What is the name of the overflow of colors, when one shade is smoothly replaced by another? The artist will say that this is a stretch of paint. The programmer will call it a gradient. The hairdresser will claim that this is an ombre. And they will all be right, because this is the term they use in their professional fields.
A person who is far from these definitions will speak out more simply: he will call such a picture an overflow, a transition, a flow of one color into another. Often this phenomenon can be seen in the sunset sky, when the red color is gradually replaced by blue.
Photo overflow of flowers
When autumn comes, all the colors begin their marvelous carnival. How many different overflows can be seen on just one maple leaf! Gradually turning yellow forest retains green foliage on the lower branches of trees and smoothly fills the upper thin branches with gold. The trees still give a thick shadow, but the sun's rays penetrate further and further into the thicket - the forest begins to take off its bright outfit.

The transition from one color to another is noticeable not only in the leaves. Light and shadowintricately intertwined on the track, creating a pattern. Where the sun shines on the path, the colors are brighter. They are warm - yellow, red, orange. The grass in the sun seems light green. Under the trees, behind the park benches, the colors darken. They become cold - burgundy, ocher, blue. You can’t immediately find where this transformation begins and where it ends.
In the artist's studio
The painter notices the slightest changes in color and light. To convey them in watercolor technique, he stretches the paint on a white sheet of paper. A colored drop is collected on the brush and, layer by layer, is applied to the drawing. The result is an overflow of colors. There are various techniques for such color rendering: stretching the color is done in a wet way, applying the paint with a brush and allowing it to spread freely.

Or the artist decides to do a dry stretch: he puts paint on those parts of the picture that require adding color depth. Often this is done on a pre-filled background, which itself can be a smooth transition from one tone to another.
In watercolor, in fact, all the details of the picture are large or small stretches of color. This is the most difficult technique in painting: you can never know one hundred percent how the paint will behave. This determines the creative vision of the artist, who makes an episode of the picture out of a blot, a stiff puddle: he turns into a stump, a hidden animal, a shadow from a bush - as his fantasy tells.
At the barbershop
When visiting your master, ask him what fashionabletypes of hair coloring he did this season. Surely he will remember about the ombre - the overflow of hair color, which is achieved by complex dyeing using several multi-colored tubes of paint. To apply them to the hair in the intended order, a hairdressing foil is used to separate one strand from another.

Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired effect, you have to pre-wash the paint out of the hair, performing decapitation. Bleached after this procedure, the hair becomes ready to accept a new pigment. A skilled hairdresser-colorist can stretch the color from black at the roots to white at the tips.
The most common combinations of chocolate, smoothly turning into light brown and blond at the ends. Black hair looks interesting, turning into burgundy, mahogany and fiery red at the ends. Such options are in fashion in the winter of 2019.
At the nail designer
Manicurist knows everything about the overflow of flowers. He can make combinations that suit both the skin of the hands and the color of the eyes. This design is also called ombre. There are many varieties of it and several ways to do it: using a fan brush, sponge, sponge, airbrush. The materials that are used are also different: ordinary polish, gel polish, glitter, magnetic coatings.

Each season has its own fashion for certain types of design. Ombre can be done in white, which concentrates on the tips of the nails. It's a french ombre. Or sequins that thickly coverthe free edge of the nail, and completely disappear towards the cuticle. Velor options are interesting, they are especially relevant in winter. Rainbow-like streamers are popular in summer.
In graphic design
Office workers often encounter graphs and charts. They are included in reports, reports and presentations. They make such schemes using a computer program. When they want to emphasize the transition of one of the parameters to a quantitatively or qualitatively new state, they can choose a gradient. This is an overflow of colors.

The graph shows a gradual transition from green to blue. This way you can visually show the change in a certain state. For example, during the month, the production and sales of certain products grew, but the age of buyers changed. Analysts will work with this data and find out why this happened. This was probably due to an increase in the price of the product.
Some words are of foreign origin, although they are used in Russian speech. Now there is an intensive replenishment of the dictionary due to many professional terms. Whether this is good or bad, time will tell. But such terms as "ombre" and "gradient", denoting the overflow of colors, are firmly entrenched in our speech.