Ancient world: at the dawn of European civilization

Ancient world: at the dawn of European civilization
Ancient world: at the dawn of European civilization

The ancient world, as it is customary to call the group of ancient states of the Mediterranean coast, laid the foundations for a future highly developed European civilization. Of course, each stage of human history is extremely valuable, but a special role, without a doubt, belongs to ancient, especially ancient Greek culture.

ancient world
ancient world

Her art, literature, science and philosophy were the starting point from which all subsequent achievements of European civilization started. The ancient world gave us magnificent samples of human genius, which permeate all facets of our life: poetry and prose, dramaturgy and sculpture, architecture and painting. A whole galaxy of brilliant names was born on the shores of the ancient Mediterranean.

Now everyone from school knows the names of Aeschylus and Sophocles, Euripides and Herodotus, Thucydides and Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. The list of geniuses that the ancient world gave us,can be continued ad infinitum. In ancient Greece, the first theater and the first European philosophical treatises arose. Ancient monuments of architecture are immortal.

Ancient Greek scientists, writers and thinkers, who initially used the achievements of Eastern civilizations, eventually greatly surpassed their teachers. It was the culture of the ancient world and its science that laid the foundations of modern knowledge. The Greek alphabet became the basis of the Slavic alphabet. Many of the names that we bear are also of either ancient Greek or ancient Roman origin. The influence of ancient culture on our daily lives is extremely strong even after millennia.

Culture of the ancient world
Culture of the ancient world

The ancient world gave a name to almost all scientific disciplines and laid down their fundamental concepts, which we now use. Grammar and arithmetic, geography and history, astronomy and medicine - all of them come from antiquity and have Greek names. Many modern European languages originated from the Latin of the ancient Romans. In Russian alone, there are many thousands of words of Greek or Roman origin.

Ancient picture of the world
Ancient picture of the world

Without current technology, our ancestors managed to raise to a fairly high level, such as astronomy, medicine and mechanics. It was in antiquity that a map of the starry sky was created. By the way, cartography also has an ancient Greek origin. The ancient picture of the world, created by entire generations, was based on daily observation of the movement of celestial bodies and their analysis.cycles.

We are separated from the heyday of ancient art and science by about three millennia, but their power and glory turned out to be eternal. Antiquity has forever remained an unsurpassed school of painters, sculptors and architects. Modern masters again and again turn to ancient images, trying to unravel the secrets of harmony hidden in these eternal creations of the human genius.

The phenomenon of the ancient world has not yet been fully unraveled. For example, Ancient Greece is a small patch of land hidden in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean basin, the entire population of which probably did not exceed three hundred thousand people. And this small world gave birth to a gigantic spiritual culture, which has not grown old and has not exhausted itself even after millennia. In this isolated little world, the density of geniuses per square kilometer and per thousand people of the population exceeded all conceivable and unimaginable norms. Isn't this the great mystery of human history?
