Population of Vietnam: number, density. The area of Vietnam and its population. GDP per capita of Vietnam

Population of Vietnam: number, density. The area of Vietnam and its population. GDP per capita of Vietnam
Population of Vietnam: number, density. The area of Vietnam and its population. GDP per capita of Vietnam

Vietnam's living standards have been rising over the past few years. Certain successes have been achieved in the socio-economic sphere, having overcome the crisis. The country is on the path of development, in connection with this, population growth has changed. The standard of living in Vietnam has changed dramatically, and from a country of the poor, it has become a stable and economically developed state.

Vietnam is ranked 14th in terms of population in the world and is one of the most densely populated countries.

Vietnam in numbers

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia that ranks 66th in the world in terms of area. Its territory is 331 thousand square kilometers.

According to a 2013 estimate, the population is 92,477,857. In terms of population density, the country is in 30th place in the international ranking - 273 people per square kilometer.

Life expectancy in Vietnam is 69.7 years for men and 74.9 years for women.

Gross Domestic Productper capita is 3100 dollars, which corresponds to the 166th place in the world.

Not the entire population of the country is literate, more than 8% of women and 4% of men are illiterate.

The official language is Vietnamese, but the locals speak English, French, Chinese and even Russian.

Vietnamese have different religion. The most massive is the religion of the animistic cult, more than 80% of the population identify themselves with it. It is not formalized and does not have world recognition as a denomination. Also on the territory of Vietnam, Buddhism (9%), Catholicism (6.7%), Hoa Hao (1.5%), Cao Dai (1.1%), Protestantism (0.5%) are practiced.

One of the interesting facts about Vietnam is that about 40% of the population has the surname Nguyen.

population of vietnam
population of vietnam

Population density

The population density of Vietnam is quite high, as in many countries of Southeast Asia. The population density is not uniform, in rural areas and in mountainous areas it is not large - from 10 to 50 people per square kilometer. And already in the cities that are located in the valleys of the Red and Mekong rivers, the density reaches the highest world indicators - 1500-1700 people per square kilometer. This figure is second only to Singapore, Bangkok and Bahrain in Asia.

The total land area of the state per thousand inhabitants is 3.7 square kilometers, which is one of the lowest in Asia. The area of Vietnam and its people have great potential, they just need to manage properly.

Vietnamese population
Vietnamese population

How did the population develop

Vietnam has been showing GDP growth for the past few years, this figure does not fall below 7% from year to year. Economic changes have affected the entire country, including the most remote mountainous and rural areas.

Vietnam wages are growing by about 10% every year. With the development of the economy and investment, the number of jobs has increased. This has reduced the number of people living below the poverty line. In the early 90s in Vietnam, 30% of the population was considered poor, by 2000 the government managed to improve the situation (15% of the poor). Today, Vietnamese citizens below the poverty line make up only 10% of the population.

It should be noted here that almost all villages and villages in Vietnam are equipped with electricity and roads are built to them. The level of education is also growing every year. Today, 94% of Vietnam's population is literate.

Significant results have also been achieved in the he althcare sector. The quality of medical services provided has grown, and already 90% of the population has access to it.

Vietnamese population
Vietnamese population

Relationship between economy and population

The population of each country directly depends on the quality of life. The constantly improving economic situation and the improvement in the quality of life have outlined a trend towards the modern type of population reproduction in Vietnam. People have revised their values, got opportunities for self-realization, in connection with this, the number of children in families has decreased.

This led todecline in population growth, but Vietnam's figures are still in positive territory. On average, annually, population growth is 1%.

Vietnam's population is 90,549,390 and depends on the development of the economy. She is still quite weak and young. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, 10% of the population being poor is a high figure.

But the strengthening of the economy, the transition to a market model leads, without exception, to the social problems of our time. Moral values are depreciating, social vices (such as prostitution, homosexuality, crime) are increasing, the country's ecology is deteriorating, and the gap between poverty and luxury is growing inexorably.

Vietnamese population is
Vietnamese population is

Forecast for the future

An annual increase in the number of inhabitants of the country, by an average of 1 million people, allowed Vietnam to take the third place in Asia in terms of population. Further population growth in Vietnam will create additional difficulties for the country's development.

And according to the forecasts of the statistical office, the population of this country will continue to grow in the near future. This is primarily due to the age of citizens. The number of women of childbearing age is constantly increasing, and the country is dominated by a young population. Vietnam is projected to increase its population to over 100 million by 2024.

vietnam population density
vietnam population density

Population distribution

The pace of urbanization in Vietnam is accelerating. Although only 25%of the population are urban residents, this figure can be reduced, for a sense of correctness. After all, not all cities in Vietnam can be fully called cities, since they have not reached development in industry and in the service sector. Living in such cities is not much different from the rural life that most Vietnamese lead.

Inhabitants of this country prefer to live in flat areas, especially favorable are the deltas of the Red and Mekong rivers, about half of the Vietnamese live here. Territories rich in minerals and with great potential occupy more than 50% of the country's territory, and are sparsely populated.

The largest cities in Vietnam are Hanoi (the capital), Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong and Danag.

vietnam gdp per capita
vietnam gdp per capita

Who lives and how he speaks

Fifty-four nationalities are recorded and officially live in Vietnam. The vast majority are Vietnamese, who live throughout the country, it is 86%. The rest of the ethnic groups live unevenly, in small groups. The number of some nationalities is so small that it is about two hundred people, for example, Brau, Odu, Rmam and Pupeo. The Chinese, Thais and Tibetans also live in Vietnam. A little bit from each nationality of neighboring states.

The official language of the country is Vietnamese. There are several dialects throughout the country. Most of the Vietnamese language owes its Chinese. More than 60% of the language is Chinese words, there are also borrowings from Thai, French,English and Russian languages. Until the 20th century, Chinese characters were used in Vietnam, and starting from 1910, they switched to Latin writing.

Ethnos of Vietnam

Vietnam is a country where you can meet tribes and peoples who do not enjoy the benefits of modernity, but live according to the traditions of their ancestors in the mountains and the jungle. Modern technologies are gradually beginning to penetrate these tribes and you can meet, for example, a savage with a machine gun.

These people live, as they did two hundred years ago, doing agriculture and cattle breeding. For tourists who come to see their tribes, they make souvenirs.

Distinctive features of the Vietnamese

Vietnamese have an ancient culture with their own unique traditions. The local population has brown eyes, dark hair, they are short in stature and fragile in physique.

All peoples of Vietnam use jewelry, rings and bracelets in their image. There is also a national dress called aozai.

Accustomed to living among nature, the Vietnamese and the city decorate their houses in an eco-style, using natural materials for decoration.

People (Vietnam is a hospitable country) are cheerful and open people who love to hold festivals and celebrations. At the same time, the Vietnamese people are very athletic, they prefer bicycles to large cars, like most Asians. In the morning, many people go in for sports on the street, it seems that this is the entire population of Vietnam.

The photos you can take in this country are unique. Types of nature andcolorful people create a feeling of purity and untouched nature.

vietnam area and its population
vietnam area and its population

As Vietnam grows

GDP per capita is increasing every year. In 2014, it amounted to $98 billion, which is 6% more than in 2013. In total, over the past ten years of Vietnam's development, its real GDP has grown by $48 billion, an average of $73 billion. GDP growth on average per year for 10 years - 6.32%.

As in the rest of the world, the minimum GDP growth was in 2008, due to the global economic crisis. The maximum growth was recorded in 2014.

Gross domestic product growth in Vietnam is second only to China in its pace. All this is due to the liberalization that began in the early 90s of the last century. Vietnam was considered to be a backward state, its people were poor, mainly engaged in agriculture. After the changes, GDP did not fall below 5% even in the crisis years of 2008-2009, when the economy of the whole world shook. Since the beginning of the 1990s, commercial organizations have appeared in Vietnam, the pace of production has increased dramatically, trade relations have grown, and the volume of imports and exports has increased. All this had a positive impact on the standard of living.
