How to escape the heat? We are clever at inventions

How to escape the heat? We are clever at inventions
How to escape the heat? We are clever at inventions

How to save yourself from the heat in summer, when the thermometer does not drop below +30, when the asph alt melts, and the air seems viscous and thick, like jelly? Many people feel extremely uncomfortable during the summer. Try the tips below - and the long-awaited relief will surely come.

How to escape the heat at home

• First of all, pay attention to the windows. Curtains or blinds hung on them will already reduce the temperature inside the room by 3-10 degrees. In addition, a reflective film glued to the windows or sewn to the curtains for the summer period will help. Windows should only be opened wide in the early morning and late evening. If possible, sleep with windows and a balcony open.

• You can ditch an expensive air conditioner by buying a fan and making it blow over a container of ice or frozen water. Cold air will enter the apartment. And to reduce energy losses from fan operation, say goodbye to old incandescent lamps and replace them with energy-saving ones. Which,in addition to their intended purpose, they emit 4/5 less heat than we are used to.

• Diet on hot days - fresh vegetables and fruits, cold snacks, in general, foods that do not require cooking on the stove or in the oven. You can drink hot tea or cold water (only in small sips so as not to chill your throat).

Where to escape the heat
Where to escape the heat

• It is better to take a warm shower, with water temperature above 20 degrees - then the blood will not rush to the skin to compensate for its cooling. If it becomes completely unbearable, a remedy from India will help, where they escape from the heat by wrapping a turban from a wet towel around their heads.

• 2-3 hours before bedtime, place bedding folded in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. When choosing it for the summer, by the way, give preference to light and natural fabrics. And at night, a bottle of cold water should be "on duty" near the bed for drinking and rubbing the face.

How to escape the heat at work

How to escape the heat
How to escape the heat

• Clothing - Loose, light colors, cotton or other natural fabrics. Makeup, cream, antiperspirants - to a minimum: women, take pity on your skin, it's not easy for her.

• Saviors who are always with you: a bottle of water that has lain overnight in the freezer, a handkerchief and a fan. Water, however, will have to be drunk as it thaws, in a small sip. A handkerchief is useful for wetting and wiping your face and hands.

• Try to move all the important and necessary things to the first half of the working day, while it's still not so hot. Thenit will be much more difficult for your head to think.

• To humidify the air in the working room, you can use a small spray bottle, a houseplant with large leaves, a small aquarium (you can also without fish).

• During a lunch break, as and at home, give up heavy food and coffee in favor of a vegetable salad, fruit and green tea.

How to escape the heat in the car

• The easiest way - regularly wash and polish it. A perfectly clean car perfectly reflects the scorching sun.

• Protect the interior of the car with sun shades on each glass (inside) and a reflective screen on the windshield (outside, the edges of the screen must be closed with doors).

• To allow air If the cabin is cooler, place containers of ice or frozen water (in reasonable quantities and appropriately packaged) in the back seat.

• Use coniferous essential oil, known for its refreshing effect when inhaled.

How to escape the heat in general• Walk barefoot.

How to beat the heat in summer
How to beat the heat in summer

• Quench your thirst with mineral water, water with lemon, compotes, fresh juices.

• Quench your thirst, and with benefits for the body, you can use cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits that contain a lot of water. • Do not quench your thirst with beer and other alcoholic beverages (dehydration), coffee (increased pressure on blood vessels), lemonades (large amounts of sugar increase blood pressure).

• Try not to go outside from 11 am to 5 pm, the hottest.

• Do not turn on household appliances during the day that heatair.

• Get out of the city to nature, to a natural body of water (stream, lake, river, sea, ocean).

• Lead a he althy lifestyle all year round (not only in summer) - it will help you easy to adapt to any season and any weather.
