Zhupa is an insult or a compliment?

Zhupa is an insult or a compliment?
Zhupa is an insult or a compliment?

Zhupa is a word that should be offended. If it, of course, was pronounced in your address. But still, in 99% of cases it is used in an abstract sense, without indicating someone's person. What is this term and where did it come from in modern slang?

Where did the word "zhupa" come from?

zhupa is
zhupa is

The origin of the word "zhupa" is a movie. In Russian box office, it is called "Simple". But the original name in English is different - The Duff. It is not worth looking for this word in translators, because it was it that was transformed into the Russian analogue of “zhupa”.

The main characters of the teen comedy are three girlfriends. Two of them seem to have stepped off the covers of glossy magazines. But the third "does not reach" their level, which is visible to any naked eye. Bianca could be good on her own. But against the backdrop of her long-legged childhood girlfriends with perfect faces and hairstyles, the girl is simply lost.

what is zhupa
what is zhupa

No matter what anyone said about female friendship, everything was fine until a guy appeared. Wesley is Bianca's neighbor and classmate, the classic cute character of American teen movies. It is he who points out to the heroine that she lives in the shadow of her beautifulchildhood friends. And it is Wesley who uses the word "bug". This has a terrible effect on Bianca.

A girl analyzes her life and realizes that the handsome man is absolutely right. In a rage, the girl breaks off relations with her friends, after which she is covered with depression.

Meaning of the word "zhupa" in the movie "Simple"

meaning of the word zhupa
meaning of the word zhupa

Have you already guessed what a zhupa is? By the way, the original version of the word implies a completely different interpretation. English Duff can be translated as "something fake, low quality." But the Russian translators came up with their own version: ZhUPa is a fat, ugly girlfriend. Here is such an unpleasant decoding and nickname of the heroine of the movie "Simple".

In fact, it's no secret to anyone that in a pair of girlfriends, one is often considered more beautiful than the other. Even if the girls themselves refuse to admit it. There are even jokes on this subject: "to look better on the beach, fatten your best friend and take her with you." Perhaps it is because of the topicality of the topic that the term has gained such popularity, and the film has gained its share of popularity.

Did ZHUPa turn into a beautiful swan?

zhupa values
zhupa values

Films - they are films for that, to contain an element of fiction, which by no means can be found in real life. This happened in the "Simple".

ZHUPA Bianca is angry at everyone around, and especially at the handsome man who opened her eyes. But the girl has the character of a fighter and is not going to give up. She turns to a neighbor with a request to make candy out of her. First for profit andcuriosity, and then for completely different reasons, Wesley does not refuse her. He teaches Bianca to chat with boys on various topics, what and how to do on dates, helps her to liberate herself. And, as is often the case in such films, the characters fall in love with each other.

Perhaps the ending should still be kept a secret for those who could be inspired by the story and want to watch this very movie.

And his main moral is clear: ZHUPa is not a sentence. Moreover, you need to be able to love yourself and accept the way we are. Because all the complexes, in fact, are concentrated only in our heads.

Why is the word "zhupa" so widespread?

If you remember school as a heavenly place and a source of wonderful memories for a lifetime, you are very lucky. Most people can still remember the division of the class into groups, squabbles and intrigues. Someone was not even particularly lucky, and at one time they "tried on" the role of ZHUPA for themselves.

Surely that is why the word has gained such popularity. The film "Simple Girl" allows you not only to laugh and take time to watch, but also to think about some important issues. For example, about loving yourself.

Although the plot of the film is definitely far from real life, and many things are exaggerated, it allows us to draw quite worldly conclusions. After all, those who watch it to the end will find out that Bianchi's confusion and resentment towards her friends did not make sense. But she still got her happy-end, let someone behind her back and consider her asshole.

Although now in most casesthe word is used precisely in the sense described, “zhupa” has other meanings. For example, the southern Slavs called the administrative district that way. And the mines used to be called stupid.

So if you've heard this term, don't be in a hurry to laugh. Perhaps we are talking about quite serious things, far from teenage problems and insults.
