Diplomatic mission: concept and functions

Diplomatic mission: concept and functions
Diplomatic mission: concept and functions

In order to strengthen ties between states on the territory of foreign countries, government agencies place special representations - diplomatic missions. According to international law, their beginning, closing and even functioning are of particular importance for any normal interstate relations. That is why the situation with the closure of Russian diplomatic missions in the US and Europe is such an unprecedented step, to which the Russian authorities responded with equally harsh measures.

Historical background

Meeting of diplomats
Meeting of diplomats

Diplomatic relations between different countries are as old as the states themselves. Plenipotentiaries have long tried to establish good economic and other types of relations in order to achieve mutual benefits. That is why it is impossible to say exactly when the first diplomatic missions appeared, since this practice dates back to the time of Ancient Greece. However, in those days, neither the Greeks nor the Romans tried to develop a systematic approach to their creation, so it cannot be said that at that time there was already a developed system.

Diplomatic missions of Russia and otherscountries in their current state began to form only in the 13th century, when it was necessary to keep permanent embassies at other royal courts to resolve issues. Already in the 16th century, the rapid development of diplomatic activity was noticed. The presence of diplomatic missions became a necessity that was recognized by all states. The military method of solving problems began to fade into the background, since it was much faster and safer to achieve the desired peaceful means. The gradual expansion of influence led to the fact that the territory assigned to the diplomatic mission appeared, on which the laws of another state were in force.

Design of modern diplomatic missions

diplomatic mission
diplomatic mission

Further impetus to the development of diplomatic missions appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. It was during this period that the old model of diplomacy made the transition to a new one. This is due primarily to the advent of communication tools that have made communication much easier than it was before. It was also during this period that the main postulate was created, on which any international agreements are based - good faith, as well as respect for any person. Previously, such a dogma simply did not exist due to the colonial policy of the main countries, which did not take into account the less developed states.

After that, all the diplomacy of the 20th century can be conditionally divided into 2 stages: before the UN and after it. It is during the second period that one can notice drastic changes in international diplomacy, which moved on to solving new problems.tasks and goals. For the first time, issues such as human rights, decolonization, and many others were raised. Relations between countries were improving, the era of unarmed conflict resolution had begun. However, all this led to the current state of affairs in Russia - a vote to close diplomatic missions in the United States.


diplomatic globe
diplomatic globe

Before delving into the current state of the diplomatic arena, one should clearly understand what scientists mean by the concept of a diplomatic mission. At the moment, it is understood as a type of permanent mission operating in another country for the purpose of diplomatic relations. It is always headed by an envoy or permanent solicitor, and therefore has a slightly lower status in the hierarchy than embassies.

In the last century, diplomatic missions were opened exclusively in small countries, but now there is not much difference between them and embassies in terms of rights and privileges.


Diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation in the US, Europe and other countries have the same functions. These include:

  • representation of your state on the territory of another country;
  • protecting the interests of Russia in the host state in order to obtain mutual benefit;
  • negotiating between countries;
  • finding out the current state of affairs in the host state and reporting this to the government of your country;
  • promoting friendly relations between the two states.

Start of a diplomatic mission

Diplomatic relations
Diplomatic relations

In order for the mission to begin its existence, the first thing to do is to have a special agreement between states. After that, the head of the representative office is appointed. It is he who is the official who must represent his country in the international arena in another state on all existing issues. His status is superior to other members.

At the same time, the head of the mission, in order to carry out his activities, is obliged to obtain an agreman - a special agreement of another state for the stay of this person as the head of the mission on its territory. Upon taking office, he must also be presented with his credentials.

Closing diplomatic missions

shake hands
shake hands

There are a number of reasons why diplomatic missions may be closed. This practice has become unusually common in the last few months. These reasons typically include:

  • termination of diplomatic relations between states with or without a complete break;
  • armed conflict between countries;
  • unconstitutional change of government;
  • cessation of the existence of one of the countries.

Also, the reason for the closure may be the inability of the head of the representative office to carry out his functions. These circumstances include:

  • declaring a person an unwanted person;
  • diplomat's refusal to perform his duties;
  • recalling him back to his home country by order of the government.

Russia's relationsand USA

Diplomatic mission of the world
Diplomatic mission of the world

The "Skripal case" has recently had a very strong impact on the state of international relations. In March 2018, the authorities of the United States and other countries expelled a large number of diplomats from their states, including closing not only missions, but also one of the embassies located in Seattle. Moscow decided to react to such a move aggressively enough to show its strength. That is why an open vote began to close US diplomatic missions. In fact, the population of the country was asked to choose which of the American consulates they wish to close - in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg or Vladivostok. In total, more than 50 thousand people took part in the voting, who overwhelmingly chose the Consulate General in St. Petersburg.

However, it should be noted that in the summer of 2017, Russia has already taken aggressive steps towards the United States. In July, Putin approved the expulsion of 755 people due to the tightening of sanctions on the country. Such an act is currently considered one of the largest in such a situation, second only to the complete closure of American diplomatic missions, which occurred after the October Revolution.
