel be grown from a walnut?

How do they grow hazelnuts in Russia in their backyard? If it is not possible to purchase plant seedlings, then it is quite possible to grow a bush from a walnut.

For planting, only the best fruits, ripe and not damaged, should be used. They should be planted immediately after harvest and in large numbers.

For planting, dig a hole to a depth of 8 centimeters, into which fertilizer is first placed. Throughout the year, weeds should be carefully collected and watered. After 12 months, a seedling about 15 centimeters high should appear. If the plant is smaller, then you will have to wait another year.

The main thing to understand is that, most likely, after the bush grows up, it will lose its varietalfeatures, so you still have to graft the desired variety of hazel.

Harvest rules

Depending on the region of growth, hazelnuts fully ripen by the end of August - at the beginning of September. You can determine that the fruits are ready for harvest by the characteristic yellowish or brown color of the wrapper, and the fruits also begin to fall off on their own.

The most optimal period for harvesting is the time when, when shaking the bush, the nuts not only fall, but also fall out of the plush.

tree fruit
tree fruit


The most common hazel pest, regardless of where hazelnuts grow in Russia, is the walnut weevil. This pest lives on almost the entire planet, it was not possible to detect it only in North America and Corsica. If you do not carry out timely processing from this beetle, then you can lose about 50-80% of the crop.

The nut weevil prefers the most ripe, young and developed fruits. If we are talking about a personal plot, then with a shortage of food, the pest can move to cherries and cherries. Egg-laying begins in early June and lasts until the first decade of July, it is during this period that the nut shell becomes woody. Despite the small clutches (20-30 eggs), the incubation period is very short: 5-9 days and the larvae are already appearing. And the most interesting thing is that in the place where eggs are laid, the nut never gets moldy. Damaged fruits usually fall to the ground before fully ripening.

If we are talking about one or two plants, then the best way to fight isshaking off beetles. Under the tree, you must first lay out the film. In parallel with beetles, if perforated fruits are visible on the tree, they must be removed. On an industrial scale, planting trees are treated with insecticides.

In fact, growing hazelnuts in Russia is a very simple matter. Moreover, in addition to tasty and he althy fruits, you can plant a beautiful plant on the site that will please the eye.
