Initially, it should be mentioned that the concept of culture itself is historical and social. Initially, the word "culture" had Latin roots and denoted the cultivation of the land, later this word became associated with education, development and reverence. At its core, culture presupposes the availability of certain knowledge, skills and abilities of certain groups of society, and is constantly changing over time. The basis of such a concept as professional culture is the individual characteristics of a person associated with different types of work. The level of proficiency is determined by the presence of various kinds of qualifications. There are only two main directions: real and formal. The development of a person's professional culture develops a personal system of values in him throughout his evolution. Consideration of the structure of professional culture is possible only in general terms. A more detailed study should be exclusively in the context of a particularprofession, as well as its possible specialization.

Shortage of skilled workers
Highly qualified specialists are needed always and everywhere. Unfortunately, our lag in many areas is due to the fact that there is a real shortage of professionals. Today, this deficit is felt more and more acutely. When it comes to the professionalism of a person, first of all, it means his professional culture and ability to master various technologies.
Competence is based on technological training and a number of other components. Initially, these are such personal qualities as independence, the ability to make serious decisions, a creative approach to the entire work process, the ability to complete what has been started, the desire to learn and update one's knowledge. The ability to conduct a dialogue, sociability, cooperation and much more. Along with this, professional culture, on closer examination, is often combined with parallel cultures.
The importance of social culture for society
Social culture is quite closely related to the previous culture. Like any other, it consists of two generators: internal (real) and external (formal) parts. Real culture is the skills, knowledge and feelings that are the basis of the life of every person. These include: the development of intelligence, education, morality and professional training. Formal culture is the communicative behavior of a person in society and communication with other people. Externaland formal cultures in some cases may be completely unrelated, and sometimes even contradict each other.

Adaptation of social culture
The most important function of culture is adaptation. It provides a person with adaptation to the natural and social environment. The process of human adaptation is fundamentally different from the adaptive mechanism in the process of biological evolution. It does not adapt to changes in the environment, but adapts it to itself, organizing a new environment of its own. With the development of social culture, society organizes more and more reliability and comfort, increases labor productivity. Culture allows the personal disclosure of a person to the fullest.
Social culture is not inherited by a person biologically, but at the genetic level, he can receive some prerequisites for its development. Only as he masters social experience, knowledge, norms of behavior in society and his social role, the subject becomes a full-fledged member of society. The process of personal development allows each person to take his own position and live as prescribed by traditions and customs.

Multilevel complex of pedagogical culture
A teacher is the first example of social culture in a student's life. The advantage of arranging the professional culture of the teacher and his work is the intention to educate in the student a holistic personality, which is characterized by a sense of responsibility,independence, dynamism and activity in decision-making.
Professional education method from time immemorial promotes the harmonious development of a person, however, the specifics of educating individual qualities are most often dictated by the social status of the country and time. Such a concept as a teacher's professional culture is very often used as synonymous concepts, like pedagogical culture or teacher competence. Professional and pedagogical culture consists of three main components: axiological, technological and subjective-creative.

Axiom of Pedagogical Values
The axiological component is a set of pedagogical values that are understood and accepted by the teacher throughout his professional practice and life. The work of a teacher is always closely interconnected with constant research. Based on this, the formation of a teacher's professional culture is justified by a set of personal values and the ability to define new ones. A system of independent values has been formed in the pedagogical culture, which determine the degree of mastery and development of the teacher, depending on his understanding of these values.
Technology of pedagogical activity
The technological component is the process of regulating all pedagogical problems. In connection with the development of pedagogy, the theoretical side of the issue needs practical research that allows us to study many hypotheses and theories. Unfortunately, theoretical and practical activitydiffer significantly in processes such as training and education.
The technology of pedagogical activity must necessarily be of a systematically organized target character, which is the main basis for creating the technology itself. The structure of this technology is built on the principle of a step-by-step solution to the issues of pedagogical assessment, organization, planning and adjustment. Pedagogical technology is the implementation of ways and methods of managing the educational process in any educational institution.
The teacher is a creative person
The subjectively creative component is the teacher's personal ability to creatively implement the technologies of pedagogical development. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to rely on theory, to be in constant search for better solutions. Professional and pedagogical culture is additionally based on practical activities, to which the teacher must contribute, enriching it with new ways and techniques. The teacher's creative mental activity generates a complex combination in such mental areas as emotional, motivational, cognitive and volitional.

Professional activities of a specialist
Currently, people who work well in a certain area for a long time do not have a sufficient level of professionalism. The individual potential of such employees is aimed not at development, but at adaptation. The formation of a specialist is a multifaceted process during which a person goes through certaincrisis frontiers, after something moves to a new level or returns to the same professional tasks.

The culture of a person's professional activity is directly related to the development of integrity, morality, humanism and the ability to self-improve in labor activity. Each person must decide on a profession in order to become a true professional. The definition of "profession" means a direction in professional activity that requires specific training, and is also the basis of material well-being.