Grin Viktor Yakovlevich: biography and photo

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich: biography and photo
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich: biography and photo

The man who in 2006 took the chair of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation has a very serious track record. Prior to his appointment, he had come a long way from being a trainee investigator to top positions in law enforcement at the regional level. The name of this person is Grin Viktor Yakovlevich. It has been featured in high-profile scandals more than once and is associated with the disclosure of high-profile criminal cases, which is why it is known to many in Russia.

Childhood and youth of the future prosecutor

The biography of Grin Viktor Yakovlevich began in a deep province. He was born on the first day of 1951 in the small village of Novo-Alekseevka, which is located in the Omsk region (Moskalensky district). His father, Yakov Khristianovich, chaired the collective farm, holding his post without change for three decades. He had many honorary state awards for valiant work in the countryside.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich

After graduating from school, Grin Viktor Yakovlevich joined the ranks of the working class. seventeen years oldAs a young man, he began working as a mechanic at a plant for the production of expanded clay and reinforced concrete products in the city of Omsk. A year later, he was taken to serve in the army.

Upon his return to civilian life, Victor again returned to locksmithing at the same enterprise. Then he worked as a minder in a design bureau. And then his fate took a sharp turn. In 1972, the young man became a student at the Sverdlovsk Law Institute.

Beginning of a career

Grin Victor Yakovlevich received a crust of an employee of the Omsk prosecutor's office while still a student. In just forty-five days of practice, he managed to bring eight difficult criminal cases to their logical conclusion, which earned him the respect of older and more experienced colleagues. And he was invited to work here after graduation. Grin agreed.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich General
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich General

Viktor Yakovlevich worked for a year as an ordinary investigator in the Omsk prosecutor's office. Already in the 78th, he was appointed assistant prosecutor in one of the district departments of the city. And in the 79th, he took over as prosecutor of the public supervision department.

Further positions changed one after another. The steps of the career ladder were overcome rapidly. Senior assistant to the prosecutor of Omsk, prosecutor of the Kuibyshevsky district, head of the department for supervision of inquest and investigation … And, finally, in 1992 - the prosecutor of the city of Omsk. From a simple investigator to a position of this level, not every person can reach in fifteen years.

Further career growth

Already two years after taking office as prosecutor of Omsk Grin VictorYakovlevich sat in the chair of the deputy prosecutor of the region, where he headed the investigative department. In 1997 he was appointed first deputy. And in 2000, he was transferred to the Chita region, appointing him the prosecutor of this region. A year later, Viktor Yakovlevich was waiting for a new move. Now to Krasnoyarsk. And again a high post - the regional prosecutor.

For all the time of his work, Grin had to deal with many cases, from which any normal person's blood runs cold. This is the terrible murder of a family of four in Omsk (one of the strangled was a six-year-old boy), and excavations of the graves of victims of repression, and deadly tragedies at enterprises, and much, much more.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich Prosecutor General's Office
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich Prosecutor General's Office

There were also many cases related to corruption, economic crimes, violations of building codes, etc. Employees spoke of Viktor Yakovlevich as a strong professional.

Moving to the capital

Grinya Viktor Yakovlevich The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation met ambiguously. Grin's achievements did not go unnoticed. And in 2006, his candidacy was proposed for the post of one of the deputies of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. The initiative came from the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika himself, who then just took this position. The proposal was approved by the Federation Council, and Viktor Yakovlevich moved to work in Moscow. This post is the highest achievement in his career so far.

Viktor Yakovlevich Grin still works in the Prosecutor General's Office, although back in 2010many predicted his early resignation. Such conversations were conducted, in particular, because of the conflict between the hero of this article and Alexander Bystrikin, who led the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The media noted that not only this, but also other actions of Grin did not please the authorities. However, he still holds his position.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Resonance Cases

In the person of Viktor Yakovlevich Grin, the Prosecutor General's Office received a worthy employee. This is evidenced at least by the fact that he is constantly entrusted with conducting high-profile cases. And his name often flashes in the media.

It is Grin's signature that stands under the indictment in the case of Levon Chakhmachan (former senator). She also appears in the proceedings against Berezovsky, the writer Dubov, Senator Izmestyev, Lebedev, who at one time headed the Menatep MFO, and others. These cases were on everyone's lips, and, accordingly, the name of Viktor Yakovlevich too.

Loud scandals

There is always a fly in the ointment in any barrel of honey. Along with high achievements, there are punctures in Grin's biography. At least according to the ubiquitous journalists. In the ninety-ninth year, he was accused of abuse of official authority and the acquisition of a Volga car at a low cost. But an official check did not find this fact, and Viktor Yakovlevich even won a lawsuit against the TV company.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich biography
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich biography

In the spring of 2010, Grin's name was on the "Magnitsky list" (who, as you know, died in a Moscow pre-trial detention center). The State Department banned all persons involved in this high-profile case from entering the United States of America. And the Deputy Prosecutor General was one of those who fell under these sanctions.

Also, a photo of Grin Viktor Yakovlevich has repeatedly flashed in the media in connection with the suicide of one of the employees of the Prosecutor General's Office, Vyacheslav Sizov, who shot himself with a service weapon after talking with his higher-ranking colleague. It happened on July 5, 2011, and a criminal case was even initiated. But Grin still holds a high post, his guilt has not been proven.

In the summer of 2011, the lawyer of the director of the Krasny Mayak plant (Yaroslavl), A. Tolyanin, decided to link the cases of S. Magnitsky and his client K. Sonin in LiveJournal, drawing attention to the fact that they were custom-made. In the case of Sonin, Grin's role was that he withdrew (without grounds) from the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Yaroslavl Region a criminal case, which he transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Central District.

Private life

The family of Grin Viktor Yakovlevich is his wife Anaida Artashesovna and two daughters, whom he loves very much and tries to support in every possible way. Both of them followed in the footsteps of their father and began a career in law enforcement long ago. The eldest daughter was an employee of the prosecutor's office back in 2001, and the youngest at that time was studying at the law faculty.

Grin Viktor Yakovlevich photo
Grin Viktor Yakovlevich photo

Work takes the lion's share of Viktor Yakovlevich's time. He seeks to spend free minutes away from the hustle and bustle. She loves to relax in the bosom of nature. Enjoys billiards and chess.


This is the general outline of a portrait of a man who has been the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for more than ten years. There was everything in his biography: both good and bad. But one thing is clear: this person stubbornly follows the same road for almost his entire conscious life. Without turning, without looking back, rushing only forward - to new heights.
