As you know, beauty standards in South Korea are really high, and often not so beautiful Korean actors are not enough just to look after themselves and diet. In this case, they have to go through plastic surgery, and more often than not, one is not enough. The result is not always noticeable, especially if minor changes were made that are difficult to see in the photos of Korean actors before and after plastic surgery, especially if there are none: often the fact of the operation is denied even when it is obvious. Sometimes this causes quite serious disputes between Internet users. One way or another, in this article, photos of Korean male actors before and after plastic surgery are selected. Prepare to be amazed!
1. Lee Jong Suk
Now no one can call this actor ugly, but it seems that this was not always the case. You can judge by the alleged photos of this famous Korean actor before and after plastic surgery.

Lee Jong Suk seems to have had several surgeries. One - on the eyes to make them more expressive. The next one is on the nose to make it thinner and clearer. Another one is on the jaw to bring its shape closer to a beautiful V-shape by Korean standards. Although the changes are almost imperceptible, they definitely embellished the already pretty Lee Jong Suk.
2. Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Hyun Joong, who is also an idol, himself revealed that he is one of the Korean actors who has had plastic surgery. According to him, when he was younger, his nose was accidentally broken with a stone during a game. When he was operated on because of this incident, he asked at the same time to correct the back of his nose, lifting it a little higher. This operation, by the way, is often done by Koreans, since genetically their bridge of the nose is lowered rather low. With similar operations, Koreans achieve a more "European" appearance, meeting the same standards of beauty. Tricky decision in Kim Hyun Joong's case, isn't it? However, the result of such an operation, as he did, does not drastically change the appearance, so we can say that Kim Hyun Joong is handsome from birth.
3. Lee Min Ho
Although Lee Min Ho did not make any statements regarding plastic surgery, as, indeed, most Korean celebrities, it is impossible not to notice that he corrected his rather large nose earlier. As in the case of Kim Hyun Joong, this had little effect on his appearance. Perhaps that is why some fans of this actor claim that he did not do any plastic surgery? Unfortunately,you can't know for sure. One way or another, he remains a great actor, loved by many fans not only for his looks, but also for his talent for acting in the first place.

4. Kim Jae Joon

There is obviously a big difference between the photos of this Korean actor before and after plastic surgery, as well as several plastic surgeries. Even with the naked eye it can be seen that he at least had operations on his nose and eyes. It definitely helped his appearance even though Kim Jae Joon looked pretty good before.
5. Yun Shi Yun

Good-looking young Yoon Shi Yoon turned into a sexy man through growing up and plastic surgery. Judging by the photos of the Korean actor before and after plastic surgery, he also underwent nose and eye surgery, which brought his appearance closer to the standards of Korean beauty. However, maybe if he smiles, he will become more like himself.
6. Cho Kyu Hyun

Strong differences in the appearance of the next famous Korean idol before and after plastic surgery cannot be ignored. Like the previous actors in this article, he had rhinoplasty and eye surgery. However, it must also be taken into account that he has become prettier not only because of the operations, but also because of diets, a new hairstyle and good skin care, because even plastic surgerynot enough to look great: you need to take care of yourself.
7. Jung Yong Hwa

Although not so significant, there is still a difference between the photo of this Korean actor before and after plastic surgery. Most likely, he performed operations on the eyes and nose, but did not change the facial features that he had from birth too radically. He didn't really need it! According to some versions, he could have had an operation on his jaw, slightly reducing it. In any case, he looks beautiful even in the photo before plastic surgery, because growing up and overcoming puberty also helped him in becoming a beautiful man.
8. Lu Han

In the before and after photo, the Korean actor from China, who is also a former member of the popular male idol group EXO, looks almost like two different people. Of course, the new image also played a role: hairstyle, makeup, clothes and accessories. But also such changes in appearance occurred due to plastic surgery. It is likely that Lu Han had his eyes and jaw remodeled, although as with most plastic surgeries for Korean actors or idols, this cannot be said to have been necessary.
9. Huang Zitao

Another actor who was a former EXO member also had plastic surgery, as did most of the members of this idol group. The reason for this is that the agency of these artists - SM Entertainment -forces almost all of his wards to change their appearance in this way. Of all the agencies in the Korean entertainment industry, SM Entertainment is the most interested in the beauty of their performers, sometimes putting the need for a celebrity to have beauty over the need to have talent. However, this does not mean that the wards of SM are mediocre, but only explains the largest number of operations with people from this particular company. As for Huang Zitao, it looks like he's had eye and nose surgery like most actors or idols.
10. Choo Sang-wook

Despite being 40 years old, Choo Sang-wook looks almost as young as before. Netizens (Internet users) claim that his youthful appearance is the result of constant plastic surgeries, such as facelifts. Also, some believe that even earlier, Joo Sang-wook had blepharoplasty (surgery to get a European "double eyelid") and rhinoplasty to make his nose a little smaller and sleeker. It's not that important, really. The main thing is that Joo Sang-wook is indeed a good actor, however, like all the celebrities in this article.
Should I go for plastic surgery?
Please do not seek plastic surgery without a serious reason - injury, for example. Even if something does not suit you in your own appearance, try to fix it through careful self-care and learn to love yourself with all the shortcomings. Believe ifnevertheless, you will have an operation, there is a fairly high probability that it will fail - no one is safe from this, especially if you are "lucky" to stumble upon an incompetent plastic surgeon, because now, due to the high salaries of representatives of this profession, many seek to get such a job, sometimes even without having the appropriate qualifications, which leads to unpleasant consequences. If this happens to you, then you will understand that your natural face, although not perfect, is much more beautiful than the sometimes resulting inhuman "mask" instead of a face. Due to such incidents, many lawsuits were held, but the face could no longer be returned.
Remember that almost none of the Korean celebrities you may have thought about changing their appearance in such a drastic way actually wanted to do so. Most often, they are forced to do this by the agency that promotes them, because the contract of the future celebrity that they sign when they start working in the company obliges them to obey the instructions of the agency. On the other hand, if you feel that you really need surgery to feel confident, then remember that only you are responsible for your decisions.