One of the important indicators of the success of a magazine, newspaper, radio station or Internet portal is the citation rating. The value is calculated as the number of published links to the material of a certain publisher or TV channel on third-party resources (social networks, blogs, forums, news and thematic sites), divided by the number of days in a month and rounded up to hundreds.
Rating news agencies
The best information service serving the media is TASS, behind the famous Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union are RIA Novosti and Interfax. The Rambler news service and the Rosb alt information-analytical agency are on the fourth and fifth positions, respectively. The media rating of this category as of September 2016 has not changed for six months.

In March 2016, the Rosb alt news agency was replaced by PRIME, which had previously been confidentlyin the fifth, then in the fourth position. For some time, the Russia Today agency managed to gain a foothold in the top five, but the triumph lasted only a couple of months.
Print Media Rating
The media rating (periodical newspapers and magazines) is expectedly headed by Kommersant and Forbes. The publications occupy a strong position and are not going to go down to the bottom lines of the rating at all. At least, this is definitely not to be expected in the near future.

The top five periodicals also include Vedomosti and Izvestiya, whose ratings are falling, and stable Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Novaya Gazeta. Among the magazines, the Russian media rating singles out The New Times, which is strengthening its positions, Star Hit, GQ Russia and the notorious men's edition Maxim.
The best newspapers have a slight lead in the citation index among themselves, while among the magazines Forbes pulls ahead by almost 600 points. Media ratings among print publications are more subject to fluctuations than lists of the best news agencies or Internet portals.
Internet media rating
Leading positions are traditionally occupied by, and From time to time, bursts into the top three, but the portal does not stay in the top lines of the rating for a long time. Also in the top five is St. Petersburg's
Rating of radio stations and TV channels
Echo of Moscow and Govorit Moskva were recognized as the most cited radio stations in September 2016. On thethe third position was taken by Radio Liberty, when as far back as in August the honorable third place was occupied by Vesti FM, and earlier by the Russian News Service. The media rating among radio stations is generally stable, however, the ongoing struggle for the third place has been going on for half a year now. The leading position then was steadily occupied by the Russian News Service, and today's leaders fought for bronze.

As far as TV channels are concerned, the struggle has been fierce. The rating of the media changes with an enviable frequency, only the Rossiya 24 TV channel, which still occupies the first line, manages to more or less consistently stay among the leaders. At the moment, "silver" and "bronze" belong respectively to Channel One and RT.