Samara region, formerly the center of the USSR military defense industry, is one of the most important industrial regions of the country. 11 cities were founded within its boundaries, including Samara with a population of more than 1 million people. The high economic potential attracts many immigrants and young professionals, which undoubtedly increases the population of the Samara region. Consider the numerical characteristics and demographic composition of the inhabitants of this region.

Geographic location and climate
Samara region is located in the central part of Russia. It belongs to the Volga Federal District. The largest water artery of the country, the Volga River, flows on its territory. The region has its average current along both banks. Most of the territory is located on the left bank, which consists of low, high and syrt parts. Zavolzhye. The right bank is a hilly region. Its territories are part of the Volga Upland, which includes the Zhiguli Mountains. In addition to rivers, the region has two large reservoirs - Saratov and Kuibyshev.
Moscow is only 1000 km from this region. The Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Saratov regions and the Republic of Tatarstan are located in the neighborhood. The area is 53,600 km, the length of the territory from west to east is 315 km, from north to south - 335 km. Located in the very center of the country, the Samara region has an advantageous geographical position: a developed transport system plays a huge connecting role. Thanks to the railway lines, communication between the southern and central regions of the Russian Federation and Siberia, the Urals, Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia is possible.
The population of the Samara region lives in a temperate continental climate with unstable rainfall. Often the region suffers from drought, especially the southern territories. Average temperatures in summer reach +20 degrees Celsius, in winter -14.
Composition of the Samara Region
The territory is divided into 27 districts: Shigonsky, Shentalinsky, Chelno-Vershinsky, Khvorostyansky, Syzransky, Stavropolsky, Sergievsky, Privolzhsky, Pokhvistnevsky, Pestravsky, Neftegorsky, Krasnoyarsky, Krasnoarmeisky, Koshkinsky, Klyavlinsky, Kinel-Cherkassky, Kinelsky, Kamyshlinsky, Isaklinsky, Elkhovsky, Volzhsky, Borsky, Bolshechernigovskiy, Bolsheglushitsky, Bogatovsky, Bezenchuksky, Alekseevsky). In addition, 11 cities are located here, including the regional center.
The largest numberThe population is concentrated in Tolyatti and Samara. According to statistics, about 85% of the inhabitants of the entire region live here. It is also noted that the region has a high level of urbanization. Despite the beautiful nature of the region, the vast majority of the population prefers to live in the city.
Population overview
At the beginning of 2015, the population of the Samara region was estimated at 3.2 million people. In 2016, this figure has changed slightly. According to statistics, about 2.2% of the total number of Russians live here. The average population density of the Samara region is 59.85 people/km². In terms of the number of citizens living in the region, it occupies a leading position in the Volga region and is included in the 15 most densely populated regions of the country. And the Samara-Togliatti agglomeration is the third largest in Russia in terms of population.

There is a positive migration increase every year. The Samara Region is rated as one of the most attractive investment regions in the country. In addition, the advantageous geographical position, the developed industrial sector and the economy of the region also play a role. All this attracts immigrants from neighboring countries. Most of them are in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The influx of migrants, of course, leads to an improvement in the demographic situation - the population of the Samara region is growing.
In 1586, the fortress of Samara was built - henceforth the main city of the region of the same name. Two centuries later, it becomes a center of trade. Withover the years, more and more railways were built here, bridges were laid, and a shipping company developed.
During the Great Patriotic War, the city turned into a center of the defense industry and at the same time became a spare capital - not only representatives of government bodies and cultural figures, but also entire factories were evacuated here. After the war, the industrial sector continued to develop in the region.

Samara has always been at the center of historical events in Russia, which could not but affect the population. This city was and remains the largest in the region. At the beginning of 2016, the total number of inhabitants in Samara was determined at 1 million 170 thousand. Since 2014, there has been a slight deterioration in the demographic situation in the region - in two years the population has decreased by 1,400 people.
Population of Samara by administrative regions
Samara is divided into 9 intracity districts: Sovetsky, Industrial, Samara, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Zheleznodorozhny, Krasnoglinsky, Kuibyshevsky, Kirovsky. Some are more populated than others, and the difference in numbers is sometimes significant.

Let's consider the number of inhabitants in each of them, starting with the most numerous.
District | Number of people, thousand |
Industrial | 277, 8 |
Kirovskiy | 225, 8 |
Soviet | 177, 5 |
October | 122, 2 |
Railway | 97, 3 |
Krasnoglinsky | 88 |
Kuibyshevsky | 87, 7 |
Lenin | 64, 4 |
Samarskiy | 31 |
A young city in Russia, built in connection with the flooding of Stavropol. Located just 95 km from Samara. It is a center for the production of passenger cars. About 60% of the industrial production of the Samara region falls on Tolyatti. For a city not endowed with the functions of an administrative center, it is quite densely populated. At the beginning of 2016, the number of inhabitants was 719.9 thousand people. Moreover, unlike Samara, there is a small annual increase. On the whole, the population of Togliatti practically does not change from year to year.

At the beginning of 2015, statistics determined the number of people living in each of the districts within the city. Let's look at the data in the table.
District | Number of people, thousand |
Auto factory | 441, 6 |
Komsomolsky | 118, 3 |
Central | 159, 8 |
A natural increase has been observed in the Avtozavodsky district for several years in a row.
Number of inhabitants for each district of the region
As already noted, the territory of the Samara region is divided into 27 districts. They are rural settlements and cities. In the table, consider the population indicators formed as of January 1, 2015
District | Number of inhabitants, people |
Shigonsky | 20 196 |
Shentalinsky | 15 924 |
Chelno-Vershinsky | 15 673 |
Khvorostyansky | 15 935 |
Syzransky | 25 548 |
Stavropolsky | 66 282 |
Sergievsky | 45 900 |
Privolzhsky | 23 574 |
Pokhvistnevsky | 28 097 |
Pestrovsky | 17 287 |
Neftegorsky | 33 797 |
Krasnoyarsk | 55108 |
Red Army | 17 325 |
Koshkinskiy | 22 919 |
Klyavlinsky | 15 022 |
Kinel-Cherkassky | 45 276 |
Kinelskiy | 32 470 |
Kamyshlinsky | 11 033 |
Isaklinsky | 12 875 |
Elkhovsky | 9771 |
Volga | 86 450 |
Borsky | 24 108 |
Bolshechernigov | 18 199 |
Bolshegluchitsky | 19 285 |
Bogatovsky | 14 163 |
Bezenchuksky | 40 569 |
Alekseevsky | 11 623 |
The most numerous municipal districts of the Samara region are Volzhsky, Stavropolsky, Krasnoyarsky. They are predominantly rural settlements and urban-type settlements.
Population of cities in the Samara region
In addition to numerous rural settlements, 11 cities were founded in the region. The largest of them are Samara, Tolyatti and Syzran. Consider the number of inhabitants, according to statistics per 1January 2015.
City | Number of inhabitants, thousand people |
Samara | 1171, 8 |
Tolyatti | 719, 6 |
Syzran | 175, 2 |
Novokuibyshevsk | 105 |
Chapaevsk | 72, 8 |
Zhigulevsk | 55, 5 |
Pleasant | 47, 6 |
Kinel | 34, 7 |
Pokhvistnevo | 28, 1 |
October | 26, 6 |
Neftegorsk | 18, 3 |
The main part of the region's population lives in cities. The urbanization rate is about 80%.
Ethnic composition
What is the population of the Samara region in terms of ethnic composition? This region is multinational. About 14 ethnic groups, represented by 157 nationalities, live together here. Of course, most of it falls on the Russian population. Its share is almost 86%. The migration flow of foreign citizens from year to year slightly reduces this figure.

In addition to Russians, many Tatars live here (about4.1%), there are also Chuvashs (2.7%), Mordovians (2.1%), Ukrainians (2%). The number of visitors from the CIS countries is growing, in connection with which representatives of eastern nationalities are increasingly found in the region. It should be noted that there are no tense situations for religious or ethnic reasons in the Samara region.
Description of the demographic situation
Samara region is considered the most densely populated and urbanized region of Russia. However, the increase in the number of residents is mainly due to the influx of foreign citizens. The birth rate is growing every year, but the necessary figures have not yet been reached. The indicators are 1.5–1.7 times less than those that would ensure simple reproduction of the population.
According to statistics, the population of the Samara region is the ratio of 1000 men to 1173 women. This means that of all the inhabitants of the region, 46% are male and 54% are female. Of these, more than 60% are able-bodied citizens who have not reached retirement age. Over the past 6 years, the number of the older generation has been increasing - the population is aging. The average age has increased from 38.8 to 40.2 years. This is due to a long process of declining fertility. There are fewer children and adolescents in the total number of residents than older people.

Death rates in the region are stable, the coefficient is 16.3 ppm. The main causes of death are diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors and accidents (including injuries). Vysokimortality rates for men of working age.
The Samara region has an impressive population, among which able-bodied citizens predominate. Thanks to this, the region continues to develop successfully.