Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich: biography and works

Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich: biography and works
Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich: biography and works

Iosif Reichelgauz is a famous Soviet and Russian theater director. Also well known as a teacher. He has the honorary title of People's Artist of Russia, which he was awarded in 1999. He teaches at the Institute of Theater Arts. He is currently Artistic Director of the "School of Contemporary Play".


native of Odessa Reichelgauz
native of Odessa Reichelgauz

Joseph Reichelgauz was born in 1947. He was born in Odessa, where he spent his childhood.

He began his career as an electric and gas welder in 1962. He worked at a car dealership. Two years later, he decided to fulfill his old dream and enter the theater institute. He was admitted to the directing department in Kharkov. Surprisingly, the freshman was expelled after two weeks, recognizing him as unsuitable.

Iosif Reichelgauz did not despair. He began working as an artist in the theater for young spectators in Odessa. In 1966, he again entered the directing department, but this time at the Leningrad StateInstitute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography. But here, too, he fails. He is again expelled for incompetence, however, this time after a whole year.

Yosef still remains to work in Leningrad. Becomes a stage worker at the Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theatre. In 1966 he entered the Leningrad State University at the faculty of journalism. There he still manages to start constantly doing what he loves. Iosif Reichelgauz heads the student theater.

Moving to Moscow

Biography of Joseph Reichelgauz
Biography of Joseph Reichelgauz

Never graduating from the faculty of journalism, Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich left for Moscow in 1968, where he became a student at the directing department at GITIS. He studies at the creative workshop of the Soviet director Maria Knebel.

At the same time, he starts staging productions in the famous student theater of the Moscow State University in the capital. In 1970, he gets an unusual experience, having gone to lead student teams during speeches to the builders of Siberian hydroelectric power stations.

In 1971, as part of his production practice, he staged the play "And He Didn't Say a Single Word" based on the novel of the same name by Heinrich Böll at the Soviet Army Theater. But as a result, the production was not allowed on the stage. Before defending his diploma, he managed to stage only Arbuzov's play "My poor Marat" on the stage of the Odessa Drama Theater.

Work at Sovremennik

Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich
Reichelgauz Iosif Leonidovich

In 1973 Joseph Reichelgauz,whose biography is in this article, graduates from GITIS, goes to work at the Sovremennik Theater as a stage director. His first notable work was the play "Weather for Tomorrow". For him, the hero of our article received the prestigious Moscow Theater Spring award.

Also in "Sovremennik" his performances "From Lopatin's notes" based on the works of Konstantin Simonov, "And in the morning they woke up …" by Vasily Shukshin, "Ghosts" by Henrik Ibsen were successfully staged.

In 1974, director Iosif Reichelgauz began teaching acting at Oleg Tabakov's newly founded studio.

In 1975 Reichelgauz leaves Sovremennik. Together with Anatoly Vasiliev, he begins to direct the theater on Mytnaya. And two years later he goes to the Stanislavsky Theater. True, he did not work long in this cultural institution. I managed to put on "Self-Portrait" and start rehearsals for the play "Adult Daughter of a Young Man". Couldn't complete the job. Joseph was fired due to the lack of a capital residence permit.

In 1979, Reichelgauz returned to the theater named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And a year later begins cooperation with the capital's theater of miniatures. Now it is called "The Hermitage". At the same time, he actively travels around the country as a guest director. Works on premiere productions in Minsk, Lipetsk, Khabarovsk, Omsk and many other cities.

In the mid-80s he staged the play "Scenes at the Fountain"at the Taganka Theatre. After that, he returns to Sovremennik, with whom he does not part until 1989.

Own project

Joseph Reichelgauz in the theater
Joseph Reichelgauz in the theater

In 1989 Reichelgauz decides to start working on his own project. He becomes one of the founders and initiators of the "School of the modern play". At the grand opening, the premiere of the play "A Man Came to a Woman" based on the play of the same name by Semyon Zlotnikov took place. The hero of our article becomes the artistic director of this theater. Over the following years, he puts on about 20 performances.

It is interesting that in parallel he continues to work on projects in other theaters. Even abroad, for example, in the Swiss theater "Koruz", the American "La Mame", the Israeli "Habima", the Turkish "Kenter".

In the early 90s, his creative work was appreciated. Reichelgauz was first awarded the title of Honored Art Worker, and in 1999, People's Artist of Russia.

Pedagogical activity

Films by Iosif Reichelgauz
Films by Iosif Reichelgauz

It is noteworthy that all this time the hero of our article did not leave teaching. He taught students at GITIS.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he began working in the capital's theater art and technical school. And in 2003 he was entrusted with the leadership of the directing department at GITIS.

He becomes a professor in 2004.


The films of Joseph are also knownReichelgauz. As a director, he directed many films-plays. For example, "1945", "Echelon", "Picture", "Are you in a tailcoat?", "The old man left the old woman", "Seagull".

At the same time, Reichelgauz is well known as an actor. His debut on the big screen took place in 1991 in Sergei Snezhkin's social drama thriller The Defector, based on the story of the same name by Alexander Kabakov. The picture turned out to be largely prophetic, since it managed to predict the coming coup in the country. Joseph played the role of Andrei Korneev's childhood friend Leonid Rubinov.

After a long break in 2011, he returned to the screen in Georgy Gavrilov's detective "The Game". He also got roles in Igor Kholodkov's comedy "New Again!", Igor Romashchenko and Ivan Shcheglov's serial detective "Karpov", 12-episode crime film "Murka" by Anton Rosenberg and Yaroslav Mochalov.

In the last tape, he was remembered by many in the image of Rosenfeld. "Murka" is a fascinating picture of an employee of the GPU, Marusya Klimova, who receives a secret task in 1922 to infiltrate the criminal community of Odessa.
