Anapa is located in the southwest of the Krasnodar Territory, on the Black Sea coast. The distance from it to Moscow is 1,530 km, and to Krasnodar - 170 km. The climate of Anapa is mild but dry. Water temperature and weather in Anapa during most of the holiday season are comfortable for swimming.

Geographical features of Anapa
Anapa is located on the border of the steppe plains of the Taman Peninsula and the wooded ridges of the Caucasus Mountains. This is a fairly quiet resort with moderate buildings and a large sandy beach. Transport accessibility is quite high: the city can be easily reached by highway or train, and calm weather favors air travel.
The climate in Anapa is favorable. Although it is even hotter here in summer than in Sochi resorts, lower air humidity and openness to winds make the heat more pleasant, and swimming in the sea comfortable. The water temperature in Anapa is optimal for swimming. The water in the sea warms up quickly, because it is rather shallow. The sandy bottom and shallow depth have made this resort popular for families.

The Anapka River flows through the city - a typical flat river.
Climate of Anapa
Climate has a direct impact on the temperature of sea water. In Anapa, it is slightly continental, mild. Summer is hot, dry, with clear and partly cloudy weather. There are often droughts. The water temperature in the sea in Anapa during the holiday season ranges from 21 to 25 degrees. The season lasts until October.

Anapa is the sunniest of all resorts in the Krasnodar Territory. There are almost no cloudy days here in summer. They happen during the cold season and transitional seasons, but then there are almost no vacationers on the beaches.
Autumn is warmer than winter. In the first half of this season, the swimming season is open and the weather is usually partly cloudy and warm. From the second half of October in the mornings and evenings it is already quite cool. There are also more significant cold snaps associated with northern winds.
In spring, the weather is cooled by sea water that has cooled down over the winter. Therefore, the swimming season begins only at the end of May. In general, the weather in spring is stable and warm.
Anapa water temperature
The water temperature in Anapa varies by months during the year from + 6.2 degrees in February to + 24.4 degrees in August. However, global warming has been causing seawater to warm up more in summer in recent years.
The sea marks the next annual temperature change.
In January, the water temperature is in the green zone and corresponds to +7 degreesCelsius. Gradual cooling of the sea heated during the last warm season more than compensates for the gradual increase in solar radiation flux. Therefore, in February, the average temperature of sea water drops even lower - to +6.2 degrees.
However, in March, there are more sunny and relatively warm days, and the sea begins to absorb more than it gives. As a result, its average temperature rises to +7.5 degrees. In April, the number of sunny days increases, and the sun is already quite high above the horizon, the days become quite long. This leads to a further increase in water temperature, which reaches +10.7 degrees. In May, the water temperature turns into a yellow-green zone, rising to 15.3 degrees.
The water temperature in June is in the yellow zone and corresponds to +20.5 degrees. In July and August, the water temperature continues to rise, and it passes into the orange zone. Its values for these months are +23.5 and +24.4° respectively.
In September, the water begins to cool, remaining in the orange zone. The average temperature is +21.3 degrees. From October, the transition to the green zone begins. The sea cools down quickly, heating the already quite cooled continental air, and the water temperature drops to +17 degrees. In November, the value of the average temperature of the surface layer of the sea is already +12.3 degrees, and in December it is only +9°.

Beaches of Anapa
The city is bordered by a large sandy beach of an arched shape, up to 450 m wide in some places. The depth gain is very slow. At a distance of 25 m fromShore depth can be 1 meter. There are no fenced areas. In some places, the coastal shallows are covered with boulders and are not popular with vacationers.

Anapa: reviews
Reviews presented on the Otzovik website over the past 2 years show that not everyone is happy with everything. Most of all they complain about the dirty or just bad sea. Every second person who wrote a review has such complaints. Sometimes downsides are a significant number of people, heat, fraud and high prices.
The advantages most often noted are an incredible amount of entertainment, less often - the friendliness of the residents, good air, sea, climate, beach, good prices, greenery and amenities.
In general, most of the people who left a review give a good and excellent assessment of the rest in Anapa. But there are also many who rated their vacation at 3, 2, and even 1. 76% of site visitors recommend a vacation in Anapa.
Thus, Anapa is an ideal seaside resort, best suited for family vacations. Hot, but not too stuffy weather with a breeze and shallow, well-warmed by the sun, the sea is the main calling card of this resort. The water temperature in Anapa is comfortable for swimming throughout the season. At the same time, Anapa did not stay away from global warming, so some vacationers still complained about the heat and the lack of air conditioning, as well as the large number of people on the beach. Many considered the sea dirty or even infected with infections. In general, reviews about Anapa are rather contradictory. All thisspeaks of the need to more carefully monitor the ecology of the resort, and the banal garbage collection. In conditions of warming, it would be advisable to extend the holiday season, which would reduce the load on the beaches during the peak period.