Obninsk (Kaluga region) is located at the junction of 3 districts: Borovsky, Maloyaroslavetsky and Zhukovsky. It is a young city that was transformed from a settlement on July 24, 1956.

Most interesting settlements
Obninsk - the stress falls on the first syllable, and nothing else - did not arise from scratch. It got its name from the Obninskoye railway station, and it, in turn, from the names of the Obninsk landowners, who allowed a railway to be laid across their lands, which now connects Moscow and Ukraine. The Obninsky estate was the village of Belkino, originally owned by Counts Vorontsov and Buturlin. In the village there was a beautiful house (not preserved) and the temple of Boris and Gleb. This educated family hosted in their house the artist V. Serov, the poet V. Bryusov, who described the atmosphere of a summer day in the poem "Along the boundary", mentioning the church of Boris and Gleb. V. Serov painted a portrait of the hostess with a bunny, it can be found in the artist's works of 1904

Now there is a beautiful park with ponds, sculptures, pavilions - a well-groomed recreational place that Obninsk offers. The population of the surroundingmicrodistricts visits it with pleasure.
Turliki Estate
Popularly, it is better known as Morozova's dacha. She was bought from the Obninsks by Margarita Kirillovna Morozova, nee Mamontova. It was built in a pine forest on the high bank of the Protva River. The magnificent building, which mixed gothic and romanticism, was covered with red tiles and surrounded by a balcony on the ground floor. Even now, dilapidated and in need of immediate restoration, it makes a strong impression.

The administration of Obninsk, according to the public, should find funds to restore the mansion. During the war years, the headquarters of Marshal G. K. was located in it for some time. Zhukov. By the way, he was a native of the village of Strelkovka, which is located half an hour from Obninsk and in which a memorial to the great marshal has now been built.
Bugry Estate
It was also built by the Obninskys and subsequently sold to the artist P. P. Konchalovsky, who visited the owners in Belkino. P. P. Konchalovsky, carried away by gardening, planted varietal lilac, which he later captured on his canvases. Here the painter was visited together with the families of A. N. Tolstoy, A. A. Fadeev, S. S. Prokofiev, V. E. Meyerhold, A. P. Dovzhenko. The list can be continued for a long time. And also a lot more information can be provided with which the history of the city of Obninsk is connected. But we're moving on to the 1940s.
Atomic Project
After the war, the question of the possibility of using the atom for both military and peaceful purposes became particularly acute. It was decided to createfour institutes that will be engaged in nuclear research in conditions of special secrecy. One of them, which was called Laboratory "B", was located near Moscow, in the place where Obninsk is now located. On April 27, 1946, object "B" was created and surrounded by barbed wire. The composition of the workers was mixed. Young graduates of Soviet universities came, as well as scientists, engineers, laboratory assistants, mechanics from Germany. The scientific work was organized by Alexander Ilyich Leipunsky. In 1949, he moved from Moscow to the facility and until the end of his life was the permanent scientific director of the institute and the program for the creation of fast neutron reactors in the country.
The atmosphere of the early years
MSU graduates, war veterans and talented scientists who were released from the camps came to work. They were offered to get to the Obninskoye station (nowadays the Obninsk railway station meets visitors). And then go right through the forest, without asking anyone about anything, to the barrier. The first employees laid the foundations for the most important areas of atomic science and technology. They are the pride of the city, and the streets of Obninsk bear their names: st. Leipunsky, st. Lyashenko, st. Blokhintsev, pl. Bondarenko. But 70 years ago they were young, full of enthusiasm, carried away by a creative impulse. Every day I discovered something new and set different tasks. This was breathtaking. And strict secrecy added an element of romance.
Communication of theorists
There was a liberal atmosphere in the theoretical department. Young people could work all night and stay late in the morning if they needed to. The discharge from mental work was veryoriginal: games of leapfrog in the corridor, energetic cancan and even dancing on the tables. The Germans who worked nearby were measured and punctual. The common creativity and hatred of Nazism brought them together. So the future Obninsk population was international.
Nuclear plant is the first in the world
It was decided to equip it with a uranium-graphite reactor and a water cooling system. Cooling systems, by the way, look very original. From the outside, they look like huge fountains. Work on the creation of the AU began in 1950. Round-the-clock activity has led to the fact that it took less than 3 years to create it. I. V. Kurchatov often came to the construction site and conducted theoretical and practical developments. He stayed for a long time, so a house was built nearby for him, which is carefully preserved to this day. On May 9, 1954, a chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei began in the reactor. It was a victory.

And by July, the station began to give electric current. This event was celebrated modestly - by gatherings on the banks of the Protva near the fire. There were no banquets. But the position of the AU was not declassified. In the 1990s, the production of isotopes for medical purposes was debugged on the basis of this station. By that time, a large scientific research institute of medical radiology had long been operating in the city, which specialized in the treatment of all types of cancer.
Construction and planning
The first office buildings and residential buildings were built by prisoners. They were guarded by a small garrison with service dogs. The houses were built in the Stalinist Empire style. Four houses were placed along the perimeter of the square, and a cozy courtyard was formed inside. Apartments in these three-four-storey houses, despite the fact that they often require repairs, are highly valued today. From one street, which was once called Tsentralny Proezd, and now has become Lenin Street, the entire city of Obninsk has grown over the 60 years of its existence. Its population exceeded one hundred thousand people, which is 11% of the number of people living in the Kaluga region. It lives in Khrushchev houses, and in modern cottages, and in high-rise buildings that grow like mushrooms.
Obninsk is planned very strangely. In the 70s and 80s, when visitors asked where the center was, it was impossible to answer, because as such it was absent. But in the XXI century, he somehow decided. This is the area of the Triumph Plaza shopping center and Aksenovskaya Square. The administration of Obninsk has traditionally been located in the "old town" since Soviet times. Obninsk is divided into microdistricts, each of which is easy to go around in half an hour by minibus or bus and survey all its streets. They smoothly transition into one another, and various monuments and busts have been placed on them.

And quite recently, a monument to the pioneers of nuclear energy was opened on Triangular Square.
What a visitor to the city can see
Sights are outside of Obninsk, such as Bird Park and Stone Park. Twenty minutes by car along the Warsaw highway with a turn at the place "Sparrows", and you can spend the whole day looking at the rare beauty of pigeons, chickens, peacocks,a smart raven who willingly poses and flirts. Two thousand birds cannot be described in just a few words. There is a lot to see in the park. It is equipped with a cafe and toilets.
Or you can come to the ethnographic park-museum "Ethnomir" and see life-size palaces of all the peoples of the world. If Ceylon or China seem too far to someone, as to an author living in Obninsk, then a person will see their best buildings in this park, which is spread over a vast territory. Here you can put on a leather glove and take a picture with a falcon. And in winter, if there is snow, ride a sled with huskies. We will talk about snow and heat in the next paragraph.
Climatic conditions
According to statistics, the average temperature here in January is 10 degrees below zero, and in July - 19 degrees Celsius. The indicator of the average annual air humidity is at the level of 76-78%.
But recently the climate has become unstable, and the weather is not happy. In recent years, Obninsk has been celebrating the New Year with green lawns lightly powdered with a thin layer of snow. Something strange happens in spring and summer too. April is warm. May is cold, June is flooded with daily cold rains. Everyone asks each other: "What did the Internet show for next week? What will the weather be like?" Obninsk is waiting for warmth in summer and snow in winter, and this is a rarity. How to explain this, no one knows. Everyone blames global warming. Or maybe this is due to the abundance of swampy soils that are typical for the Kaluga region, where Obninsk is located?
When the air finally warms up, this climate is noteven southerners endure. Hot and humid. It is good to have air conditioning in the apartment, then you can take a break from the debilitating sticky moisture that covers the whole body on the street. But people are starting to get used to it. What is important in Obninsk is completely different.
Science City
Unusual is the city of Obninsk, whose population gradually gathered from all over the Kaluga region and other regions of the country. Someone came to serve the infrastructure, someone was invited to work in numerous research institutes. There are no more than ten of them. It all started, and this is described in sufficient detail, from the base enterprise - the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering. Now he is withering. Science is poorly funded. Money is not released either for research or for raising salaries in conditions of inflation. People from science are fleeing because families need to be fed. Where to run? To trade. And so physicists, chemists, meteorologists, design engineers, specialists whom God himself ordered to develop new technologies, trade. And this is a disaster not only for Obninsk, but for the whole country.

A very strange opinion in this respect was expressed by the chairman of the city assembly in 2007: he was glad that specialists-scientists came to trade. According to the layman, this is absurd. In trade, specialists who graduated from higher trade educational institutions, for example, the Plekhanov Institute, should work. But they cannot come to science. The outflow of young specialists from scientific research institutes slows down the development of the country, and this is very bitter. Therefore, work in Obninsk was concentrated in wholesale and retail enterprises. Well, another job centerpopulation for people with higher education offers vacancies for janitors and cleaners, generalist hairdressers or security guards with a license. Such is the work in Obninsk. And everything is imposed, even though it is illegal, age and gender qualifications. Let female specialists retrain as sales assistants, cashiers, and if there are 56 years old, then there is only one way - to sweep the streets and wash the floors. Men have a slightly larger choice, but only working speci alties are offered, which are not suitable for everyone.
Obninsk index
There aren't many private people writing letters these days. But sometimes this happens, so you need to put down the Obninsk index on the envelope - 249030. The last digit may vary depending on the number of the post office to which the addressee's street belongs.
How to relax in Obninsk
There are many entertainment clubs, cafes and restaurants. They are scattered throughout the city. Usually, going into them, people leave their cars at home and order taxis, which arrive almost at lightning speed. As a rule, the call of the car ends with the words: "Come out, in 2-3 minutes you will come to …". Next is the brand of the car and its number.

The driver just needs to say the name of the cafe, and he will bring to the entrance. The most popular in the city is the Sherlock Holmes youth entertainment club. The atmosphere is full of comfort, portraits of the famous detective are hung on the walls. There is live music here on certain days. The charming singer Lily sings, she has a very feminine appearance, a pleasant strong voice, and well-placed movements. without regretforces, the girl, almost without interruption, works with full dedication. With her cheerful and lyrical songs, the evening flies by in a flash.
The second most popular club is called Loft. This modern space is made in an outrageous style that combines bohemian and underground. The club has a DJ who puts on his programs in an interesting way. Live music is offered on Saturday and Sunday. You can not only come as a couple, but also make an order for a party in advance.
He alth clubs in Obninsk
Obninsk has long been a sports city. The first settlers were fond of volleyball. There is an excellent volleyball school, its pupils take part in international competitions, and A. B. was the best. Savin, Olympic champion, pupil of the coach and head of the Youth Sports School V. V. Pitanova. But this is for kids and teens.
Adults love skiing, and if the snow falls, then many have a day off on a ski trip.
But all year round you can work out in numerous fitness clubs with experienced trainers. Oak Ridge should be number one. Works according to European standards, but the prices are quite high. The fitness club "USSR" has recently opened. It offers sports for the whole family, as there is also a children's room. In addition, there are pools for water aerobics.
Green City
There was a forest on the territory, which was gradually built up. During construction, the trees were handled very carefully, the most necessary was cut down. And now the city is filled with both old trees and newly planted ornamental shrubs.

It can be said that almost in the center there is a large forest area, which is called Gurianovsky forest. There are ski slopes. O! You can also practice skiing in the city, as there is a corresponding track that descends from a high hill to the Protva River. There is a forest area along Prospekt Mira and Aksenovskiy Forest. The city "Green Economy" works remarkably well, the staff of which is quite small. The flower beds are filled with bright summer flowers. The landscape designer is very imaginative and the flower beds are beautiful.
The last thing left: we need to tell you how to get to Obninsk. Electric trains run regularly from Moscow from the Kievsky railway station. You can get from the bus station "Teply Stan". Buses run every half hour, train - once an hour. Ticket prices are almost the same. And by personal car - along the Kyiv or Warsaw highway.
Not everything that can be said about the city is stated in the article. It is beautiful and comfortable for life, there are many secondary schools and universities, including two music and art schools, as well as sports schools. High-profile crimes do not happen, and life flows calmly.